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Unit 1 Lesson 2 5 Themes of Geography.

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1 Unit 1 Lesson 2 5 Themes of Geography

2 What’s in the box? Answer: A Picture

3 Do Now: Read the writing prompt below.
Answer in your humanities journal (5 minutes of writing) If someone were to ask “Where are you right now?” how would you answer? Of course, you’re right here, aren’t you? But where is here, exactly? There are many different ways to describe your location, depending upon who is asking and why. For instance, how might you describe your location to someone calling on the phone? How might your description change if you were giving directions to someone from another city or state? What would you do if you were ing a friend in another country?

4 Objective: SWBAT describe the Five Themes of Geography (Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement and Region).

5 Hook:
What do you know about the world? What questions do you have about other places around the world? What was the purpose of the video?

6 Note-taking directions:
Use the graphic organizer on your handout to summarize the 2 main points about each of the 5 themes of geography.

7 Location The exact position of something on earth’s surface.
Absolute location: the exact position of a place on the earth (latitude, longitude, equator, prime meridian) Relative location: the position of a place relative, or in comparison, to another place. (example: near the gulf) CFUs: 1. How would you describe the relative location of our school? The relative location of our school could be described as in between the Wal-Mart and I-30. 2. How does absolute location differ from relative location? Absolute location uses latitude and longitude to determine location, relative location uses another place comparable to determine location.

8 Place The characteristics of a location.
Physical features (flat, forested, dry, etc.) Human features (houses built, methods to travel, religion, language, etc.)

9 Interaction The ways in which humans and the environment interact.
People adapt to the environment People change the environment CFU: What are ways that people have changed the environment we live in? People have changed our environment by advancing technology to take oil from beneath the ocean. People have cut down forests to build houses and businesses.

10 Movement The voluntary and involuntary migration of humans.
Travel from place to place Exchange of goods and ideas

11 Region An area of the world that has similar, unifying characteristics. United by similar physical characteristics United by similar cultural traits. Note: together we are going to create a poster that helps us explain the 5 themes (10min) -After the poster I am going to show you how to use the five themes of geography CFU: What features can define a region? Language and climate can both define a region.

12 GP: Option #2 With your groups, use the 5 themes of geography to describe the community we live in. You must write 1-2 sentences for each of the 5 themes. Be ready to share your findings with the class. CFU: 1. What is the relative location of Fort Worth? The relative location of Fort Worth is that we are in North Texas, west of Dallas. 2. How can we find the absolute location? Absolute location can be found by finding the latitude and longitude of where we are. 3. What interactions are in our community? Most of the land is cleared for homes and businesses.

13 Using the five themes of Geography

14 Use the 5 themes of geography

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