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Making Change Sustainable: Using the Immunity to Change Model Deborah Howard and Martha Lasley.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Change Sustainable: Using the Immunity to Change Model Deborah Howard and Martha Lasley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Change Sustainable: Using the Immunity to Change Model Deborah Howard and Martha Lasley

2 IMMUNITY TO CHANGE MAP 1. Commitment (Improvement Goal) 2. Doing/Not Doing 3. Hidden/Competing Commitments 4. Big Assumptions

3 COLUMN 1 COMMITMENT (IMPROVEMENT GOAL) Criteria: -It’s true for you -It implicates you -There’s room for improvement -It’s important to you (4 or 5 on a scale of 1 to 5) Example: I am committed to doing a better job at work by: -Using my time constructively and effectively -Keeping people updated on my progress -Bringing others into my work projects

4 IMMUNITY TO CHANGE MAP 1. Commitment (Improvement Goal) 2. Doing/Not Doing 3. Hidden/Competing Commitments 4. Big Assumptions I am committed to doing a better job at work by: -Using my time constructively and effectively -Keeping people updated on my progress -Bringing others into my work projects

5 COLUMN 2 DOING/NOT DOING Criteria: -Behaviors (not inner dispositions) -These behaviors work against achieving your Column 1 goal -Not “why” or what you are going to do about it Example: -Say I’m on track to get something done when I know I’m not -Lie about what I’m doing or working on -Don’t ask for help when running behind -Allow too little time to get things done -Try to do everything by myself

6 IMMUNITY TO CHANGE MAP 1. Commitment (Improvement Goal) 2. Doing/Not Doing 3. Hidden/Competing Commitments 4. Big Assumptions I am committed to doing a better job at work by: -Using my time constructively and effectively -Keeping people updated on my progress -Bringing others into my work projects -Say I’m on track to get something done when I know I’m not -Lie about what I’m doing or working on -Don’t ask for help when running behind -Allow too little time to get things done -Try to do everything by myself Worry Box:

7 COLUMN 3 WORRY BOX If you were to consider doing the opposite of each of the behaviors in Column 2, what are the fears, worries, sense of loss that come up for you? Example: -People will be disappointed in me and think I’m stupid -I’ll feel incompetent and weak -People won’t like me

8 IMMUNITY TO CHANGE MAP 1. Commitment (Improvement Goal) 2. Doing/Not Doing 3. Hidden/Competing Commitments 4. Big Assumptions I am committed to doing a better job at work by: -Using my time constructively and effectively -Keeping people updated on my progress -Bringing others into my work projects -Say I’m on track to get something done when I know I’m not -Lie about what I’m doing or working on -Don’t ask for help when running behind -Allow too little time to get things done -Try to do everything by myself Fears: -People will be disappointed in me and think I’m stupid -I’ll feel incompetent and weak -People won’t like me

9 COLUMN 3 HIDDEN/COMPETING COMMITMENTS Criteria: -Follows from fear -Commitment to self-protection -Shows why Column 2 behaviors make sense -Feels powerful Example: I am committed to: -Never having people disappointed in or mad at me -Never having people dislike me -Always looking competent and strong

10 IMMUNITY TO CHANGE MAP 1. Commitment (Improvement Goal) 2. Doing/Not Doing 3. Hidden/Competing Commitments 4. Big Assumptions I am committed to doing a better job at work by: -Using my time constructively and effectively -Keeping people updated on my progress -Bringing others into my work projects -Say I’m on track to get something done when I know I’m not -Lie about what I’m doing or working on -Don’t ask for help when running behind -Allow too little time to get things done -Try to do everything by myself Fears: -People will be disappointed in me and think I’m stupid -I’ll feel incompetent and weak -People won’t like me Commitments: I am committed to: -Never having people disappointed in or mad at me -Never having people dislike me -Always looking competent and strong

11 COLUMN 4 BIG ASSUMPTIONS Criteria: -Makes Column 3 commitment absolutely necessary -Has a Big Time Bad conclusion for you -Displays a contracted world -Feels real (a 4 or 5, out of 5) Example: -If I tell people I’m behind on something, they’ll get disappointed and mad at me -If people are disappointed in me, it means I am a disappointment -If I ask for help, people will think I’m incompetent -If people see weakness in me, they won’t like me -If people dislike me, I’ll feel rejected and alone in the world

12 IMMUNITY TO CHANGE MAP 1. Commitment (Improvement Goal) 2. Doing/Not Doing 3. Hidden/Competing Commitments 4. Big Assumptions I am committed to doing a better job at work by: -Using my time constructively and effectively -Keeping people updated on my progress -Bringing others into my work projects -Say I’m on track to get something done when I know I’m not -Lie about what I’m doing or working on -Don’t ask for help when running behind -Allow too little time to get things done -Try to do everything by myself Fears: -People will be disappointed in me and think I’m stupid -I’ll feel incompetent and weak -People won’t like me I am committed to: -Never having people disappointed in or mad at me -Never having people dislike me -Always looking competent and strong -If I tell people I’m behind on something, they’ll get disappointed and mad at me -If people are disappointed in me, it means I am a disappointment -If I ask for help, people will think I’m incompetent If people see weakness in me, they won’t like me If people dislike me, I’ll feel rejected and alone in the world

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