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Chapter Three.  Four Chambers ◦ Atria ◦ Ventricles  Atrioventricular Valves ◦ Mitral (bicuspid) ◦ Tricuspid  Pulmonary Circulation ◦ Between heart.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Three.  Four Chambers ◦ Atria ◦ Ventricles  Atrioventricular Valves ◦ Mitral (bicuspid) ◦ Tricuspid  Pulmonary Circulation ◦ Between heart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Three

2  Four Chambers ◦ Atria ◦ Ventricles  Atrioventricular Valves ◦ Mitral (bicuspid) ◦ Tricuspid  Pulmonary Circulation ◦ Between heart and lungs  Systemic Circulation ◦ Between heart and body  Blood Pressure (<120/80) ◦ Diastolic pressure (diastole) ◦ Systolic pressure (systole)

3  Arteries ◦ Arterioles  Veins ◦ Venules  Capillaries

4  Supplies O 2  Rids of CO 2  Pressure change ◦ Diaphragm ◦ Skeletal muscle  Respiration Rate ◦ 12-20 breaths per min (at rest)  Alveoli ◦ Gas exchange between lungs(capillaries)

5  Energy is required to fuel all body functions  Metabolism ◦ Sum total of all chemical processes ◦ Metabolic rate  Rate at which calories are expended  Food Energy ◦ Chemical energy from food energy  ATP ◦ Chemical energy used directly by the cells

6  Immediate Energy System ◦ ATP-CP  Nonoxidative ◦ Anaerobic  Oxidative ◦ Aerobic

7  Very fast production of stored energy  Activities lasting <10 sec

8 Sprinting, weight lifting, run up stairs, sport activities Walking, jogging, swimming, daily life activities  Anaerobic (does not require O 2 ) ◦ Fast production of ATP ◦ Limited production of ATP ◦ Activities 10 sec. to 2 min. ◦ Fueled by glucose/glycogen only  Aerobic (requires O 2 ) ◦ Slow production of ATP ◦ Unlimited production ATP ◦ Activities >2 min. ◦ Fueled by all substrates

9  VO 2max  Relative VO 2 ◦ ml· kg -1 · min -1 ◦ True indication of fitness level

10  Resting values ◦ Heart rate (HR) ◦ Stroke volume (SV) ◦ Cardiac Output (Q) ◦ Q = HR x SV

11  Increasing blood and O 2 supply  Blood production at rest  Strengthening heart muscle  Increasing heart cavity size (in young adults)  Increasing blood volume  Reducing blood pressure  Reducing resting HR  Reducing body fat  Reducing risk of chronic disease  Increase HDL’s  Improved self image  Improved sleep, anxiety levels and depression

12  Frequency ◦ How often you should exercise to see improvement in CR endurance ◦ 3-5 day per week  <3 most will not see improvement  >5 may increase injury rates

13  Intensity ◦ How vigorous an exercise bout should be to see improvements in CR endurance ◦ Target Heart Rate (handout) ◦ 50 to 85% of HRR ◦ RPE

14  Time (duration) ◦ How long should an exercise bout last to see improvement in CR endurance ◦ 20 – 60 min. @ THR

15  Type (mode) ◦ The type of activity/exercise that could improve CR endurance ◦ Aerobic ◦ Long lasting (intervals work well also) ◦ >50% muscle mass ◦ Moderate to vigorous

16  Gradually prepare and recover body ◦ Increase/decrease BP ◦ Increase/decrease respiration rate ◦ Increase/decrease HR  5 to 10 min  Consider three factors ◦ Temperature of environment ◦ Intensity of exercise ◦ Fitness level of exerciser

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