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 From September 2014 it became statutory for all schools to teach the New National Curriculum  End of year expectations are on our website under the.

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2  From September 2014 it became statutory for all schools to teach the New National Curriculum  End of year expectations are on our website under the New National Curriculum  From September 2015 all year groups started teaching from the new curriculum  The Curriculum identifies what needs to be taught, but not how to teach it  Expectations for each year group are higher than in the previous curriculum, approximately 9 months harder

3  English: Stronger emphasis on vocabulary development, grammar, punctuation, spellings and handwriting  Maths: Stronger emphasis on mental mathematics and reasoning  Science: Strong focus on scientific knowledge and language  Computing: replace ICT and strong focus on programming rather than operating systems and Internet Safety  Sport: focus back on competitive sport  History: increased focus on British history and chronology

4  Levels no longer exist  Y1 has Phonics testing  KS1 and KS2 SATs continue, but in a different format  The curriculum is designed for children to gain a deeper and broader understanding of the programme of study rather than rush through levels  The government allows schools to choose how to assess (But not levels)  If a child achieves met in the Year 2 programme of study they will be considered as Junior Ready and are age related  If a child achieves met in the Year 6 programme of study they will be considered as Secondary Ready and are age related

5  They Key area is progress in primary schools is no longer as each year group has a different assessment criteria

6 END OF YEAR ATTAINMENT  The age related expectation for a child is to meet the expectations in their class’ programme of study (POS). In other words they can independently achieve the end of year expectations on our website  If they develop a deeper knowledge they will be considered to be exceeding or deep in the POS  If they do not achieve the end of year expectations they are emerging in the POS  If not working within the POS are either above or below the POS

7 TERMLY ATTAINMENT  The government says that when a child enters the POS as they have never come across it before their knowledge must be emerging  Therefore some schools have the whole class for a large amount of time on emerging  At Offham we recognise that every child is different, so termly we asses the child’s attainment in the learning objectives covered.

8 TERMLY ATTAINMENT  If a child is emerging in these objectives we say they are on target to achieve emerging at the end of the year  If a child is meting these objectives we say they are on target to achieve met at the end of the year  If a child is exceeding in these objectives we say they are on target to achieve exceeding at the end of the year

9  What this looks like to you  Teachers go one step further to this Below POS EmergingMetExceeding Above POS Below POS Em. - Em. + Met - Met + Exc.Deep/ Exc. + Above POS

10  Government expectations of previous progress was 1½ - 2 sub levels progress a year  Now government expectations of progress is if a child achieves met at the end of one year, they should achieve met at the end of the next  What does that mean to you?

11  CHILD A Child A is on target although they had a dip in in term 2 but Child B is not on target CHILD B Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4Term 5 Year End Target For year Based on their last year’s end of year achievement Term 1Term 2Term 3 Term 4Term 5 Year End Target For year

12 RESPONSES  156 responses in total  90 responses in KS2  66 responses in KS1 Thank you to all those who filled in the questionnaires!

13 Positive

14 Positive

15 My child receives appropriate homework for their age: Disagree: 6/156 (4%) Strongly Disagree: 1/156 (1%)

16 My child receives appropriate homework for their age: Action: Increased Flexibility  The problem was responses were too much, too little or did not like a certain aspect  Too Much? Talk to the teacher and can focus on the most important  Too little? On our website we have now put websites to support and further learning or use the objectives sheets  One off problem? Away for the Easter holidays just let the teacher know Please remember homework does support your child’s learning

17 Offham Primary School Deals Effectively With Bullying  Disagree: 8/156 (5%)  Strongly Disagree: 1/156 (1%)

18 Offham Primary School Deals Effectively With Bullying Action: Increased focus on playtimes  Midday Supervisors regularly met with and supported  £400 of the new budget invested in more playground equipment  Anti-Bullying Week  Behaviour Week

19 I receive valuable information on my child’s progress  Disagree: 13/156 (8%)

20 I receive valuable information on my child’s progress Action: Review and Improve Review on information supplied to parents Specifically on progress:  Termly progress sheets  Two parents evenings  End of year reports  School has an open door policy to approach teaching staff  Individual provision map if appropriate Other Information:  Objectives for year groups given out  Website; curriculum and end of year expectations  Class termly letters  Class termly provision maps  School newsletters  Detailed new website  Class provision maps  Parent mail  Parent presentation evenings NEXT STEPS Other suggestions please?

21 Thank you for attending

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