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Remodelers Institute for LifeLong Learning, Inc. Partners with Anne Arundel Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "Remodelers Institute for LifeLong Learning, Inc. Partners with Anne Arundel Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remodelers Institute for LifeLong Learning, Inc. Partners with Anne Arundel Community College

2 April 14, 2012

3 Today’s Agenda Introduce a new education idea Establish the players, participants and beneficiaries Market research Stakeholder input Review the business model Review the financial plan Summary and Q & A

4 A New Education Idea! Residential Remodeling Contractors in the USA Formal education is lacking Peer-to-peer seminars Annual conventions & trade shows, est. 1984 No regulations for education Webinars Periodicals Manufacturers

5 Who’s Involved? Remodelers Institute for LifeLong Learning Anne Arundel Community College 425,000 remodeling contractors Entrepreneurs Homeowners

6 Market Research Currently there is no business curriculum Other professions require education Ranked high in consumer complaints Ranked high in attrition Only 18 known consultants

7 Challenges Introducing a brand new idea… Will there be customers/students? What will industry consultants do? What if there is a huge acceptance?

8 Stakeholders Remodeling contractors Industry related publishers NARI NAHB Remodelers State regulatory agencies Consumer complaint agencies

9 Business Model Partnership between RILLL and AACC RILLL – over 35 years industry expertise and online education background AACC – over 50 years in education and a strong online education with LMS Angel.

10 Benefits & Responsibilities Anne Arundel Community College Remodelers Institute for LifeLong Learning Proven track record for online education Technology and computer support Website marketing Course catalogs Alliances with other schools Over 50 years of educating Enthusiastic administration Course design Author textbooks Facilitation of 4 courses Peer recognition Peer marketing NARI endorsement Future course development 35 years of experience

11 Online Course Offerings Salesmanship for Remodeling Contractors Marketing for Remodeling Contractors Estimating for Remodeling Contractors Business and Production Management for Remodeling Contractors

12 Financial Plan Income Expenses Tuition per class $395 Textbook sales $40 each Sponsorships TBD Suppliers Manufacturers Alliances After class sales TBD Coaching Consulting Document review Publishing costs $2,500 Computer hardware$2,500 CPA annual $1,000 Office supplies $500 Insurance $3,800 MD Incorporation $150 Marketing$1,000 Advertising $1,000 Legal $500

13 4 Sources of Income To generate short term and long term income Tuition1 time or at most 4 times Textbooks1 to 4 books sold one time Sponsorships/AlliancesMonthly or annual income Coaching/Consulting For students and non-students 1 time, Monthly subscription Perpetual Reoccurring

14 Student Enrollment Projections YearSept 20122013201420152016 Course 14075100150200 Courses 1 and 2 Not offered135175250350 Courses 1,2, and 3 Not offered185250350500 Courses 1,2,3 and 4 Not offered 310430600 First class begins Sept 2012 Courses 2, 3 and 4 still under design Ongoing course redesign as necessary All courses offered. Initiate after course consulting Possible future courses to develop Expand to global markets? 20 studentsaverage perclass.

15 Income Projections in Gross Sales Year20122013201420152016 Student Tuition $8,000$33,000$62,000$86,000$120,000 Textbook Sales $1,600$6,600$12,400$17,200$24,000 Consulting/ Sponsorship TBD Totals$9,600$39,600*$74,400$103,200$144,000 The Breakeven point is $13,900 to recapture the initial investment. This can realized sooner with consulting and sponsorship income.

16 Summary Partnership between RILLL and AACC Profitability sooner than later. Success favors failure Shared responsibilities by both partners Market demand and potential A void is filled RILLL becomes a pioneer in online education for remodeling contractors

17 Thank you for attending! Questions and answer time For more information: Investors send all correspondence to: Remodelers Institute P.O. Box 1413 Germantown, MD 20875

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