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Optimal Bowel Preparations for Colonoscopy
F1 박선진 / Prof. 이창균
대장암 사망률 53% 감소 Zauber AG, et al. NEJM 2012; 366; 687-696
내시경적 용종 절제술은 선종의 암화 과정을 blcok하여 대장직장암으로의 진행을 막을 수 있다. 2012년 NEJM에 보고된 연구에서 선종이 제거된 2천명이상의 환자를 20년 이상 f/u 하였을 때 53% 감소하는 것으로 보고하였습니다. Zauber AG, et al. NEJM 2012; 366; 대장암 사망률 53% 감소
대장정결 목표 Polyp (>5mm) detection
If not, additional bowel cleansing or reschedule with more preparation, <1yr Johnson DA, et al. GIE 2014 Johnson DA, et al. GIE 2014
Agenda Effect of quality of preparation Bowel preparation agents
Preparation instructions Dietary modification
Effect of quality of preparation
Effect of quality of preparation
Adequate preparation Inadequate preparation Diagnostic accuracy Therapeutic safety Missing neoplasm Repeat examination (increase cost) Rex DK et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2006 Chokshi RV et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2012 Wexner SD et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2006
Inadequate bowel prep 부적절한 장정결의 예를 보시겠습니다. 대량의 변을 suction하고 자세변동을 통해 LST를 발견할 수 있었습니다.
Inadequate bowel prep Inadequate prep 76.9% Adequate prep
Bowel preparation is inadequate for almost a quarter of patients undergoing colonoscopy. (23.1%, 21,503/93,004 cases) Harewood et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2003;58:76-79. Bowles et al. Gut 2004;53:
Effects of bowel prep on colonoscopy
3년 이내 다시 시행했을 때 Lebwohl B, et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2011; 73:
Effects of bowel prep on colonoscopy outcome measures
European prospective multicenter study (n = 5832) Outcome Low-quality prep High-quality prep P value Compeletion (%) 71.7 90.4 <0.001 Mean time to cecum (min) 16.1 11.9 Mean withdrawal time (min) 11.3 9.8 Polyps of any size (%) 23.9 29.4 .007 Polyps > 10 mm detected (%) 4.3 6.4 .016 유럽다기관 연구 Froehlich et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2005;61:
Effects of bowel prep on colonoscopy
At screening, ≥1 adenoma -> 3mo Missing 19.9% polyps & 17.8% adenomas Pts with missed lesion (OR) Polyp Adenoma Advanced adenoma Aronchick scale Excellent 1 Good 1.44 1.45 2.00 Fair 1.32 1.27 2.12 Poor/Inadequate 3.21 3.04 5.28 Hong SN, et al. Clin Endosc 2012 Hong SN, et al. Clin Endosc 2012
65 female, Constipation, Repeat colonoscopy after inadequate prep
LST-NG Submucosal invasive cancer
Bowel preparation agent
Ideal bowel preparation
Empty colon without mucosal histologic alternation Safety, Efficacy, Tolerability & Cost
대장정결제의 종류 Isosmotic Full Volume Preps Isosmotic Low Volume Preps
PEG-ELS PEG-sulfate free Isosmotic Low Volume Preps PEG and bisacodyl PEG and ascorbic acid Hyper-Osmotic Low Volume Preps Sodium Picosulfate and Mg citrate Oral sodium sulfate NaP tablets Mg Citrate and bisacodyl Isosmotic Full Volume Preps •Colyte (PEG-ELS) •GoLYTELY (PEG-ELS) •NuLYTELY (PEG-sulfate free) •TriLyte (PEG-sulfate free) Isosmotic Low Volume Preps •HalfLytely (Braintree Labs; PEG and bisacodyl) •MoviPrep (Salix Pharm; PEG and ascorbic acid) Hyper Osmotic Preps •OsmoPrep (Salix; NaP tablets) •LoSo Prep (Bracco; Mg Citrate + bisacodyl) •Suprep (Braintree Labs; Na Sulfate) •Prepopik (Ferring; Sodium Picosulfate + Mg oxide + citric acid)
The Great Beginning of Modern bowel preparation with the advent of PEG solution
Davis GR et al. Gastro 1980;78:
High volume PEG 작용기전 장점 단점
PEG(non-absorbable) & Electrolyte(isosmotic) ->수분과 전해질 이동을 최소화 장점 안전, 정결효과 우수, 대장 점막의 조직학적 변화 없음 단점 4L 복용, 불쾌한 맛, 짠맛, 구토, 복통 -> 5-15% 환자 복용 중단
Low-volume PEG 2L PEG-ELS with ascorbate
Low-volume PEG with Asc Full volume vs. Low volume
2L PEG + Asc (n=202) vs. 4L PEG (n=198), RCT in Europe Satisfactory colon cleansing Same 94.1% vs. 90.9% P=ns Compliance Better 80% vs. 70% P=.025 Willingness to repeat 87% vs. 51% P<.001 Reduction in side effect 80.2% vs. 89.9% P=.011 Ponchon T et al. Dig Liver Dis 2013;45:820-6.
