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Friday, March 6, 2015. Bishop State will hold an Open House for their Technical Programs on Tuesday, March 24 on the Southwest Campus from 9 am to 1 pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, March 6, 2015. Bishop State will hold an Open House for their Technical Programs on Tuesday, March 24 on the Southwest Campus from 9 am to 1 pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, March 6, 2015

2 Bishop State will hold an Open House for their Technical Programs on Tuesday, March 24 on the Southwest Campus from 9 am to 1 pm and 5 -7 pm. For more information, contact Daphne Stamps at 251-665-4124 or email

3 Attention potential International Studies students: If you are interested in possibly participating in this class next year, please see Mrs. Goodwin in room 920 for more information. You can also email her at if you would like more information.

4 Congratulations to Brielle Thompson who took first place in the Optimist Club Speech Contest. She will represent the Foley Optimist Club in the Zone Competition on Thursday, March 19. Other participants in the contest were Bella Casciano placing 2 nd, Katie Pfeiffer placing 3 rd, Chelcie Joiner, and Jordan Reeves. Great job by all of these students!

5 FCCLA and The Hospitality and Tourism Academy will be hosting a Chocolate Cook-off on Tuesday, March 17. Any student interested in participating, please pick up an application outside Mrs. Smith’s room 410.

6 Peer Helper applications are still available in Mrs. Champion's room 406 and Mrs. Cody's room 210. These are due Friday the 13th before you leave campus. You must have an approved application to take the class.

7 Students, time is running out for you to take The ACT before summer! The next ACT test is scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2015 and the deadline to register for the test is Friday, March 13. Please see your counselor by Tuesday for an ACT fee waiver if you are eligible to receive free or reduced lunch. Juniors, this is a reminder that ALL 11th grade students will be taking The ACT Plus Writing on Tuesday, April 28th.

8 Attention all AP Lit students: You need to bring in your money for the Shakespeare trip on April 28 ASAP. At the end of March, it will be open to other classes. The cost is $50.00 and can be taken to Mrs. Goodwin in room 920.

9 Auditions for this year’s Talent Show is Tuesday after school in the choir room. A sign up sheet is available outside the choir/band room – room 418. Please come prepared for your audition! The Talent Show will be held during Skinny Block on Tuesday, March 31.

10 Friday, March 13 is the last day to buy a yearbook for $65. If you want to purchase yours, see Mrs. Styron in room 803 or any yearbook member.

11 FCCLA is having a baby drive this week. Please help this worthwhile cause by donating gently used baby items or new diapers, wipes, etc. Items may be dropped off with Mrs. Amy Smith in room 410.

12 Prom tickets are still on sale for just $25.00. Tickets may be purchased from Mrs. Champion in room 406 or Ms. Andersen in room 402. If you are bringing a non-Foley student, you must have a guest approval form completed before purchasing your tickets.

13 Seniors, the VFW/Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship is now available. This is a $1000 scholarship and applications can be picked up in Lores’ Scholarship Box. Deadline to apply is April 1st. Also, the scholarship box has moved. It’s now located right outside Mrs. Lores’ office door.

14 Seniors, there are several scholarship deadlines coming up very soon! --March 10- Alpha Delta Kappa Beta Upsilon Chapter --March 13- Vulcan --March 16- Jill Hall --March 27- TAV --April 1- Glass Orthodontics and VFW/Ladies Auxillary April 24- Samuel M. Tharp

15 (Scholarships, cont.) PLEASE make sure you are applying for these scholarships! Also, it’s VERY important that you are turning in all scholarship offers to Mrs. Rickey Maurin. Even if you don’t accept the scholarship, you still need to turn in the offer!!!

16 Have you gotten a Prom dress yet? Emily's Closet is this weekend and is open for all girls who want to find a prom dress. The dress give away is today at Baldwin County High School from 1-4 pm and Saturday 9 am-12 noon.

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