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Presentation on theme: "APPLICATION SOFTWARE: BEGINNING TO MS- OFFICE CHAPTER 10."— Presentation transcript:


2 Types of software All software can be divided into two broad categories: system software, and Application software. System software controls the hardware and maintain the system, providing platform for application software to run. Example : 1. OS is a system software that runs the computer. 2. Kernel that allocate time resources to all processing request. 3. Device drivers: BIOS, Firmware which is factory installed in ROM, that can not be deleted. 4. User Interface: icon based such as windows 95, command line such as UNIX, DOS, apps based touch screen input such as Windows 8,or browser based OS such Chrome or Fire fox OS System software can be divided into two broad categories: OS and utilities:

3 System software The main distinction between system software and non system software is that you cannot delete system software without compromising the system. Utilities: does maintenance, routine work to manage, optimize, configure, and maintain the computer. e.g.: 1. Anti-virus, backup software, clipboard, data compression technologies, debuggers, disk checkers to scan the hard disk, disk cleaners to delete unnecessary and temporary files,

4 utilities disk compression to compress hard disk files to save space and defragmenter when files are scattered all over the sectors of the hard disk, they are place in adjacent sectors rather than non-contagious sectors. Disk partitions: divides hard disks into drives Disk space analyzers: analyses each folder by name and space, File Managers: creating, deleting, renaming files. screensavers

5 Application software Application software: also called end-user programs used to execute particular function such as write a word processing file on a word processor, browse the internet on a internet browser, watching a movie on a media player. examples: database programs, spreadsheet programs, email, instant messenger, VOIP call Skype, word processing programs, web browser, presentation programs, accounting software, media player, photo/ graphics software, games, ERP or CRM software, CAD/CAM software, music, video, graphics or image editing software, Standalone Programs: a program that performs only one kind of task. Software that is not part of a bundle of products. In earlier days, standalone programs meant programs that came in a diskette where it ran as the sole program running in the computer where storage capacity is very small. Such programs were portable software that did not require any installation, often written in assembly language rather than high level language

6 Shareware/ freeware: Shareware is a type of software where author of the software encourage users to share it with other users. Shareware can be free or may not be free. It may ask for registration at the beginning, then a trial period, and payment at the end of trial period. Freeware is distributed free such as Linux can be downloaded free of cost. Public Domain Software: Share ware and freeware have definite owner who owns the license to the product. The license holder or owner may choose to ask for charge or may give it away free. Whereas public domain software has no owner just like public domain literature. For example literature written before 1922 has no copyright protection.

7 MS-WORD Formatting: 3 main types of formatting: 1. character formatting: font name courier, verdana, arial, Times New Roman, font size, font size of 1 indicate= 1/72 nd of an inch, type style such bold, italic, underline. Paragraph Formatting: line spacing, paragraph spacing, indents, alignment, namely left alignment, right, justify and center alignment, tabs, bordering shading, and bullets and numbering. Document formatting: size of the page, orientation portrait or landscape, headers and footers


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