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DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB I.Overview of the call for proposals II.Type of actors III.Submission.

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Presentation on theme: "DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB I.Overview of the call for proposals II.Type of actors III.Submission."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB I.Overview of the call for proposals II.Type of actors III.Submission of the Concept Notes IV.Evaluation of the Concept Notes V.Submission of the Full Proposal VI.Budget and eligibility costs VII.Evaluation of the proposals VIII.PROSPECT

2 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB I - Overview of the call for proposals : Restricted call with two phases : Phase 1 - Concept note : Tuesday 12/04/2016 at 06:00 PM via Prospect (Annex A1) Phase 2 - Full proposal : To be decided later for selected applicants Total Indicative amount : EUR 700,000 Amount of the EU grant = EUR 500,000 60% <= % EU contribution <= 90% The remaining % shall be financed by either the lead applicant himself, co- applicant (s) or other sources of funding 24 months <=Duration of the grant contract<= 30 months

3 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB I - Overview of the call for proposals : Proposals presented by applicants within this call must include the following two (2) priorities: - Capacity-building in reduction of drug demand and supply: health awareness, preventive education, empowering youth job creation, coordination mechanisms, CSR, professional training on drug treatment and preventions, law enforcement …etc - Drug prevention, treatment, care and provision of healthy lifestyle among drug users: built on existing initiatives (Ministries concerned, established national structures..etc), prevention, treatment, rehabilitation programmes, training, etc…., access to beyond the geographical zone of greater Beirut

4 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB I - Overview of the call for proposals : Global Objectives To promote youth development goals as set in the Youth Policy in Lebanon Specific Objectives To facilitate the cooperation of national agencies, competent authorities and CSOs in charge of drugs problem in Lebanon as well as to strengthen their capacities and encourage the process of elaborating a national drug strategy. To enhance and improve drug prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services to reduce drug use among youth in Lebanon

5 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB Lead Applicant /Coordinator Beneficiary Affiliated entities Not beneficiary Affiliated entities Not beneficiary Affiliated entities Not beneficiary Co-applicant … Beneficiary Co-applicant … Beneficiary The contract is signed by all beneficiaries II – Type of actors The three types of actors must satisfy eligibility criteria Associates Contractors Sub-grantees

6 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB

7 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB II – Type of actors Co-Applicant(s) is (are) Mandatory Eligibility: Same criteria as lead applicant Co-applicant participates in designing and implementing the action in cooperation with the lead applicant and all related costs may be eligible For non-Lebanese Lead Applicant, at least one co-applicant should be Lebanese

8 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB II – Type of actors Affiliated Entities Legal entities having a legal link with the lead applicant or the co- applicant can be considered as affiliated entities, example: an international NGO with HQ in Europe and the country office in Lebanon Participate in designing and implementing the action, all related costs may be eligible

9 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB II – Type of actors Associates:  No Eligibility criteria  Their costs not eligible except for per diem and travel costs Contractors:  Procurement rules Annex IV of the contract

10 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB II – Type of actors Third party (sub-grantees):  Third parties with the same applicants eligibility criteria.  Maximum amount 60.000 € per third party  The following must be defined clearly in the proposal : Objectives of financial support Types of activities Selection criteria for entities Criteria for amount Type of entities Maximum amount

11 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB III – Submission of the Concept Notes Registration in PADOR for all applicants for grants Concept note Annex A.1 to the guidelines upload in Prospect  Max 3 pages in English to be included in part 1 of the Concept note to upload in Prospect  The following data to encode online in Prospect:  Lead applicant PADOR number  Estimated amount in EUR  Indicative percentage of EU contribution  Duration of the action  Co-applicants and affiliated entities signed by the lead applicant and uploaded in Prospect  Declaration signed by the lead applicant and uploaded in Prospect Deadline: Tuesday 12/04/2016 at 06:00 Questions by email until 22/03/2016

12 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB IV - Evaluation of the CONCEPT NOTES 1.Administrative Checks Deadline respected Concept notes + signed declaration duly uploaded in Prospect 2.Evaluation of CN Assessment of the relevance of the action Assessment of the design of the action Only CN with a score of at least 30/50 within the available budget will be invited to send a full proposal

