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Pregnancy Physiological Changes and their Symptoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy Physiological Changes and their Symptoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy Physiological Changes and their Symptoms

2 MY DATE FOR THE EMPATHY BELLY:______________________ (Once you are signed up for the date write your date on the blank line that you have created) It will be your responsibility to be here on the date that you sign up for. I will not be able to remind each person when it is their turn to go…that is your responsibility!

3 I. Increase in size of uterus: typical weight gain of 30+ pounds  Increase in fatigue  Pressure on internal abdominal organs  Aching of legs and feet  Pulling on lower back muscles causing backaches

4 II. Fetal head on bladder  Constant bladder pressure  Frequent urination  Urine leaking

5 III. Crowding of small intestines and stomach, combined with hormonal changes  Fullness and discomfort after eating small amounts  Heartburn  Constipation  Gas

6 IV. Displacement of heart and upward pressure on the fetus on the diaphragm and lungs  Difficult and shallow breathing  Reduced oxygen resulting in fatigue  Increase in body temperature

7 V. Change in center of gravity, along with changes in spinal alignment, resulting in pelvic tilt:  Frequent backaches  Overall posture change  “waddling” gait

8 VI. Pressure points of fetal knees, elbows and feet  Aches and pains in ribs and abdominal organs

9 VII. Fetal movement  Strange sensations of stroking and kicking against abdominal wall and outer belly

10 VIII. Breast enlargement and protruding profile  Change in self image  Change in sexuality  Awkwardness in movement and normal activities

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