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Measuring Water-Energy Savings from AMI Piggybacking technology Janani Mohanakrishnan, Ph.D. Apr 6, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring Water-Energy Savings from AMI Piggybacking technology Janani Mohanakrishnan, Ph.D. Apr 6, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring Water-Energy Savings from AMI Piggybacking technology Janani Mohanakrishnan, Ph.D. Apr 6, 2016

2 Valor Water Analytics Water tech company based in San Francisco, CA (WBE Certified) Vision: Valor ’ s mission is to transform utility data flows worldwide into actionable decision making through innovative technology. 5 Core Data Analytics Solutions Hidden Revenue Locator SMART Targets Cutoff Analyzer Water Rate Simulator Water-Energy Nexus Calculator Current clients in California, Florida, and Georgia 500,000 meters under management Introduction

3 Piggybacking/Shared Network Pilot Concept

4 AMI Utilization in Water and Energy Savings Utilize hourly AMI data to: Address apparent water losses (reduce non- revenue water) Reduce GHG emissions Improve process efficiency Enhance conservation efforts Set a new standard for utility data management and operations Goals

5 Valor Water-Energy Nexus Calculator Energy use thresholds per water source, zone Source: CPUC Water Energy Calculator Leak and Apparent Loss Reduction per meter Source: AMI data & Valor ’ s Analytics Customer Conservation per meter Source: AMI data & Customer Engagement vendor summary data & Valor ’ s Analytics Data Inputs

6 Valor Water-Energy Nexus Calculator Powerful database engine to process and analyze large throughput of AMI water / energy use consumption data Analytics layer with built-in thresholds from CPUC Water Energy calculator (Rulemaking 13-12- 011). Water use zones Embedded-energy conversions, per water / energy source Cost savings conversions, per water / energy source Experimental framework to measure embedded energy reductions due to AMI Monthly and Cumulative Metrics and Report Methodology

7 Valor Water-Energy Nexus Calculator Outputs Water Savings TypeWater SavingsEmbedded EnergyAvoided Cost of Embedded Energy Hot Water Leaks Monthly (gallons) YTD (gallons) Monthly Electric Energy (kWh) YTD Electric Energy (kWh) Monthly Gas Energy (therms) YTD Gas Energy (therms) Monthly Electric Energy (2014$) YTD Electric Energy (2014$) Monthly Gas Energy (2014$) YTD Gas Energy (2014$) Other Water Leaks Customer Conservation Other Apparent Losses

8 Valor Water-Energy Nexus Calculator Saves utility time and effort Automated and efficient way to analyze large data volumes Incorporates sophisticated analyses Outputs that users want Cost effective Easy monitoring and evaluation and reporting Improves inter-utility communication and collaboration, and customer satisfaction Benefits


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