13 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB V – Submission of the Full Proposal Full application form (ANNEX A.2 of the guidelines) - Description of the action - Detailed Budget - Logical Framework - Declaration by the applicant - Annex A2 – Section 4.1 - For each co-applicant (s) : “Mandate statement” signed - Annex A.2., section 4.2 ) - In case of affiliated entities: “Affiliated entity(ies) statement” signed - Annex A.2., section 4.3 Only if requested by the EU delegation via prospect and/or email

14 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB Budget VI – Budget and eligibility costs Has to respect the format provided in the call for proposals Subheadings may be created but no new headings Must be submitted in Euros

15 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB eligibility costs VI – Budget and eligibility costs Incurred during the implementation of the action Must be indicated in the budget of the action Must be necessary for the implementation of the action Must be identifiable and verifiable Types of eligible costs Cost of staff assigned to the Action Travel and subsistence costs Purchase or rental costs for equipment and supplies Costs of consumables Costs of contractors

16 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB eligibility costs VI – Budget and eligibility costs Types of eligible costs Contingencies : max 5% of the direct costs only with prior written authorization from the EU delegation Indirect costs (administrative costs): max 7% of direct costs

17 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB eligibility costs VI – Budget and eligibility costs Types of ineligible costs ХDebts and debt service charges (interest) ХCosts declared by the beneficiary and financed by another action or work programme ХPurchases of land or buildings, except where necessary for the direct implementation of the action, in which case ownership must be transferred to the final beneficiaries and/or local partners, at the latest by the end of the action ХCurrency exchange losses ХCredit to third parties ХContribution in kind

18 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB VII – Evaluation of the proposal 1.Administrative checks: Within deadline All documents respect the templates, are signed and enclosed 2.Evaluation of the proposal Action Different types of actors Budget 3.Eligibility Requesting some documents if not uploaded in PADOR

19 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB VIII– PROSPECT HOW TO SUBMIT THE APPLICATIONS PROSPECT is an electronic system newly created to facilitate the on-line submission of applications for call for proposals. Proposals are submitted only via Prospect. No paper documents are accepted. PROSPECT is available on the following link: Europeaid website on the following link: services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome VIII– PROSPECT HOW TO SUBMIT THE APPLICATIONS PROSPECT is an electronic system newly created to facilitate the on-line submission of applications for call for proposals. Proposals are submitted only via Prospect. No paper documents are accepted. PROSPECT is available on the following link: Europeaid website on the following link: services/index.cfm?do=publi.welcome

20 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB VIII– PROSPECT

21 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB VIII– PROSPECT

22 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB VIII– PROSPECT

23 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB VIII– PROSPECT

24 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB VIII– PROSPECT

25 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB VIII– PROSPECT

26 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB VIII– PROSPECT Manual for applicants available on the following link: Questions related to PROSPECT VIII– PROSPECT Manual for applicants available on the following link: Questions related to PROSPECT

27 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB Indicative timetable Deadline for request for clarifications from CA is : 22/03/2016 Last date on which clarifications (including the questions raised during this information session) are issued is : 01/04/2016 Deadline for submission of concept notes is : 12/04/2016

28 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB Before you start filling in the Grant Application Form, please verify: that you are registered in PADOR that you have downloaded the correct Grant Application Form set for this call for proposals that you have read carefully the Guidelines of Applicants as well as all annexes You have a clear understanding of the proposal's objectives, added values, eligible and non-eligible type of actions Make sure proposal is compliant with the priorities of the call HINTS

29 DRUG PREVENTION 4 YOUTH IN LEBANON Call for Proposals reference: EuropeAid/151-173/DD/ACT/LB The activities proposed are coherent with the problems raised in the application. Target groups and beneficiaries of these activities are well defined Attention to be given to synergy with other EU initiatives and avoidance duplication Before drafting have a look at the Evaluation grid to see the relative importance of each information requested. Make sure you provide a realistic and cost effective budget Financial support is an added value (see point 1.2) Examples of activities listed in the Guidelines are indicative only (point 2.1.4) Do not wait till the last minute to submit your application HINTS

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