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Creating A High Performance Culture with ARMC, Sheffield 25 th May 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating A High Performance Culture with ARMC, Sheffield 25 th May 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating A High Performance Culture with ARMC, Sheffield 25 th May 2016

2 ‘Culture’ – what exactly is it, and what’s yours? What are the things that influence and shape your culture – good and bad How winning businesses create an UBER Culture that maximises people performance Taking Action – Steps you can take to make it work (better) for you What We’re Going To Look At…

3 Who The Hell Is Andy Hanselman?

4 I Help Businesses And Their People Create Competitive Advantage By... Thinking in 3D !

5 Dramatically and Demonstrably Different! That means being...

6 3D? Why...






12 I research, write about, talk about and work with high performance businesses (and have been for over 25 years!)

13 Dramatically and Demonstrably Different 7 Characteristics of Businesses


15 today only £9.99! Normal Price: £11.99 + £1.20 p&p 320 pages with real insights into The 7 Characteristics of 3D Businesses Outlines of ‘Dramatically and Demonstrably Different’ Businesses who have done it, and are still doing it Practical examples of what works (and doesn’t!) An opportunity to see how your business measures up Stimulating ideas and practical steps that you can actually take to make it work in your business

16 #7 ‘Characteristics’! #1: Get That Vision Thing! #2: Think in 3D! #3: Create ‘Delighted’ And Devoted Customers! #4: Forget CRM, Think MCR! #5: Create An UBER Culture! #6: KeeP In Control! #7: InnovatiON!

17 3D Characteristic #5: Create An UBER Culture!

18 Who are you?

19 Awareness Assessment Action


21 Get my slides and other resources at: @andyhanselman andyhanselmanconsulting andyhanselman

22 3D Discussion Time: What Do ‘Successful’ Business Have And Do?

23 Satisfied Customers

24 Sufficient ‘Delighted’ Customers

25 High Expectations Low Expectations A ‘Poor’ Experience A ‘Great’ Experience ‘Devoted’ ‘Delighted’ ‘Disappointed’ ‘Disaffected’

26 Sufficient ‘Devoted’ Customers Committed Motivated Effective People Maximised Financial Returns L

27 L Sufficient ‘Devoted’ Customers Committed Motivated Effective People Maximised Financial Returns Y

28 What exactly is ‘Culture’?

29 A Classic Definition of ‘Culture’: “A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems” Edgar Schein, Organisational Culture And Leadership, 1993

30 My Definition of ‘Culture’: “The way we do things around here”

31 Another Definition of ‘Culture’: “It’s what people do when no one’s looking” Herb Kelleher, Founder, Southwest Airlines

32 It’s not...

33 Just about ‘Values’

34 About ‘Posters’

35 And it’s definitely not...


37 “Culture is a thousand things, a thousand times. It’s living the core values when you hire; when you write an email; when you’re working on a project; when you’re walking in the hall” Brian Chesky, Founder, airbnb

38 Culture – Why Bother?

39 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe a distinct workplace culture is important to business success Source: Deloitte Report 2013

40 The top 25% ‘most engaged’ companies enjoy the benefits of: 200% Annual net profit 18% Higher productivity 250% Revenue growth 12% Greater customer advocacy 50% Fewer sick days 87% Less likely to leave organisation … compared with the lowest 25% Source: Employee Engagement Task Force Report

41 Culture and employee engagement is the number one issue for the world’s business and HR leaders! Source: Deloitte 2015 Global Capital Human Trends Report

42 3D Discussion Time: What’s your ‘Culture’?

43 Describe your ‘culture’ in just a few words or phrases

44 Which Aspects Are You ‘Happy’ And ‘Not So Happy’ With?

45 How clear a picture of your culture do you have?




49 What do others think? Your people, your customers?

50 5 Questions To Consider..... 1.How would you describe our culture – just 3 words 2.What would you tell a friend about working here? 3.What one thing should we change? 4.What one thing should we never stop doing? 5.What do we reward and recognise around here?

51 3D Demonstrated!

52 Characteristic #5 of The 7 Characteristics Of Dramatically and Demonstrably Different Businesses Create an UBER culture!

53 Everyone Understands what’s expected of them and behave accordingly and consistently Systems and processes are Built to reinforce and support the culture People are Engaged, Empowered and Enabled to deliver them People are Rewarded and Recognised for doing it!

54 Create An UBER Culture! Ingredient #1: Everyone Understands what’s expected of them and behave accordingly and consistently

55 3D Demonstrated!

56 It’s All About ‘Behaviours’! Oh Behave!

57 What Behaviours do you want from your people

58 Do they know that?

59 Are they spelt out?

60 Value Your ‘Values’

61 What’s the value of Values

62 Values can...

63 Define the fundamental character of your business Values can...

64 Create a sense of identity Values can...

65 Shape how we do things Values can...

66 Reduce game playing, politics and confusion Values can...

67 Provide guidance for acceptable and unacceptable behaviours Values can...

68 Be passionate Lead, don’t follow Aim to surprise Be unreasonable Innovate incessantly Sweat the small details Think like an engineer, feel like an artist 3D Demonstrated!