Na Picosulfate + Mg citrate
84.4% 72.7% Higher quality of BP with PEG + Asc In overall colon In ascending colon and cecum Worthington J et al, Curr Med Res Opin. 2008;24:
Na Picosulfate + Mg citrate safety
2L PEG + Ascorbic acid Na Picosulfate + Mg citrate 100g of PEG Balanced electrolyte solution Additional cathartic effect by ascorbic acid Picosulfate Stimulant, Peristalsis Risk of hypovolemia, hyponatremia Cautions in diuretics, CHF, Cirrhosis, CKD Additional cathartic effect by Mg citrate Relatively contraindication in patients with CKD ASGE 가이드라인에서는 노인이나 신장질환이나 전해질 이상 유발 가능한 약제 복용 환자에서는 Na picosulfate Mg citrate 복합제제 복용하지 말것을 권고하고 있다. Connor A et al, Gut 2012;61:
Na Picosulfate + Mg citrate safety
6. We recommend that sodium phosphate and magnesium citrate preparations not be used in the elderly or patients with renal disease or taking medications that alter renal blood flow or electrolyte excretion. ASGE 2014
Osmotic laxative -Oral sodium sulfate
Multicenter, randomized study Efficacy - OSS> PEG 4L No deference of GI side effects & adverse effect Osmotic laxative –탈수, 전해질 변화 -> CKD, diuretics 복용시 금기 PEG 4L 솔루션보다 우수하다는 보고도 있으나 삼투성 하제라서 탈수, 전해질 변화 가 있을 수 있어신장기능 이상이나 diuretics 복용시 금기입니다. Rex DK, et al. GIE 2010
Preparation instructions
Split vs. Same day: Prep Quality 4L PEG-ELS
Kilgore TW et al. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;73: Enestvedt BK et a. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012;10:
Split vs. Non-split in different colon segments
Frequency of excellent/good bowel cleansing in different colon segments according to the split-dosage versus non-split-dosage intake schedule. P for all comparisons. Volume 81, No. 4 : 2015 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY 781 Marmo R et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2015;81: Marmo R et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2010;72:313-20
Split Dose Adequate preparation(Meta-analyses, 29)
Split- dose 85%> same-day 63% ADR on multicenter study Split-dose (OR 1.26, ) Bucci C, et al. GIE 2014 Jover R, et al. GIE 2013 Bucci C, et al. GIE 2014 Jover R, et al. GIE 2013
4L PEG Split-Dosing: A meta-analysis
Split-dose PEG is superior to full-dose PEG with respect to… Satisfactory colon cleansing YES OR 3.70; 95% CI, OR 3.46; 95% CI, Compliance ? OR 0.53; 95% CI, OR 1.41; 95% CI, Willingness to repeat OR 1.76; 95% CI, OR 0.79; 95% CI Reduction in side effect Same OR 0.55; 95% CI, Kilgore TW et al. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;73: Enestvedt BK et a. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2012;10:
The Golden Time: 2nd Dose
Colonoscopy should be performed within 8 hours of the last dosing. 마지막 복용이후 8시간 이전에 검사를 시행한 그룹에서 장정결도가 더 좋았다. Marmo R et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2010;72:313-20
The Golden Time: 2nd Dose
The second dose of split preparation ideally should begin 4-6 hours before the time of colonoscopy with completion of the last dose at least 2 hours before the procedure time. The delay between the last dose of bowel preparation and colonoscopy should be minimized and no longer than 4 hours. ASGE 2014 USMSTF 2014 ESGE guideline 2013 ESGE 2013
“Prep-to-Colon” interval
For every additional hour, chance of good/excellent prep drops 10%. A 3-5 hour interval appears ideal with split dosing. Seo EH, Kim TO, et al. Gastrointest Endosc 2012;75:583-90 Eun CS, Han DS, et al. Dig Dis Sci 2011;56: Vs. 5-7 hr, P = .004 Vs. >7 hr, P < .001
Morning only prep for PM colono 2L PEG with Asc
Non-inferiority Non-inferiority No Difference Matro R et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2010;105:
Morning only prep for PM colono 2L PEG with Asc
Matro R et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2010;105:
Summary: Putting Patients First!
