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LIDO Demonstration Mission (LIDO-DM) “LIstening to the Deep Ocean” The DM objectives are: geo-hazard and bio-acoustics LIDO-DM will operate a first nucleus.

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Presentation on theme: "LIDO Demonstration Mission (LIDO-DM) “LIstening to the Deep Ocean” The DM objectives are: geo-hazard and bio-acoustics LIDO-DM will operate a first nucleus."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIDO Demonstration Mission (LIDO-DM) “LIstening to the Deep Ocean” The DM objectives are: geo-hazard and bio-acoustics LIDO-DM will operate a first nucleus of seafloor observatory network at Mediterranean scale in two ESONET/EMSO sites by aligning to the same performances GEOSTAR observatory (Iberian Margin, Gulf of Cadiz) and NEMO-SN1 cabled observatory (Eastern Sicily, Western Ionian Sea) The network will perform an experiment of:  tsunami signal detection (early warning system prototype)  mammals tracking

2 5-7 Oct. 2009All Regions Workshop #2 GEOSTAR (Iberian Margin) is acoustically and satellite linked to shore: only relevant data and event notification available in almost real time, all data at the recovery of the station NEMO-SN1 (Eastern Sicily) is cabled: all data available in real time at the shore station GEOSTAR (acoustic+satellite link) & NEMO-SN1 (cabled) main features/functions Both observatory will perform real-time analysis at seafloor of water pressure and seismic data with a tsunami early warning system prototype (already tested during NEAREST EC project 2007/2008 mission)

3 EMSO Iberian Margin site Acoustically linked observatory NEAREST EC Project (2006-2010) Integrated observation from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system GEOSTAR Gulf of Cadiz 85 km off-shore 3200 m w.d. Portugal N-E Atlantic (http:// APG (raw data) SISM ACC M L =4.7 P arrival SISM ACC M L =4.7 Gulf of Cadiz (Jan. 11, 2008)

4 LIDO-DM Iberian Margin set-up

5 LIDO-DM Iberian Margin payload sensorsampl. ratemodel Triaxial broadband seismometer * 100 HzGuralp CMG-40 Triaxial accelerometer100 HzGuralp CMG5-T Hydrophone100 HzOAS E-2PD Absolute Pressure Gauge *15 sParoscientific 8CB4000-1 Accelerometer + Gyros *100 HzGladiator Techn. Landmark 10 Gravity meter1 HzIFSI (INAF) Prototype #2 CTD + Transmissometer1 smp/hourSeaBird SBE 16 plus Wet Labs ECO-BBRTD 6000m ADCP1 profile/hourRDI Workhorse 300 Khz 3-D single-point currentmeter 5 HzNobska MAVS-3 (*) tsunami early warning system

6 5-7 Oct. 2009All Regions Workshop #2 LIDO-DM Iberian Margin: Communications and data distribution Acoustic link Main station (INGV-Roma) Service station (backUp) Buoy Satellite link LAN - Internet link data distribution (mailboxes, web server)

7 The GEOSTAR observatory and the surface relay buoy was deployed by R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa in November 10 off Algarve in the same location of the 2007-2008 NEAREST experiment at 3200 m w.d. (area B) LIDO-DM Iberian Margin cruise



10 e-mail messages

11 NEAREST GEOSTAR Periodic Data Messages time seismometer

12 ARGOS beacon GPS antenna Globalstar antenna Safety light

13 GEOSTAR Deployment:11 November 2009 Periodic messages sent every 6 hours until 24 Dec Argos beacon localization from deployment until 24 Dec 25 Dec 2009: loss of any communication from the buoy

14 Picture taken by a plane on Dec 31, 2009

15 Picture taken by Portuguese Navy on Jan 10, 2010 The whole upper part of the buoy is lost (Satellite & GPS antennas, ARGOS beacon, safety light, meteo station)

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