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Code of Conduct in Education and its Best PracticesBy Bro. Bancha Saenghiran To Faculty & Staff Members Stamford International University May 25, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Code of Conduct in Education and its Best PracticesBy Bro. Bancha Saenghiran To Faculty & Staff Members Stamford International University May 25, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Code of Conduct in Education and its Best PracticesBy Bro. Bancha Saenghiran To Faculty & Staff Members Stamford International University May 25, 2012 09.00 – 12.00 hours 1

2 2 Introduction: Forces that shape the world 1. Communication & Transportation 2. Demography 3.Climate Change 4.Terrorism 5.National Disasters

3 1. Communication & Transportation

4 2. Demography

5 3. Climate Change

6 4. Terrorism

7 5. National Disasters

8 8 Spirit of the world today 1.Materialism # absolute poverty 2.Spiritual indifference # deep experience of God 3.Spirit of individualism # spirit of community/sharing 4.Superficialities # intellectual, moral and spiritual depth 5.Position & prestige # Powerlessness

9 9 Role of a University A transfer of knowledge and values With a spirit of inquiry, and Tradition of learning

10 10 Existence of Private Universities Private University have emerged without assistance Three kinds of demand for private university - the demand for more, - the demand for different, or - the demand for better education 

11 11 World Trends for HE a) Massification Universalization Diversification (cont’d)

12 12 b) Privatization Corporatization Industrialization (cont’d)

13 13 c) Virtualization Networking Cyberization (cont’d)

14 14 d) Accountability Quality Excellence (cont’d)

15 15 The University Life 1. External Life - numbers - structures - finances, and - governance (cont’d)

16 16 2. Internal Life - values - purposed, and - activities

17 17 Part I Understanding Code of Conduct

18 18 Units in Society  Family  Organization  Country  Region  Continent  The World

19 19 Examples of Animals  Geese (Lesson from Geese)  Wolf (Hyena) – teamwork, patience, play, communication, loyalty to the pack  Eagle

20 การบินของห่านจะอยู่ในรูปของตัว V(71%) 20

21 ห่านตัวใดตัวหนึ่งหลุดจากรูปตัว V มันจะถูกดึง เอามาในฝูงเช่นเดิม 21

22 เมื่อจ่าฝูงเริ่มเหนื่อย จะมีการผลัดเวร กันมานำเป็นจ่าฝูง 22

23 เมื่อห่านตัวใดตัวหนึ่งป่วยหรือถูกยิง บาดเจ็บ จะมีห่าน 2 ตัว ตามไปคอยป้องกัน 23

24 24 What does “Code of Conduct ” mean? Code of Conduct “… is a set of rules outlining the responsibilities of or proper practices for an individual, party or institution.”

25 25 “Principles, values, standards, or rules of behavior that guide the decisions, procedures and system of an organization in a way that... a) contributes to the welfare of its stakeholders, and b) respects the rights of all constituents affected by its operations.” It may also be defined as …

26 26 Why … the Code of Conduct? Religion:  The Ten Commandments (Christianity)  Ten Precepts (Buddhism)  Ten Pillars (Islam)

27 27 Profession :  Aviators Code of Conduct  Code of Military Justice  Journalist’s Greed  Computer Code of Conduct

28 28 Games :  Cricket Code of Conduct NGO :  Code of Conduct of International Red Cross

29 29 Implications: 1.Every organization has expectations of how its members should act among each other and with those outside of the organization. (cont’d)

30 30 The set of principles that govern these expectations is referred to as a code of conduct. 2. Once you belong to a particular group of people, you have to follow a set of principles and expectations that are binding on you.

31 Constituents in Education:  Board of Trustees  Administrators  Faculty Members  Students  Supporting Staff  Parents  Employers

32 32 Key Principles in Defining & Developing a Code of Conduct 1. The objective of an organization is to develop a value-based organization, to promote a culture that encourages lecturers to internalize the principle of integrity and practice it, and encourages them to do the right thing. (cont’d)

33 33 2. A code of conduct reflects organizational context. 3. Commitment from authority to oversee the development. 4. Promote understanding of, and agreement on, the key stages and activities. (cont’d)

34 34 5. A code of conduct should apply across all jurisdictions in which an organization operates. 6. Continuous awareness and promotion of the code is important. It shows the commitment of the management.

35 35 A Code of Academic Conduct It outlines the definition, procedures and consequences for academic life of students …  academic dishonesty  cheating on exams.

36 36  intentional or unintentional plagiarism  lying to procure extensions on assignments  tardiness  disruptive classroom behavior, etc.

37 37 Example of Code of Conduct Code of Student Conduct 1.What is your philosophical premise on how you view student? 2.The role of the Code of Student Conduct education? 3.Who wrote the Code? 4.The role of the Code in the daily living. 5.The role of faculty and staff AND Head of organization in connection with the code. 6.Ethics in 21 st century learning

38 38 Nature of Code of Conduct in Organizations Program in organizations to managing ethics & values usually include: 1.An organization’s mission; 2.A statement from the Board of Trustees or President; 3. Organizational values and principles; (cont’d)

39 39 4.A statement on how the entity relates to its community, the environment, and society; 5.Ethical and conduct guidelines and guidance or practices; 6.Specific rules of conduct, and 7.Commitment to, and information on performance evaluation.

