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The IAN Herbarium of Embrapa Eastern Amazon Regina C. V. Martins da Silva Curator of the IAN Herbarium.

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Presentation on theme: "The IAN Herbarium of Embrapa Eastern Amazon Regina C. V. Martins da Silva Curator of the IAN Herbarium."— Presentation transcript:

1 The IAN Herbarium of Embrapa Eastern Amazon Regina C. V. Martins da Silva Curator of the IAN Herbarium

2 Embrapa Eastern Amazon (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation)  IAN Herbarium

3 is a public research institution of the Ministry of Agriculture. The Embrapa’ s mission is to provide feasible solutions for the sustainable development of Brazilian agro-business through the generation and transference of knowledge and technology for the benefit of society. Fonte:

4 more than nine thousand technologies for Brazilian agriculture. 8,275 employees (2,113 are researchers - 25% with master's degrees and 74% with doctoral degrees). has generated and recommended

5 INTERNATIONAL COORPORATION  Bilateral Accords of cooperation technique - 37 countries and 64 institutions  Multilateral Accords: 20 international organizations  North America - USA  Europe - France and Netherlands  Africa - Ghana  Latin America - Venezuela ABROAD

6 of 41 decentralized Centers distributed among the several regions of Brazil is organized as a network composed

7 Lista de Endereços Roraima Amapá Eastern Amazon-PA Western Amazonia-AM Rondônia Acre Rice & Beans-GO Agroenergy-DF Coffee-DF Cerrados-DF Vegetables-DF Technological Information-DF Genetic Resourses and Biotechnology-DF Technology Transfer-DF Western Region Agriculture-MS Beef Cattle-MS Pantanal-MS Mid-North-PI Tropical Agroindustry-CE Goats-CE Tropical Semi-Arid-PE Cotton-PB Coastal Tablelands-SE Cassava & Tropical Fruits-BA Dairy Cattle-MG Maize & Sorghum-MG Agrobiology-RJ Soils-RJ Food Technology-RJ Agriculture Informatics-SP Agricultural Instrumentation-SP Environment-SP Satellite Monitoring-SP Cattle-Southeast-SP Forestry-PR Soybean-PR Swine and Poultry-SC South Animal Husbandry & Sheep-RS Temperate Agriculture-RS Wheat-RS Grape & Wine-RS Fonte: Arquivos Embrapa

8 459 employees (106 researchers) Embrapa Eastern Amazon http:// Santarém Altamira Paragominas Belém Castanhal Moju Salvaterra

9 OBJECTIVES  Generate technologies and knowledge for the rational use and conservation of natural resources, the adequate use of the native forests and the improvement of the systems of production and land use in family agriculture. ACTIVITIES  Natural recources and environment  Genetic resources  Forestal, animal and plant production  Agro-industry.

10 THE IAN HERBARIUM It was initially organized by the researcher João Murça Pires on 1945. 183,000 exsiccates, 30,000 photographs of types, collections of Herbarium Flowers (321), fruits (989),

11 ...THE IAN HERBARIUM Seedlings (119)Seeds (191)

12 ...THE IAN HERBARIUM Xilarium – 8,000 wood samples

13 The Collection of Nomenclatural Types Independent room from the general collection to increase their conservation. The organization, characterization and disclosure of the types deposited in the IAN Herbarium facilitate the location of these specimens, since their consultation is an essential part of taxonomic revision works and a lot of time is spent to find them.

14 ... The Collection of Nomenclatural Types The location of the princeps works :  W3Tropicos  IPNI  Kewensis Index. After the confirmation of the specimen as typus, the same is classified as its nature, following the categories adopted in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.

15 ... The Collection of Nomenclatural Types

16 Acanthaceae (7) Alismataceae (2) Anacardiaceae (5) Anisophyllaceae (2) Annonaceae (15) Apocynaceae (22) Aquifoliaceae (1) Araceae (6) Gesneriaceae (9) Humiriaceae (46) Lecythidaceae (34) Linaceae (3) Meliaceae (27) Moraceae (49) Rubiaceae (98) Sapotaceae (116) From 23 families analysed, 601 specimens type were found: Aristolochiaceae (2) Asclepiadaceae (7) Bombacaceae (11) Compositae (25) Costaceae (2) Euphorbiaceae (83) Flacourtiaceae (29)

17 ... The Collection of Nomenclatural Types Number of specimens type by the largest families in the IAN Herbarium

18 ... The Collection of Nomenclatural Types Number of specimens type by category in the IAN Herbarium

19 ... The Collection of Nomenclatural Types Specimens (%) type of the largest families by category in the IAN Herbarium

20 ACTIVITIES  Conservation of scientific collections  Improving access to information - BRAHMS  Actualization of the identifications in the collection  Customer Service  Scientific exchange

21  Didatical material  Human Resource Development for Amazon  Studies on taxonomy of plants, characterization morph-anatomical of vegetative and reproductive organs, anatomy of wood and etnobotanical.

22 OBRIGADA!!!!! Embrapa - Embrapa Eastern Amazon - IAN Herbarium –

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