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Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office S.T.A.R.S. Summer Camp Self Discipline Teamwork Attitude Respect Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office S.T.A.R.S. Summer Camp Self Discipline Teamwork Attitude Respect Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office S.T.A.R.S. Summer Camp Self Discipline Teamwork Attitude Respect Service

2 Goal Provide education on public & personal safety issues Enhance character traits Build team concepts Convey age appropriate topics concerning law enforcement Present officers in a positive role Ability to mentor children in a non-traditional school setting Camp participants would be middle school aged children because they are primarily the ones left alone during this time of year

3 Benefits of Having A Summer Camp Allow students to have positive interaction with officers Encourage children to engage in something constructive during the summer Provide useful information and safety tips that our young people may not receive Provides an opportunity for the department to build relationships within the community

4 Personnel Used Primary Instructors SROs Carl Olson & Rob Evans Assistant Instructors Additional SROs as needed A maximum of 40 participants with an overall instructor/student ratio of 1:5

5 Facilities To Be Used North Central High School Continues Learning Center School Lugoff-Elgin Middle School

6 Partners Local business community Kershaw County School District United Way DNR ALPHA Center SCHP Local Fire Departments DJJ Other agencies

7 Potential Approximate Costs T-Shirts and bags -- $12 Printed Materials -- $5 Snacks -- $5 per day (could get with a local snack company rep. to give us the snacks for free. We would still need drinks for each snack session). $30 would be a fair price for the camp. Most summer camps in Kershaw County are in the $25 to $40 range. A few are a little more.

8 Camp Agenda The summer camp will be Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We will be hosting the camps July 11 th through the 29 th. We feel July is the best month, because most other summer camps in the county have already been completed. This is also, typically a time that a lot of youth get extremely bored and can turn to very risky activities. This camp will allow the youth to have a positive outlet.

9 Camp Agenda Character building will be included into daily activities. This would be done by having a character word of the day along with short videos on positive character traits that would be viewed after coming in from breaks throughout the day. This would reinforce what is being taught during the camp.

10 Community Service Project Canned Food Drive We would encourage canned food items to be brought in by campers. Publicity would be generated through the local media and social networking sites encouraging the public to participate as well. This would help replenish the various food pantries in the area during a time that is typically low for donations.

11 Daily Activities Monday 8:00 – 8:30 Registration 8:30 – 9:00 Intro 9:00 – 10:00 Character Traits 10:00 – 10:15 Snack 10:15 - 11:15 Team building obstacle course (to help build relationships) 11:15 to Noon Lunch Noon – 5:00 DNR – hunting & boating safety. Time at the end to allow campers to view their various equipment. 5:00 Pick up

12 Daily Activities Tuesday 8:00 – 9:00 Internet Safety 9:00 - 9:15 Break 9:15 - 10:15 Bullying & Cyber Bullying 10:15 - 11:30 KCSO Investigator to discuss to how they process crime scenes, evidence handling & case preparation 11:30 – 12:15 Lunch 12:15 – 2:15 Crime Scene/scavenger hunt (would be used to implement crime scene techniques learned earlier in the day and also to help build teamwork and trust) 2:15 – 2:30 Break 2:30 – 3:30 Goal Setting 3:30 – 5:00 KCSO Drug Dog demonstration & Tracking Team 5:00 Pick up

13 Daily Activities Wednesday 8:00 – 9:00 South Carolina Bar Laws For Kids ( 9:00 – 9:10 Break 9:15 – 10:15– DJJ – explain their agency & consequences of actions of youth 10:15 – 11:15 – Dateline NBC episode concerning bullying 11:15 – Noon – Lunch Noon – 1:00 Dodge Ball 1:00 – 2:00 Motivational guest speaker 2:00 – 2:15 Break 2:15 – 5:00 Fire Dept. (include how to use a fire extinguisher & how to put out a kitchen fire). Time would also be allowed for FD to show off their equipment and splash time 5:00 Pick up

14 Daily Activities Thursday 8:00 – 9:30 EMS – basic first aid including cuts & securing broken bones. Allow campers to view EMS truck 9:30 – 9:45 Break 9:45 – 10:45 South Carolina Highway Patrol – occupant restraints, traffic safety & rollover simulator 10:45 – Noon – Videos relating to highway safety and DUI Noon – 12:45 Lunch 12:45 – 2:45 Team building activities (tug of war, blind basketball, etc.) 2:45 – 3:00 Break 3:00 – 5:00 Jeff Cooper discusses his class at ATEC & displays some of his equipment 5:00 Pick Up

15 Daily Activities Friday 8:00 – 8:30 – United Way representative discusses various ways to volunteer within the community 8:30 –9:45 ALPA Center – Youth Court (30 minutes), Substance Abuse (30 minutes) 15 minute Break will be included in this section 9:45 – 10:45 Gangs overview with Inv. Wayne Nesbitt 10:45 – Noon – Free time (Whiffle Ball, indoor kickball or like activities) Noon - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 – 1:45 Representative from Solicitor’s Office 1:45 – 2:15 Videos - funny law enforcement outtakes, Taser video from Time Warp, COPS, Blue Tube 2:15 – 3:15 Create public service video on camp related topic 3:15 – 3:30 Break 3:30 – 4:00 Practice Graduation 4:00 – 5:00 SCCJA Type Graduation Ceremony -- Includes a guest speaker, pictures, presentation of certificates and camper pick up.

16 There is no better investment than our children. Through a partnership with the community we have an opportunity to reach our children and make a positive impact in their lives. We Make The Difference

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