69 1.Focus on the user and all else will follow 2.It’s best to do one thing really, really well 3.Fast is better than slow. 4.Democracy on the web works 5.You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer. 6.You can make money without doing evil. 7.There’s always more information out there 8.The need for information crosses all borders. 9.You can be serious without a suit. 10. Great just isn’t good enough. 3D Demonstrated!

70 Deliver wow through service Embrace and drive change Create fun and a little weirdness Be adventurous, creative, and open-minded Pursue growth and learning Build open and honest relationships with communication Build a positive team and family spirit Do more with less Be passionate and determined Be humble 3D Demonstrated!

71 Trusting each other as default Honest Direct Friendly...And fundamentally good ‘Northern Principles’!!! 3D Demonstrated!

72 65% of employees who could name their values say they had a strong grasp on company objectives, compared to only 23 % who say they didn’t know any 88% of those who know their core values say they are engaged compared to 54% who say they didn’t know any of their company values Source: Derek Irvine.“Revealing Key Practices for Effective Recognition” Report

73 Health Warning!

74 “There is no correlation between an organisation's published values (e.g. on its website) and financial performance” Source: Chicago Booth Research Paper The Value Of Corporate Culture

75 “There is no correlation between an organisation's published values (e.g. on its website) and financial performance” “There is a correlation between a culture of strong values ('high integrity') as perceived by employees and performance” Source: Chicago Booth Research Paper The Value Of Corporate Culture

76 Your values must be

77 ‘Meaningful’! ‘Relevant’! ‘Lived By All’!

78 “Top-down values created in secrecy aren’t values at all. They’re just wishful thinking” Anneke Elyse Jong VP of Operations & Marketing at Reserve

79 3D Demonstrated!

80 Step 1: Establish a set of values that define “How you want things to be around here” Valuing Your Values..... 3D Demonstrated!

81 Step 2: Translate your values into meaningful behaviours that you expect from your people... 3D Demonstrated! Valuing Your Values.....

82 Company ‘X’s Values: Honest Supportive Passionate Respectful Delight Our Customers 3D Demonstrated! Valuing Your Values.....

83 Honest –Honest in their approach with all customers –Honest in their approach with all colleagues –Does what they say they will –Proactively builds trusted relationships with our customers –Doesn’t just ‘chase the sale’ –Demonstrates they care! Supportive –Actively supports our clients, their brands and their campaigns –Actively supports all colleagues and team mates –Actively supports our suppliers –Takes responsibility and ownership –Looks out for colleagues and offers help without being asked Passionate –Demonstrates commitment to the company’s overall goals –Demonstrates a positive attitude in everything they do –Gives it their all when at work –Brings out the energy in others –Asks questions to constructively challenge what we do –Generates ideas to help us achieve our goals –Uses their initiative without being pushed –Has fun! Respectful - Values other people’s views and opinions - Actively asks for and listens to other people’s views and opinions - Treats every customer and every order with care regardless of size - Values other people’s contribution to the business Delight Our Customers - ‘Wows’ our customers with the level of service they provide - Strives to be an extra member of our clients’ team - Looks to make us ‘as easy to do business with’ as possible - Proactively keeps customers informed every step of the way 3D Demonstrated!

84 Step 3: Measure / assess people against those behaviours as well as objectives and targets... 3D Demonstrated! Valuing Your Values.....

85 In Company X, we got colleagues to assess each team member against the Behaviours.... 3D Demonstrated! Valuing Your Values.....

86 We started with the Directors! 3D Demonstrated! Valuing Your Values.....

87 3D Demonstrated! Valuing Your Values.....

88 3D Demonstrated! Valuing Your Values.....

89 3D Discussion Time: How Do You Use ‘Values’ To Maximise Performance?

90 your valu es Reinforce

91 Create An UBER Culture! Ingredient #2: Systems and processes are Built to reinforce and support the culture and the behaviours you want

92 ‘Customer praise’ procedure? ‘Customer complaints’ procedure

93 “ We interview people for culture fit. We want people who are passionate about what Zappos is about–service. I don’t care if they’re passionate about shoes.” Tony Hsieh, CEO, Zappos 3D Demonstrated!



96 Tell us a story How’ve you got better? How can we improve? 3D Demonstrated!


98 The 30-Day New Recruit Health and Happiness Survey 3D Demonstrated!

99 Beer Knowledge Thursdays! 3D Demonstrated!

100 #Lunchisonus! 3D Demonstrated!

101 Sharing (almost) everything! An in-house wiki site! A seat shuffle every 3 months! Unlimited free books! Unlimited free meals! A 3 word policy on just about everything…. 3D Demonstrated!

102 Social Media PolicySick Day Policy Expenses Policy Working From Home Policy Buy A Round Of Drinks At An Event Policy 3D Demonstrated!

103 “Use good judgement!” 3D Demonstrated!

104 ‘Good Judgement’ Rating 3D Demonstrated!

105 iPod Hours! 3D Demonstrated!

