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Back to School Night August 28, 2014. This visual was collaboratively developed with staff and our School Accountability Committee during the 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night August 28, 2014. This visual was collaboratively developed with staff and our School Accountability Committee during the 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night August 28, 2014

2 This visual was collaboratively developed with staff and our School Accountability Committee during the 2011-2012 school year. It represents our focus as a community. Thank you for partnering with us.

3  Behavior Expectations  Cougar Code and Playground Promises are in the Family Handbook and posted in our main hallway.  Levels of behavior and possible consequences are in the handbook and posted in our main hallway.  Helpful Reminders  Keep toys and valuable items at home.  Ensure your child keeps any items that are unsafe (even if they are a toy) at home.  Attendance Expectations  We will honor perfect attendance, almost perfect attendance, and arriving on time this school year.  If you do not call when your child is absent, the absence will be marked unexcused.  Please use the Lafayette Prearranged Absence Form for absences longer than 3 days.  Dress Code  Ensure your child wears sneakers or tennis shoes on PE days.  Communication  Our staff is committed to timely communication with students, parents, and the community. Please email, call, or set up an appointment to discuss any ideas, questions, or celebrations.  Each year the Office Team will ask families to indicate their preference for communication. Being a GREEN STAR school we are trying to reduce our copying costs by focusing on electronic communication. Please let us know if you prefer hard copies of the information.  Family Handbook  The Family Handbook is available on our school website and will be emailed on our Listserv. Hard copies will be provided by request.

4  Save the date postcard  September 19 th from 4:00 to 5:00  Celebrate 125 years of the town of Lafayette at Art Night Out  Spirit week events  Week of September 15 th through 19th

5 VOLUNTEER GUIDELINES FOR 2014-2015 (See Pink Form for more information) Lafayette Elementary embraces that it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of our students. To promote a safe, nurturing and supportive environment, Lafayette Elementary and all BVSD schools access a background screening program for regularly scheduled volunteers as part of the approval process for volunteering in school activities and events. Regular volunteers (now referred to as LEVEL 2 and LEVEL 3) are required to complete the online background screening program at a cost of $17 per school year or a one time fee of $40. These volunteers include, but are not limited to, those in the following categories:  Volunteers with a regular schedule in the school (classroom, health room, playground, cafeteria, library, greeters)  Activity/Club mentor, volunteer, chaperone or Watchdog  TAG (Talented and Gifted) mentor, volunteer or chaperone  Any field trip off chaperone no driving required)  Overnight trip chaperone  Volunteer coach (interscholastic or intramural) LEVEL 1 volunteers will not be required to complete the online background screening program. The school staff will conduct a minimal no cost background screening for those individuals as appropriate. This category includes, but is not limited to, those in the following categories:  Crossing guard  Occasional volunteer (ex. a classroom party, school/community event) or having lunch with their child  School-sponsored event (ex. career fairs, book fairs, after-prom, science fairs, school dances, guest speakers, field day, registrations)  Projects w/little or only incidental contact w/students (ex. fundraisers, boosters, concession stands, scorekeepers)  School Accountability Committees/School Improvement Teams, the District Accountability Committee, District Parent Council, PTA and PEN participants.

6  For students in grades K-3, the READ Act requires schools to develop Read plans with any student identified as having a Significant Reading Deficiency. This act only applies to students in grades, K-3; however ALL K- 5 th grade students will be assessed three times a year on the i-Ready assessments.  We are conducting this assessment with our 4 th and 5 th grades students because it will provide valuable information regarding students strengths and areas for improvement as a reader. It is an adaptable test, so there is not a ceiling as our previous reading assessment (DRA). If a student falls below grade level on this assessment in 4 th and 5 th grade, we will communicate this information and supports to parents through our Multi-Tiered Systems Support (MTSS)- previously was RTI.  All parents will receive information on their child’s progress on this assessment during parent-teacher conferences. If you have further questions, please contact our Principal, Stephanie Jackman. What is the READ Act? The READ Act is new state legislation that sets guidelines to ensure that every student completes third grade having developed foundational skills and the ability to apply those skills flexibly to read and understand complex texts. Effective in the 2014-2015 school year, all students in grades K-3 will be tested three times per year using a state approved interim assessment. We will also assess 4 th and 5 th grade students. The results will help identify areas of literacy strength and need for all students, and determine which students need additional targeted instruction. Of the students who need additional targeted instruction, some will be identified as having a Significant Reading Deficiency (SRD) as defined by the READ Act. The law does require that school personnel share implications of students not reading at grade level including the possibility of retention as an intervention. The law also outlines additional considerations and provisions for second language learners and students who have an IEP through the Special Education Department.


8  Maintains high expectations for all students  Develops thinking skills throughout content areas  Aligned with State Assessments  Year 2 Math Expressions is aligned with Common Core  Thinking Maps provides a common visual language in the classroom and school to promote thinking

9 Why do we have an assessment day?  At the beginning of school and then throughout the school year teachers conduct assessments to serve as the basis for classroom instruction. These assessments include teacher designed assessments, and more formal standardized district and state measures. At the start of each year, Lafayette students complete grade level math screeners, writing samples and i-Ready computer reading assessment. We appreciate families ensuring their child(ren) attend these appointments.  The assessment day will be from 8:00-11:30 AM. The other half of the day is professional development for staff related to student data. Information  Students will attend this day by invitation only.  Students will attend for 30 to 60 minutes (time may vary due to age and level).  Transportation and lunch are not available on this day. Scheduling your Child’s Appointment  Families will be notified in early September if an assessment appointment is needed. A form will be sent home asking for your preference in time.

10 A $17 donation is needed for each student to cover reading, general, craft materials, planners, subscriptions, and additional supplies. Cougar Headphone drive is helping us get one set of computer headphones for each student. Your child may bring in his/her own set or you may purchase a set for $5 from our school. Ear buds will not be used at school. *Please make checks payable to Lafayette Elementary School and indicate the GRADE LEVEL the donation will benefit. This donation does not include any field trip fees. *If you qualify for free/reduced lunch or are unable to make this donation at this time, we understand and will not keep track of which families donate and which families do not. All donations will be put into the specific grade level accounts to then be divided evenly between the classrooms teachers. If you have more questions regarding this or our school budget, you are welcome to attend Principal Coffee Chats, our School Accountability Committee (SAC), or contact Stephanie Jackman directly. Thank you for supporting our students and school!

11  Some parents have requested an OPTIONAL alternative to celebrating their child’s birthday at school, if they CHOOSE to do so.  If you would like, you may purchase a hard cover book for our library and have your child join the Lafayette Elementary Birthday Book Club.  The book will remain in your child’s classroom for two weeks and a special label will be put in the book with your child’s name. Then, it will be put in our school library.  Once the book is in the library, all Lafayette students will have the opportunity to check out the new book during the school year.

12 Please visit our cafeteria tonight to gather more valuable information!

13  Information about Raz Kids—all students will be able to access this at home  Google– Mega Math to access math games related to our Math Expressions program  Ways students can practice their computer skills at home Check out our new website! Did you get a magnet?

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