Timing is Everything Split-dosing is clearly superior Same-day prep is OK for afternoon CFS Do the procedure 3-5 hours after the last ingestion Volume is the matter Low volume preps: similar efficacy, safety, & better tolerability than 4L PEG 2L PEG with Asc is superior to SPMC with regard to efficacy and safety What is an ideal bowel prep? Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability When compliance is an issue?
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability
Ideal Bowel Prep: Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability Efficacy: 4L-PEG, 2L-PEGA, 2L-PEGB, SPMC, NaP Safety: 4L-PEG, 2L-PEGA Tolerability: 2L-PEGA, 2L-PEGB, SPMC, NaP 궁극적으로 재검사의 의향을 높이는 것이 surveillance exam에 매우 중요하다 PEGA: PEG+ascorbic acid PEGB: PEG+bisacodyl SPMC: Na picosulfate+Mg citrate
Predictive or influencing factor
Predictor OR 95% CI Procedure time 1.15 (1.05, 1.25) Preparation instructions not followed 2.68 (1.52, 4.75) History of cirrhosis 3.71 (1.17, 11.75) Inpatient status 3.13 (1.15, 8.50) Constipation 2.81 (1.10,7.20) TCA 2.99 (1.10, 8.15) History of polyps 0.55 (0.31, 0.98) Male gender 1.54 (1.03, 2.30) History of stroke or dementia 2.23 (1.00, 4.97) Ness RM, et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2001
Predictive or influencing factor
Ronald v, world j gastroenterol
Predictive or influencing factor
환자교육 대장정결 향상을 위해 장정결 방법에 관한 교육
Rosenfeld G. et al, 2010 Rosenfeld G. et al, Can J Gastroenterol. 2010
Prep Advice is critical for compliance
Patient handouts/instruction booklets2 Ensure adequate font, use passive voice, simple language, logical order, intuitive headings, repetition, concrete examples (eg: of “clear liquids”), FAQs Patient centered/validated Spiegel BM. Am J Gastroenterol 2011;106: Liu X et al. Gut 2014;63:125-30
Dietary modification
Dietary modifications
Less strict dietary restriction improves patient tolerance for preparation. ASGE recommends a low-residue diet be used for bowel preparation ESGE recommends a low-fiber diet on the day preceding colonoscopy 식이에 있어서 미국과 유럽이 다르다. 유럽에서는 저섬유식을 검사 전날만 시행하도록 권고하고 있다. 최근에는 엄격한 식이 제한이 순응도를 떨어뜨릴 수 있다는 의견이 있어.
Clear liquid diet vs Regular diet
PEG 4L preparation Multicenter, randomized, investigator-blind CLD(n=405) RD(n=396) P value Bowel cleansing Adequate(exellent & good) 338 (83.5) 330 (83.3) 0.963 Excellent 128 (31.6) 94 (23.7) 0.013 Good 220 (51.9) 236 (59.6) 0.027 Fair 45 (11.1) 51 (12.9) 0.441 Poor 22 (5.4) 15 (3.8) 0.268 Good comliance (PEG≥3L) 364 (89.9) 379 (95.7) 0.001 Jung Ys, et al. Gut Liver Jung Ys, et al. Gut Liver
Dietary modifications
Adquate bowel prep 저섬유식 81.4 % vs 맑은 유동식 52 % (P<0.001)
Dietary modifications
Clear/semiclear Brown liquid/ solid
Conclusion To improve bowel preparation for colonoscopy
환자상태, 순응도, 부작용을 고려한 안전한 대장 정결제의 선택 적절한 복용법 환자교육 식이에 있어서 미국과 유럽이 다르다. 유럽에서는 저섬유식을 검사 전날만 시행하도록 권고하고 있다. 최근에는 엄격한 식이 제한이 순응도를 떨어뜨릴 수 있다는 의견이 있어.
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