40 40 Observation :  A code of conduct is one part of a comprehensive compliance and ethics program that should be part of a value- based organization and culture.  This ensures that an ethics program and the development of a code of conduct are both rooted in an organizations core values.

41 41 Values : are important beliefs that shape attitudes and motivate actions and should be used as a framework within which lecturers make decisions.

42 42 Part II Code of Conduct in Education

43 43 Code of Conduct Administrators Teaching Staff Supporting Staff Students for

44 44  Context of teaching and learning  learner – centered teaching – learning process (National Education Act 1999, p.35) Teaching Profession

45 45 Purpose of Teaching People in general understand that the main purposes of teaching are …  To impart knowledge  Employability  To develop all abilities

46 46 TeachingProfessionVocation (for employability ) (as a calling)

47 47 Stamford International University Vision  International  Teaching and Learning with Standards of Excellence  Student Development – Holistic Approach

48 48 Means 1.Latest Technology 2.A Stimulating and Caring Faculty 3.Caring Environment 4.Library/Learning Resource Center 5.Living & Learning Environment

49 49 Contents 1.Curriculum 2.Computer Literacy 3.Ability to Think Critically & Analytically 4. Ability to Solve Problems (cont’d)

50 50 5.Ability to Live, Work, and Function positively 6. A person with conscience, character, courage, responsibility, respect, tolerance, creativity and with caring attitude 7. Ability to face life in the 21 st century

51 51 1.Massification of HE 2.Transformation of HE from a public good and the economic and social thinking and policies (Public Good and Private Good: A Transformation in Economy Values.) Context of the 21 st Century (cont’d)

52 52 3. The advent of a service-oriented postindustrial economy (The Knowledge – Based Economy) 4. The impact of information technology on HE & society (Information Technology)

53 53 Problems Facing HE 1.Plagiarism 2.Inflation of Grades 3.Selling Grades 4.Sexual Relationships  Relationships  Harassment 5. Teaching Commitment Second Jobs

54 54 Functions of a University 1.Teaching & Learning 2.Research 3.Social Services 4.Promotion of Arts & Culture

55 55 Traditional Practices 1.Academic Freedom 2.Academic Standards 3.Teaching & Research 4.Teaching Methodology

56 56  Personal Preferences (subjective)  Objective Principles (objective) Values : two distinct meanings…

57 57 Cornerstone Values :  Honesty and truthfulness  Kindness  Consideration and Concern for Others  Compassion  Obedience  Responsibility  Respect  Duty … etc.

58 58 Five Fundamental Ethic Principles 1.Respect for law and system of University governance 2. Respect for persons 3. Integrity 4. Diligence 5. Economy and Efficiency

59 59 Interconnectedness These Values  build Character Change Behavior Society Individual

60 60 Discussion : Can you remember a student whom you influenced his/her life in an enduring way?

61 61 Moral Life  Daily life on campus  Teaching activities  Classroom interactions  Confidence and trust  Friendliness and integrity, etc.

62 62 Characteristics of a great Teachergreat Teacher 1.Effective communication 2.Being well-informed 3.Ability to relate his/her knowledge to the lives of students 4.Ability to evaluate the progress of each student 5. To be believable and authentic

63 63 Teaching as a Calling 1.Good preparation and training 2.To gain deep knowledge and have follow-up of new sciences. 3. Have a spirit of a good teacher (cont’d)

64 64  to be committed to one’s teaching ministry  to have correct attitude towards students  to be self-sacrificing 4.To train ordinary students according to their potentials

65 65 Definition of a Qualified Lecturer  Competent (subject matters + teaching profession)  Caring and sacrificing (spirit of a lecturer)

66 66  Code of Conduct for Faculty in Teaching  Code of Professional Ethics Examples

67 67 In Teaching 1. Courses & Course Details  Advancement of knowledge in a field 2. Grading of assignments & exams. 3. Exams should cover the depth & breadth of the course (cont’d)

68 68 4. Students should be treated with respect as individual 5. Respect confidentiality with students 6. Availability to students 7. Sexual relationships with students 8. Coming to class intoxicated from alcohol or drugs

69 69 Code of Professional Ethics 1. Not to engage in any act of a dishonest, deceitful, or fraudulent nature 2. Not allow the pursuit of financial gain or other personal benefit (cont’d)

70 70 (cont’d) 3. Subjected to disciplinary action for violation or any regulation 4. A lecturer shall competently and consistently discharge one’s duties

71 71 5. Support efforts to effect such improvements in teaching, doing research, etc. 6. Support policies and practices of the University (cont’d)

72 72 7.Support the development, improvement, and enforcement of such regulations, … 8.Not to withhold information or assistance officially requested by appropriate regulatory authorities

73 73 The Best Practices  No one best way  The “Code of Conduct” should … 1. contribute to the welfare of its stakeholders, 2. respect the rights of all constituents (cont’d)

74 74 the lectures conduct their actions with its primary values and ethical standard  Motivate them to go beyond its framework (cont’d)

75 75 4. Contribute to the atmosphere of engagement … that leads to method of inquiry and learning 5. Create a spirit of self-sacrifice and happiness in the workplace

76 76 Personal Formation: 1.In a negative sense - refrain from being punished 2.In a positive sense i) To be disciplined - personal discipline - social discipline ii) To form character - a person of character - a person of integrity 3. Go beyond the letters of the code - to enter into the spirit of the code

77 Bro. Bancha Saenghiran, Ph.D May 25, 2012 THANK YOU

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