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Be the change you want to see in the world… Non-violence is a weapon for peace… If we are to teach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Be the change you want to see in the world… Non-violence is a weapon for peace… If we are to teach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin."— Presentation transcript:



3 Be the change you want to see in the world… Non-violence is a weapon for peace… If we are to teach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with children... Peace is not just the absence of violence, but the manifestation of human compassion…



6 WHAT IS PEACE?  Absence of conflict and execution of justice  Serenity, harmony and empathy  Understanding, acceptance and unity

7 WHY DO WE NEED PEACE?  Sustainability on processes of promoting literacy, education, environment, health improvement and better economic and social conditions.  Use the energy and resources available to us and improve the living conditions.  Ensuring communication, respect and cooperation in both national and international scale.  Equality, fraternity and liberty  Security, harmonious relationships  International understanding and moral solidarity To Achieve:  War  Global security threat  Misunderstanding  Apathy  Discrimination  Crimes and Violence  Deaths & Casualties  Economic Instability To Avoid :

8 HOW TO ATTAIN GLOBAL PEACE? Internet/Wireless Network  enables global communication: persons could connect w/ other people who share the same beliefs & interests. Media Sources  having access of news & information sources. Self Publishing  allows people’s voices and opinions to be heard in low costs Entertainment  encourages people to come together and foster community With the use of Benevolent Technologies, we can attain Global Peace:

9 P-eople  They are the one who can stop war and implement PEACE E-nvironment  We should take care of our nature because we benefit from the things that it offers instead of destroying it. A-cceptance  Accept that we need each other’s help and cooperation is a must. C-ulture  Respect their culture and accept their beliefs and customs. E- e-EDUCATION  Through education, YOUTH nowadays can help promote global peace with the use of TECHNOLOGY Elements to attain Global PEACE

10  With the use ICT (Information Communication Technology) we can promote PEACE by putting up websites, multimedia and gaming that helps in promoting PEACE.  We, the Philippine Team, have made a PEACE CD and a website that focuses on promoting GLOBAL PEACE through movie clips, gaming, music and video clips. OUR PROPOSED SOLUTIONS

11 The Pinoy Peace CD P inoy eace CD Promoting Peace through Information and Communication Technology.

12 An alternative medium to those people who do not have internet access. An affordable, easy to use and effective tool in promoting GLOBAL PEACE. Other low end technology like VCD which is commonly used in developing countries. Because of the CDs images and sounds, even illiterate mass could see what we are trying to imply.

13 Materials needed: 1.Movie-making software 2.DVD or VCD Burner 3.Disks 4.Printer 5.CD Label Maker * It only cost as cheap as $200. Anybody could afford this kind of tool, even developing countries can launch this initiative.

14 6 children ages 14 to 17 and 4 adult chaperones who all participated in the First International Power Users of ICT Symposium held in Costa Rica, August 2005.

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