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Classis Pisces Animal Taxonomy Team Faculty of Biology Jenderal Soedirman University Subject: animal taxonomy.

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Presentation on theme: "Classis Pisces Animal Taxonomy Team Faculty of Biology Jenderal Soedirman University Subject: animal taxonomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classis Pisces Animal Taxonomy Team Faculty of Biology Jenderal Soedirman University Subject: animal taxonomy


3 Important Character used in Keys Abdominal pelvic fins — pelvic fins inserted on abdomen, usually well behind pectoral fins Adipose dorsal fin — a small fleshy fin without supporting rays, dorsally behind rayed dorsal fin. Anadromous — species migrates upstream, usually from the sea or a lake. Subject: animal taxonomy

4 Anal fin — fin mid-ventrally, behind vent Biserial teeth — teeth in two, usually parallel rows. Canines — enlarged jaw teeth Catadromous — species migrates downstream usually into the sea or a lake Important Character used in Keys Subject: animal taxonomy

5 Fish scales Placoid, sharkCosmoid, lungfish Ganoid, Lepisosteus platyrhincus. Cycloid, cyprinidaeCtenoid, chiclidae

6 Fish scales Can vary among sexes Flatfish: male ctenoid, female cycloid One individual may have more than one type of scales Soles, Flounders (Flatfish): have ctenoid scales on the eyed side of the body and cycloid scales on the blind side

7 Important Character used in Keys Caudal fin — tail fin Caudal peduncle — posterior part of trunk between anal and caudal fins; length measured from base of last ray of anal fin to hypural crease; depth measured as least vertical dimension Colouration — refers to colouration of fresh specimens Lateral line __ is a sense organ used to detect movement and vibration in the surrounding water Subject: animal taxonomy

8 An example of morphological character Subject: animal taxonomy

9 Compressed — laterally flattened Depressed — dorso-ventrally flattened. Dorsal fin — median, unpaired fin on dorsum of trunk; one or more may occur. Entopterygoidal teeth — present on paired bones forming roof of mouth behind vomer. Important Character used in Keys Subject: animal taxonomy

10 Compressed Subject: animal taxonomy

11 Depressed Subject: animal taxonomy

12 Flange of caudal peduncle — compressed, fleshy, dorsal and ventral expansions of the caudal peduncle Genital papilla — small protuberance behind vent, carrying the openings of the reproductive organs Gill rakers — bony filaments along the anterior edges of the gill arches Head length — distance from tip of snout to posterior margin of opercular membrane (H.L.). Subject: animal taxonomy Important Character used in Keys

13  Hypurals — the modified last few vertebrae which support the caudal rays  Hypural crease — crease (lipatan) formed at the end of the caudal peduncle by bending the caudal fin to one side; the crease forms at the junction of the hypurals and the caudal fin rays.  Jugular pelvic fin — fin occurs anterior to pectoral fin base  Swimmbladder- Important Character used in Keys Subject: animal taxonomy

14 Anatomical Character Subject: animal taxonomy

15 Anatomical Character Subject: animal taxonomy

16  Keel (lunas) — a semi-bony ridge along the mid-ventral abdomen in front of the vent.  Lacustrine — lake dwelling (menghuni)  Maxilla — paired bone in upper jaw, behind and adjacent to premaxilla  Median — in dorso-ventral midline Important Character used in Keys Subject: animal taxonomy

17  Origin of fin — anterior point of attachment of fin to trunk  Pre-maxilla — paired bone forming front of upper jaw: toothed  Pyloric caeca — tubular sacs arising from posterior end of stomach Subject: animal taxonomy Important Character used in Keys

18  Ray — soft, bony rod supporting fin; may be branched or simple, but always in adjacent pairs and segmented; such a fin is soft rayed.  Relative positions of fins — refers to the relative positions of vertical lines through fin origins.  Snout profile — outline of head from tip of upper jaw to above eyes. Important Character used in Keys Subject: animal taxonomy

19 Spine — firm, bony rod supporting fins, unbranched, unpaired and unsegmented; such a fin is spinous. Standard length — distance from tip of snout to hypural crease (S.L.). Thoracic pelvic fin — fin positioned below pectoral fin bases. Uniserial teeth — teeth in a single row. Important Character used in Keys Subject: animal taxonomy

20 Important Character used in Keys Vomerine teeth — teeth on vomer, a bone situated medially in the front of the roof of the mouth behind the pre-maxillae. Vent — posterior opening of the alimentary canal. Vertebral count — number of vertebrae from head to caudal fin, not counting hypurals. Subject: animal taxonomy

21 Pelvic fins present………………1 Pelvic fins lacking……………… 11 1 a. Lower jaw much longer than upper jaw G. prognathus Stokell (slender; upland Canterbury; shingle rivers; 75 mm.) Lower jaw much shorter than upper, tucked behind upper when mouth closed…………………2 b. Jaws about equal, lower sometimes a little shorter..... 42 2 a. Canine teeth well developed……………………. 3 b. Canine teeth absent ……….G. postvectis An example for Key to Species Subject: animal taxonomy

22 3 a. Entopterygoidal teeth well developed G. brevipinnis Gunther (slender, elongate; rocky streams connected to sea; N.Z.-wide; juvenile, marine whitebait; 180 mm.) b. Entopterygoidal teeth poorly developed G. lynx Hutton c. (slender, elongate; tributaries of upland lakes, South Island; juvenile, lake whitebait; 180 mm.) G. koaro Phillipps 4 a. Pyloric caeca rudimentary or absent— 5 b. Pyloric caeca well developed— 8 An example for Key to Species Subject: animal taxonomy

23 5 a. Anal fin long, 10-16 rays, vertebrae 57-64, entopterygoidal teeth well developed….. 6 b. Anal fin short, 7-9 rays, vertebrae 50-53, entopterygoidal teeth poorly developed……. 7 6 Canines absent, gill rakers of moderate length, caudal fin with marked fork, fins membranous………………G. attenuatus (Jenyns) An example for Key to Species Subject: animal taxonomy

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