106 When recruiting they look for three characteristics: passion, clear talking and team working Demonstrate preferred behaviours: ‘show your character’ Employees rewarded for ‘cheerfulness’! Mystery shopper highlights ‘outstanding’ customer experiences Reward for team and individual performances - £50 bonus for individuals to be spent with the team Interview is a 6 hour shift and staff vote ‘in’ or ‘out’ 3D Demonstrated!,

107 ‘And Now the End Is Near’ Exit Interview 3D Demonstrated!



110 “We are not allowing the HR dept or the C-suite to just say what the culture is - we’re using current employees to get a real reading” Dan Erickson, Elevated Careers 3D Demonstrated!

111 3D Discussion Time: How Do You Your Systems, Processes And Policies Reinforce Your Culture?

112 Your ‘Rules And Regulations’?

113 Your Policies?

114 Your ‘Unwritten Rules’?

115 Your HR Systems And Processes...

116 3D Discussion Time: How Do You Your Systems, Processes And Policies Reinforce Your Culture?

117 Create An UBER Culture! Ingredient #3: People are Engaged, Empowered and Enabled to deliver them

118 “The more you engage with customers the clearer things become and the easier it is to determine what you should be doing” John Russell, President, Harley-Davidson Europe 3D Demonstrated!

119 Staff manuals – fewer words, lots of illustrations that staff are encouraged (and incentivised) to take home to absorb Customer service training sessions involve people actually going out to buy things and reflecting on and learning from, their experiences Staff are able to spend up to £500 to settle a customer complaint without management authorisation They can charge whatever they like – the price list is a guide only! “Our staff are actively encouraged to use their initiative and try new ideas. I say ‘if the ideas work, tell me. If they don’t work, just stop’” John Timpson, Timpsons 3D Demonstrated!

120 Book Club 3D Demonstrated!


122 Pizza Problem Solving! 3D Demonstrated!

123 Stand In Other People’s Shoes! 3D Demonstrated!

124 Front Line Fix! 3D Demonstrated!

125 Approach customers with a personalized warm welcome Probe politely to understand all the customer’s needs Present a solution for the customer to take home today Listen for and resolve any issues or concerns End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return

126 Rub up your customers the wrong way Yes, go on, all the way Apathy is encouraged Never bother to try and make them smile Approach them with indifference Infer it’s them who are the problem Remember, we’re right behind you to help you do this

127 “I never had control, and I never wanted it. If you create an environment where the people truly participate, you don’t need control” Herb Kelleher, founder, Southwest Airlines “ There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane” “Your bags will be available on carrousel x. If you do not find them, they will be available in 2-3 weeks on eBay” “ In order to enhance the appearance of your flight crew, we will be dimming the cabin lights” 3D Demonstrated!

128 “We entrust every single Ritz-Carlton staff member, without approval from their general manager, to spend up to $2,000 on a guest. And that's not per year. It's per incident” Simon F Cooper, President Ritz Carlton

129 3D Demonstrated!

130 3D Discussion Time: How Do You Engage, Empower And Enable Your People?

131 Create An UBER Culture! Ingredient #4: People are Rewarded and Recognised for doing it

132 86% of employees are motivated by recognition 65% of satisfied employees say they would work harder if they were better recognised 79% of employees say recognition tied to core values gave them a stronger sense of company goals and objectives Source: Talent Report, Centre For Workforce Development

133 Source: Podium Designs Report April 2016 84%! of UK workers have not heard the words ‘Thank You’ from their boss in the past 6 months

134 Champion Your Champions

135 Challenge your Challengers

136 Why not get your customers to do it?

137 3D Demonstrated!

138 Create an UBER culture! Everyone Understands what’s expected of them and behave accordingly and consistently Systems and processes are Built to reinforce and support the culture People are Engaged, Empowered and Enabled to deliver them People are Rewarded and Recognised for doing it!

139 How Do You Measure Up?

140 “ You’re going to have a culture anyway. You can and should influence it – so why not build the one you love?” Darmesh Shah, Founder Of Hubspot

141 Take action, not notes!

142 What are you going to Do about it?

143 Talk to me!!! 0114 243 4666 07710 452355 Chat Today!

144 UCLA! Helping........ Up and Coming Leaders Accelerate! An innovative leadership and business development programme For ‘existing’ managers, ‘potential’ managers and ‘rising stars’! 7 ‘half day’ workshops spread over 5 months Improve leadership, commercial and personal skills Comprehensive workbooks, assessments and toolkits Working with other leaders and managers Online and website support! S t a r t s N e x t M o n t h !

145 Andy’s 3D Thoughts...... 3 iDeas in 3 minutes in your inbox every Monday morning to help you Think in 3D !

146 “Vision without action is hallucination ” Thomas Edison

147 “Take the first step in faith. You do not have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step” Martin Luther King

148 “Scare yourself, otherwise you’re not doing anything new ” Mary Murphy Hoye, Head Of R & D, Intel

149 “Don’t just stand there….. do something!” Dick Dastardly

150 So... what are you going to Do?

151 People can be divided into three groups

152 Those who make things happen Those who watch things happen Those who ask ‘what happened’?


154 get my slides and other resources at: @andyhanselman andyhanselmanconsulting andyhanselman

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