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The NEW Easy to Use Medical Scheduling Software That Looks Like the Paper-Based System You're Familiar With. Prints superbills, encounter forms, has HIPAA.

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Presentation on theme: "The NEW Easy to Use Medical Scheduling Software That Looks Like the Paper-Based System You're Familiar With. Prints superbills, encounter forms, has HIPAA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NEW Easy to Use Medical Scheduling Software That Looks Like the Paper-Based System You're Familiar With. Prints superbills, encounter forms, has HIPAA security, lets you view schedules side by side, and lets everyone on the network view the schedule book. See why other medical offices are "tossing" the medical scheduler built into their billing software in favor of ours.

2 Service Scheduling Software Free Small Business Scheduling Software Medical Appointment Software Patient Scheduling SoftwareOffice Scheduling Software

3 Saves You Time: Makes organizing your day, life, and medical office as simple as looking at Daily/Weekly/Monthly VIEWS and then clicking. Pop-Up appointment reminders make it almost impossible to miss an appointment. Has HIPAA Security: Our extensive security permissions help you stay HIPAA compliant. Tracks Insurance Companies and Prints Superbills\Routing Slips\Encounter forms: Track up to two insurance companies along with copay amounts and deductible. Print Superbills\Routing Slips\Encounter forms with our customizable Encounter Form, or for a fee, we can design one that looks like the one you're using now.

4 Increases Your Health Care Office Productivity: Quickly and easily add an appointment (either use our built in database to keep track of your patient appointments, or just type their name in as you go, either way its just a few clicks). Quickly lookup a future appointment when a patient calls, and print referral reports to track where your patients are coming from. Boosts Your Medical Profits: By utilizing your resources better through improved scheduling, you should see increased revenues and better earnings. Some medical clinics say just the "waiting list feature" paid for the program in the first couple of months by filling in cancellations with patients on the "waiting list". Service Scheduling Software Free

5 Is Easy to Use: Our medical scheduling software is designed like the paper based scheduling system that you are familiar with already. Familiar MS-Windows "look and feel" makes learning easy for first-time users. Three steps to making an appointment; 1- Double click on an empty time slot; 2- Either type in the patient name, or look them up in the database, or add them to the database; 3- Enter other information about the appointment such as reason for visit, and Save, Its That Easy! It's Flexible and Stable: Customize terms for your practice (use Patient or Client or whatever else you want instead of "customer"). Easily installed, stable, and configured for single users or networked groups. Based on proven MS Access backend database technology, and the familiar Microsoft Windows operating system

6 Do you want a web based that you can't access when the web goes down? Or desktop based software that you have access to all the time? or the best of both worlds, both options? Do you want staff or clients\customers to be able to access their schedules remotely? In most situations, adding web functionality is preferable as staff customers can then access the relevant information remotely from any location. This would also allow staff to view tomorrows appointments from home so they would not have to come into the office. But the best feature is that your database is safe and secure in your office and if the internet goes down as it will, you still have your schedule to use and you can still lookup info if your customers call. This service appointment software web functionality is available with our Web-Sync option.

7 Our software is easy to install, easy to set-up, and easy to learn. Download the free demo, and then call us at 866-877-8555. We'll help you setup the software to work with the way you're doing business now, but with a much more efficient, and organized system.

8 Finding the best possible appointment booking software would also ensure that all your records are kept up to date and accurate. This is important to provide a quality service and also to ensure all the invoices are correct. Attach documents or spreadsheets with ease in ScheduleVIEW, and have the ability to store information in custom fields for easy access, and have a "Narrative file\Chart" so that you can add notes from the techs that might be unique to this particular customer. Our service scheduling software helps you keep track of important customer info.

9 As a small business, you don't have the same kind of staff or resources that larger operations do and thus you need to optimize wherever and whenever you can. It is this versatility that service scheduling software offers and that will mesh very well with your business model. Automatic scheduling can also be combined with various other systems in your office, most notably with billing. When you are still using the paper scheduling system, it can be hard to keep track of what services were actually provided. With an automatic appointment scheduler that is integrated with the billing system, you'll be able to see canceled appointments, extra charges, everything that you will need to make sure that you are adequately recompensed for your services. With better and more accurate tracking of what your revenues are, you can manage your budget better and plan accordingly. Office Scheduling Software

10 For inquiries please visit :

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