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THIS IS With Host... Your Mrs. Fernandez and Mrs. Savage.

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4 With Host... Your Mrs. Fernandez and Mrs. Savage

5 100 200 300 400 500 VocabularyMesopota mia EgyptGreeceMiscell. Grab Bag: Animals

6 A series of rulers from the same family A 100

7 What is a dynasty? A 100

8 An early form of paper on which Egyptians wrote A 200

9 What is papyrus? A 200

10 Area of land almost entirely surrounded by water. A 300

11 What is a peninsula? A 300

12 A plain at the mouth of a river, shaped like an upside-down triangle A 400

13 What is a delta? A 400

14 A 500 A large waterfall or steep rapids

15 What is a cataract? A 500

16 Hammurabi, a Babylonian, developed the first version of this, which we still use today. B 100

17 What are written laws? B 100

18 This civilization developed the first phonetic alphabet. B 200

19 Who are the Phoenicians? B 200

20 Abraham was a man who was a part of WHICH civilization, that developed WHICH religious concept? B 300

21 Who are the Israelites, and monotheism? B 300

22 These two rivers allowed civilizations to thrive in the Fertile Crescent. B 400

23 What are the Tigris and Euphrates? B 400

24 This civilization was responsible for the wheel and axle, cuneiform, and schools (yuck!!). B 500

25 Who are the Sumerians? B 500

26 Menes united which two regions? C 100

27 What are Upper and Lower Egypt? C 100

28 Egyptians believed this was the land of the dead. C 200

29 What is the West? C 200

30 This social class had to shave their heads and bathe frequently in order to be ‘pure’. C 300

31 What are priests? C 300


33 Peasants performed these two jobs depending on the seasons. C 400

34 What are: farming and building/construction. C 400

35 This pharaoh, who took power from her son, was one of the most well-known female pharaohs of Egypt. C 500

36 Who is Hatshepsut? C 500

37 The capital of Greece. D 100

38 What is Athens? D 100

39 These early islanders influenced Greek civilization, as their culture was brought to the mainland when Mycenae took them over. D 200

40 Who are the Minoans? D 200

41 Because of Greece’s geography, each cite-state was ______________ from the others. D 300

42 What is isolated or independent? D 300

43 These two crops grow well in Greece’s climate. D 400

44 What are grapes and olives? D 400

45 How the geography of Greece influenced the Greek culture. D 500

46 Answers will vary. (Up to teacher to decide if correct) D 500

47 The name of the Sumerian writing. E 100

48 What is cuneiform? E 100

49 He was the author of The Odyssey. E 200

50 Who is Homer? E 200

51 In the Dark Ages of Greece, these two practices stopped entirely. E 300

52 What are writing and trading? E 300

53 The instrument of war the Assyrians invented. E 400

54 What is the battering ram? E 400

55 In both Sumer and Athens, only these people could attend school. E 500

56 What are boys? E 500

57 This type of bear has a blue tongue. F 100

58 What is a black bear? F 100

59 A ‘jenny’ is a female version of this “hoofy” animal. F 200

60 What is a donkey? F 200

61 This pinkish animal can be sunburned. F 300

62 What is a pig? F 300

63 This rodent can go longer than a camel without water. F 400

64 What is a rat? F 400

65 During World War II, the Allies tried to train this nocturnal flying animal to drop bombs. F 500

66 What are bats? F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Mesopotamia Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 How did the Phoenicians get purple dye from snails. Click on screen to continue

69 Answer: Snails would sneeze it out when squeezed/crushed (aww)!! Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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