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X-ray powder diffraction

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1 X-ray powder diffraction
Characterization Techniques X-ray powder diffraction Bartłomiej Gaweł, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

2 Introduction X-Rays were discovered by Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895
X-Rays : Short wavelength form of electromagnetic radiation First Nobel Price in Physics in 1901 Wilhelm Röntgen An X-ray picture (radiograph) of Röntgens wife’s hand Wikipedia

3 X-ray sources: X-ray tube
X-Ray photons are produced following the ejection of an inner orbital electron from an irradiated atom and subsequent transition of atomic orbital electrons from states of high to low energy. Bremsstrahlung X-Rays

4 X-ray sources: synchrotron radiation
It’s far more intense (>106) than lab sources Tunable energy Light comes in rapid pulses - useful for time resolution

5 Diffraction theory: translation symmetry
Escher painting 2b A translation is simply moving an object in some direction without a rotation Lattice is a configurations of points used to describe the orderly arrangement of atoms in a crystal b Crystalline materials have structures with translational symmetry a 2a The unit cell contains the smallest atomic group that is needed to define the structure under repetition.

6 Diffraction theory: plane lattieces
There are five different ways to translate a point in two-dimensions. oblique rectangular square hexagonal rectangular (centered)

7 Diffraction theory: 3D crystal systems
triclinic, a ≠ b ≠ c;  ≠  ≠  ≠ 90˚ monoclinic, a ≠ b ≠ c;  =  = 90˚;  ≠ 90˚ orthorhombic , a ≠ b ≠ c;  =  =  = 90˚ tetragonal a = b ≠ c;  =  =  = 90˚ hexagonal a = b ≠ c;  =  = 90˚;  = 120˚ trigonal a = b = c;  =  =  ≠ 90˚ cubic a = b = c;  =  =  = 90˚ The unit cell constants define the length of the translation vectors and the angles between them

8 Diffraction theory: 14 Bravais Lattices
NaCl, cubic lattice F lattice

9 Diffraction theory: symmetry oparations
Only some symmetry operations are consistent with translational symmetry and these are the only symmetry operations that occur in crystals (i.e there is no 5-fold axis of symmetry) m _ 1

10 Diffraction theory: Point and space groups
Crystallographic point group is a set of symmetry operations, like rotations or reflections, that leave a point fixed while moving each atom of the crystal to the position of an atom of the same kind. That is, an infinite crystal would look exactly the same before and after any of the operations in its point group. There is 32 crystallographic point groups Point group determines morphology, optical, electric, magnetic and mechanic properties of crystal The space group of a crystal is a description of the symmetry of the crystal (point group symmetry with Bravais lattice), and can have one of 230 types.

11 Diffraction theory: Bragg’s Law
nl = 2dsinq n is an integer determined by the order given, λ is the wavelength of the X-rays, d is the spacing between the planes in the atomic lattice, θ is the angle between the incident ray and the scattering planes. William Henry Bragg

12 Diffraction theory: Fourier Transform
Crystal Diffraction Pattern

13 X-ray sources and Diffraction theory: Summary
X-rays are produced using X-ray tubes and synchrotrons Synchrotrons radiation is far more intense than lab sources The unit cell defines the crystal structure There is 7 3D crystal systems and 14 Bravais Lattices Crystals can be described using different symetry oparation like translations and rotations Using Fourier Transformation is it possible to calculate atomic positions from Diffraction pattern.

14 Diffraction in practice: Diffraction Pattern

15 Diffraction in practice: Diffraction Pattern

16 Diffraction in practice: X-ray powder diffractometer
Bragg-Brentano Reflection Debye-Scherrer Capillary

17 Uses of X-Ray Powder Diffraction
• Identification of single-phase materials – minerals, chemical compounds, ceramics or other engineered materials. • Identification of multiple phases in microcrystalline mixtures (e.g. rocks) • Quantitative determination of amounts of different phases in multi-phase mixtures • Determination of crystallite size from analysis of peak broadening • Crystallographic structural analysis and unit-cell calculations for crystalline materials Determination of pores ordering in porous materials.

18 Identification of crystalline materials
The Miller indices h k l describe diffraction planes. It is possible to calculate unit cell parameters (indexing) or interplanar spacing d orthorhombic lattice a b c, • d = 1 /[(h/a)2+(k/b)2+(l/c)2]1/2 cubic: • d = a/[h2+k2+l2]1/2 To match, we need a database of powder diffraction patterns (peaks positions)

19 Crystalography Open Databese:
Databases ICDD (International Centre for Diffraction Data) Powder Diffraction File (PDF2 or PDF4) contains (2007) 199,574 entries (172,360 inorganic & 30,728 organic) Previous it was called JCPDS…(Joint Committee for Powder Diffraction Standards) and before that ASTM Crystalography Open Databese: Inorganic Crystal Structure Database

20 Identification of crystalline materials

21 Quantitative Phase Analysis (QPA)
Reference Intensity Ratio (RIR) method – structure model not necessary If concentration of standard and analyte Ia - intensity of reflection K - contains structure factor, multiplicity, Lorentz-polarization factor, temperature factor + scale factor for reflection - density  - Linear attenuation coefficient S – standard compound (i. e. corundum or silicon powder)

22 Polymorphism and allotropism – crystal structure makes a difference
Polymorphism in materials science is the ability of a solid material to exist in more than one form or crystal structure Allotropism is a behavior exhibited by certain chemical elements: these elements can exist in two or more different forms, known as allotropes of that element

23 Crystallites size analysis
- Before grinding After grinding Grinding cause peaks broadening

24 Crystallites size analysis
Peak fitting, calculation internal width Pseudo-voigt peak function

25 Crystallites size analysis - Scherrer equation
K – Scherrer constant, – the wavelength of the X-rays, D – average crystallite size b – peak width, q – the scattering angle

26 Mesoporous materials Hexagonal 2D pores ordering (space group p6m) _ Cubic 3D pores ordering (space group Im3m) Some amorphous mesoporous materials (i.e. Silica SBA15, SBA16) show diffraction peaks at low 2q angle region due to mesopores ordering

27 Crystal structure determination
ZnSe(mxda)1/2 , mxda - m-xylylenediamine a = (8) Å, b = (2) Å, c = (6) Å Space group Ccm21 (No. 36).

28 • Identification of crystalline phases in materials.
Conclusions: XRPD is useful in: • Identification of crystalline phases in materials. • Quantitative determination of amounts of different phases in multi-phase mixtures • Determination of crystallite size from analysis of peak broadening • Crystallographic structural analysis Determination of pores ordering and pore size in porous materials.

29 Literature:
CountSymmetryElements/PointGroupSymmetry/PointGroupSymmetry.html Dehong Chen et al. J. Mater. Chem., 2006, 16, 1511–1519 Wikipedia Bruker materials

30 Thank you for your attention
This project is funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Registration number: NF-CZ07-ICP Name of the project: „Formation of research surrounding for young researchers in the field of advanced materials for catalysis and bioapplications“

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