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ICT subject leader meeting 6 Update on KS3 controlled tasks Review of the national curriculum Key stage 4 – the national and local picture Progression.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT subject leader meeting 6 Update on KS3 controlled tasks Review of the national curriculum Key stage 4 – the national and local picture Progression."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT subject leader meeting 6 Update on KS3 controlled tasks Review of the national curriculum Key stage 4 – the national and local picture Progression from year 7 to year 11

2 Slide number 2 Administration of new 14 to 19 qualifications contents 1 links 234 Slide number 2 KS3 ICT onscreen test – provisional status update for local authority strategy consultants. contents 1 links 234 KS3 ICT onscreen test. A status update. Provisional information. February 2007

3 Slide number 3 Administration of new 14 to 19 qualifications contents 1 links 234 Slide number 3 KS3 ICT onscreen test – provisional status update for local authority strategy consultants. contents 1 links 234 Recent decisions and the status of the test. The QCA Board recommended that the test be made non-statutory and be adapted instead as an aid to teacher assessment. –This is in line with new policy on testing “when ready”. “Making Good Progress” consultation paper, 8 th Jan 2007. Gilbert report, “2020 vision”. –And in line with a greater emphasis on teacher assessment. –Furthermore it was felt that the test would put an additional burden on schools at a time when many other reforms will compete for attention and resources. This is not a test that’s going away, but a test that’s changing.

4 Slide number 4 Administration of new 14 to 19 qualifications contents 1 links 234 Slide number 4 KS3 ICT onscreen test – provisional status update for local authority strategy consultants. contents 1 links 234 Vision for Autumn 2007 onwards. Bank of tasks that can be used at any time and as many times as required and/or when the teacher believes the pupils are ready. Tasks mapped against the programme of study and with a level based focus. Tasks of say 20/25 minutes; to fit within lessons. Immediate formative reporting indicating suitable next steps. Same delivery infrastructure ie CPS, APS, DPS.


6 Current level description Pupils select the information they need for different purposes, check its accuracy and organise it in a form suitable for processing. They use ICT to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences. They exchange information and ideas with others in a variety of ways, including using e-mail. They create sequences of instructions to control events, and understand the need to be precise when framing and sequencing instructions. They understand how ICT devices with sensors can be used to monitor and measure external events. They explore the effects of changing the variables in an ICT-based model. They discuss their knowledge and experience of using ICT and their observations of its use outside school. They assess the use of ICT in their work and are able to reflect critically in order to make improvements in subsequent work. Modified level description Pupils combine ICT tools within the overall structure of an ICT solution. They select the information they need for different purposes, check its accuracy and organise it in a form suitable for processing. They use ICT to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences. They exchange information and ideas with others in a variety of ways, including using digital communications. They create sequences of instructions to control events, and understand the need to be precise when framing and sequencing instructions. They explore the effects of changing the variables in an ICT-based model. They organise folders logically and appropriately, naming and storing files within them. They use ICT in a safe and effective manner. They discuss their knowledge and experience of using ICT and their observations of its use outside school. They assess the use of ICT in their work and are able to reflect critically in order to make improvements in subsequent work. They use appropriate evaluation criteria to critically evaluate the fitness for purpose of their work as it progresses.

7 Moving ICT forward: effective intervention

8 From year 7 to year 11 Statutory KS3/KS4 programmes of study Individual pupils making good rates of progress What happens at key stage 3 effects the standards at KS4

9 A/A* A/B Level 7B/C L6 & L7C/D Level 6C L5 & L6D Level 5D L4 & L5E Level 4 L3 & L4 Level 3 Below 3 Year 6 E&MYear 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11 Level 1 qualification or entry level Level 2 qualification Insufficient progress at KS3

10 A/A* A/B Level 7B/C L6 & L7C/D Level 6C L5 & L6D Level 5D L4 & L5E Level 4 L3 & L4 Level 3 Below 3 Year 6 E&MYear 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11 Level 1 qualification or entry level Level 2 qualification Making progress from year 7 to year 11

11 © Crown copyright 2007 Intervention defined as Action planned to improve the progress of targeted pupils who have been identified as falling behind the expected level of attainment, and who are at risk of not fulfilling their potential. Intervention implies that these pupils will receive some additional or different provision at certain times, but effective intervention also requires that the needs of these pupils are taken account of in all their teaching.

12 Identify pupils Assess learning needs Set curricular targets Tailored teaching in main lessons Additional or alternative provision Assess progress against targets Process

13 © Crown copyright 2007 Waves of intervention model Wave 3 Additional highly personalised interventions Wave 2 Additional interventions to enable children to work at age- related expectations or above Wave 1 Inclusive quality first teaching for all H2-H3

14 © Crown copyright 2007 Roles and responsibilities Analyse and interpret data on pupils’ attainment in the subject Review with teachers their assessments of progress for classes, identified groups and individuals Sample pupils’ work Discuss work, progress and attitudes with samples of pupils Construct and monitor strategies to gather the views of other stakeholders Identify and provide for staff training and development needs

15 © Crown copyright 2007 Quality feedback Feedback to any pupil should be about the particular qualities of his or her work, with advice on what he or she can do to improve, and should avoid comparisons with other pupils. Feedback has been shown to improve learning where it gives each pupil specific guidance on strengths and weaknesses, preferably without any overall marks. Inside the black box, Black and Wiliam (1998) © nferNelson H8

16 7.4 Assessment methods ModellingAssessment method Football league question sheet completed using the football league model you created. 7.4P2b Class discussion of the answers with pupils adding /amending Biscuit question sheet.doc completed using the biscuit model you were given. 7.4P2d Class discussion of the answers with pupils adding /amending Biscuit model printed and annottated. Your teacher will have given you a list of questions you need to answer in your annotation. 7.4T2c Teachers writes comment on pupils work A print out of your disco model showing your formulas after you added the cost of drinks. Teachers writes comment on pupils work A print out of your final version of the disco model.Record a working level in mark book. Check if they are on target A report to the head teacher that should include a table/s to show and compare the costs for each of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Your conclusion should indicates the day you would recommend to hold the disco, based on the your findings from the model. Record a final level in mark book. H6

17 © Crown copyright 2007 Factors to consider Pupil expectation Teacher expectation Shared learning objectives Shared learning outcomes Ideas of progression Recognition of pupil misconceptions and challenges

18 © Crown copyright 2007 The key areas to consider when undertaking pupil feedback (pupil voice) Initial decisions need to be made relating to: the issue to be explored the information required the hypothesis which can be proved/disproved by pupil feedback What questions should be asked? How should the information be gathered? H10-H12

19 Where are your monitoring points in each year? Agreed points during all units of work when written feedback is given to all pupils? Do all pupils receive some oral feedback? Management of the system Teacher workload

20 Hampshire ICT conference 20 June DiDA new starters 25 April – Parkway ICT Mark Learning platform site Moodle address:

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