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New Psychoactive Substances: an overview of the evidence Isla Wallace, Social Researcher Drugs Research Team

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Presentation on theme: "New Psychoactive Substances: an overview of the evidence Isla Wallace, Social Researcher Drugs Research Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Psychoactive Substances: an overview of the evidence Isla Wallace, Social Researcher Drugs Research Team

2 Overview Identifying NPS Prevalence of NPS use Access to NPS Harms

3 Identifying NPS

4 Source: EMCDDA, 2015

5 Number of EU member states where substances reported to the EMCDDA have been detected (2013) Source: EMCDDA Early Warning System, cited in Home Office, 2014

6 Prevalence of NPS use in Scotland

7 Per cent of adults aged 16 or over who reported having used illicit drugs in the last year (2012/13) Source: Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, 2014 Category of drug used

8 Reported NPS use among 15 and 13 year olds 4% of 15 year olds reported using a new psychoactive substance at least once in their lifetime Less than 1% of 13 year olds reported using a new psychoactive substance at least once in their lifetime Source: SALSUS, 2014

9 But what about… Vulnerable young people? Men who have sex with men? Injecting drug users? Homeless adults?Clubbers?

10 Access to NPS

11 Harms of NPS use

12 Number of deaths Source: NRS, 2014

13 Evidence Gaps Prevalence and motivations for NPS use amongst vulnerable groups The extent of online purchasing of NPS Acute and long-term health harms

14 Challenges in strengthening the evidence base Changing market  gaps in reporting Multitude of NPS products  users may be unaware what they have taken Different definitions of NPS  affects estimates of the scale of the problem

15 Next steps Capitalising on existing data Further research on use, motivations and harms among vulnerable groups NPS Evidence Group Improving routine data collection and sharing on NPS

16 References EMCDDA (2015) New Psychoactive Substances in Europe: an update from the EU Early Warning System, available at: Home Office (2014) New Psychoactive Substances in England: A review of the evidence, available at: 8587/NPSevidenceReview.pdf 8587/NPSevidenceReview.pdf Robertson, Laura and Bates, Ellie (2014) The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: Drug Use, Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research: University of Glasgow, Scottish Government Social Research, available at: survey survey NHS National Services Scotland (2014) Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey (SALSUS): Drug Use Report, available at: 25/SALSUS_2013_Drugs_Report.pdf 25/SALSUS_2013_Drugs_Report.pdf

17 References continued National Records of Scotland, (2014) Drug-Related Deaths in Scotland in 2013 theme/vital-events/deaths/drug-related-deaths-in-scotland/2013 theme/vital-events/deaths/drug-related-deaths-in-scotland/2013 Other useful sources Gillies, Allan (2015) Mapping Current and Potential Sources of Routine Data Capture on NPS in Scotland, Scottish Government, available at: Gillies, Allan (2015) Closing Evidence Gaps on the Prevalence and Harms of New Psychoactive Substances in Scotland, Scottish Government, available at: Scottish Government (2014a) New Psychoactive Substances – Evidence Review, available at:

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