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For this warm-up, just correct spelling and grammar. AFTER completing the GUM correction, choose the correct word to fill in the blank. (You do not need.

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Presentation on theme: "For this warm-up, just correct spelling and grammar. AFTER completing the GUM correction, choose the correct word to fill in the blank. (You do not need."— Presentation transcript:

1 For this warm-up, just correct spelling and grammar. AFTER completing the GUM correction, choose the correct word to fill in the blank. (You do not need to write down the other choices.) 17a. Although a books character might express a particular attitude. This does not necesarily correspond to the actual atmosphere of a scene. [3] 17b. For instance, just before Nora confronts Torvald in the last scene of the doll’s house, Torvald was clearly euphoric. The actual atmosphere of the scene however is ______________. [3ish] whimsical tensesolemnmelancholy 17a. Although a book’s character might express a particular attitude, this does not necessarily correspond to the actual atmosphere of a scene. 17b. For instance, just before Nora confronts Torvald in the last scene of The Doll’s House, Torvald is clearly euphoric. The actual atmosphere of the scene, however, is ______________. whimsical tensesolemnmelancholy

2 Correct GUM and then use the word bank to fill in blanks. 17c. Some questions ask about the way a non fiction selection is structure (a.k.a. organized). Possible answers include chronology (based on order of _______), spatial description (based on ________ organization), and stream of consciousness (based on the narrators __________). [3] 17d. Ocasionally, a selection is organize by an unusual technique, such as an extended _______ that the author return to throughout the entire article. [3] 17c. Some questions ask about the way a nonfiction selection is structured (a.k.a. organized). Possible answers include chronology (based on order of _______), spatial description (based on ________ organization), and stream of consciousness (based on the narrator’s __________). 17d. Occasionally, a selection is organized by an unusual technique, such as an extended __________ that the author returns to throughout the entire article. events memory metaphor physical

3 Correct GUM and then use inference to fill in blank. 17e. If a test question ask, “How does the description develope the theme of the selection?” its smart to first consider the ________ before trying to anser the question. [4] 17f. Even if your confuse about the theme, thinking about it first helps you to understand the question better. [2] 17e. If a test question asks, “How does the description develop the theme of the selection?” it is smart to first consider the ________ before trying to answer the question. 17f. Even if you are confused about the theme, thinking about it first helps you to understand the question better.

4 For this warm-up, just correct spelling and grammar (not style). To avoid unnecessary confusion, you might note that the words ominous, euphoric, atmosphere, and whimsical are already spelled correctly. 17g. A writer creates atmosphere using descriptive words, for example if a scene features grey, blue, and brown, the affect might be a melancoly, solem, or ominous atmosphere. [4] 17h. But, vibrant colors like orange green, and yellow might create a euphoric, or whimsical atmosphere.[3] 17g. A writer creates atmosphere using descriptive words. For example if a scene features grey, blue, and brown, the effect might be a melancholy, solemn, or ominous atmosphere. 17h. However, vibrant colors like orange, green, and yellow might create a euphoric or whimsical atmosphere.

5 Copy and correct grammar. 17i. The film, “the Great Gatsby,” is based on the novel written by a man by the name of F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is about a wealthy man by the name of Jay Gatsby, who is in love with the women Daisy Buchanan. [3] 17j. Syncopation, which is when the emphasis comes on an off beat. Is an affective poetic device. Langston Hughes’ poems feature syncopation, and imagry as well. [5] 17i. The film The Great Gatsby is based on the novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald; it is about a wealthy man by the name of Jay Gatsby, who is in love with the woman Daisy Buchanan. 17j. Syncopation, which is when the emphasis comes on an off beat, is an effective poetic device. Langston Hughes’s poems feature syncopation and imagery as well.

6 What is similar about Nora and the woman in this film clip? What is different? Think about these areas: -actions toward her children -motivation for actions -ability to deal with society -freedom to make her own decisions -feelings between herself and her husband/ ex-husband -feelings toward her children after leaving


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