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Egypt: Then and Now Adding Sounds, Narration and Music to PowerPoint Social Studies Session 6 of 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Egypt: Then and Now Adding Sounds, Narration and Music to PowerPoint Social Studies Session 6 of 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Egypt: Then and Now Adding Sounds, Narration and Music to PowerPoint Social Studies Session 6 of 8

2 Focusing Questions How can we use sound, narration, and music effectively to enhance our travel brochure?

3 Instruction

4 Framing The Session In Session 5, you added images to your PowerPoint slideshow. But what if you wanted to add sound as well as student voices?

5 Teaching Sound can be added by: >Exploring the sound Gallery (or Clip Organizer) >Speaking into a microphone and recording voice >Downloading music from a CD >Downloading a sound file from the Internet

6 Sound from Gallery/Clip Organizer Sound can be added by: >Insert menu > Movies and Sounds > Sounds from Clip Organizer >Browse and double-click to insert the file >Right-click and select “Custom Animation….” to edit the file

7 Sound from a Recording Record by: >Plugging in your microphone (if needed) >Go to the Insert Menu > Select Movies and Sounds > Record Sound >In the dialog box: Type a name for the recording in the Name box. >Use the Play, Stop, and Record buttons to record and playback the narration. >When you're satisfied with your recording, click OK.

8 Sound from a CD Play Music from a CD: >Insert a CD into the computer. >Go to the Insert menu > Movies and Sounds > Play CD Audio Track. >Enter the music track number in the Start and End track boxes. >Enter the Start and End times of the track. >Note: Only plays when a CD is in the drive.

9 Sound from an Internet file Sound can be added by: >Go to the web site or >Browse through the choices >Preview the sound (wait for it to buffer) >Save the file: Right-click on the file and choose Save Target As. >Download the file to the selected folder. >Select “Sound from File” in PowerPoint

10 Guided Practice

11 Work Time

12 Getting Started Sound can enrich the Travel Brochure you are developing It is important to define rules when adding sound: >Avoid sound effects that distract the viewer >Only use sounds that relate directly to the slide content >When using narration avoid reading every word on the screen >Avoid long music clips both for file size purposes and because they sometimes slow down the slideshow Think about other ways to positively use sound.

13 Work Time Add in some sound by: >Selecting a sound from the Gallery/Clip Organizer >Recording some brief narration >Downloading a sound file from the Internet >Downloading a track from a CD (if available) Continue working on your brochure

14 Share

15 Let’s share our thoughts on adding sound. >What worked well? >What did you find challenging?

16 What did you do? Share

17 How does this work address the questions that began the session? Answers

18 For more information Office of Instructional Technology

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