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Adaptations of the neonate. Neonatal reflexes reflexdescriptionSurvival link breathingAbility to take first breathOxygen supply rootingTouching baby face.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptations of the neonate. Neonatal reflexes reflexdescriptionSurvival link breathingAbility to take first breathOxygen supply rootingTouching baby face."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptations of the neonate

2 Neonatal reflexes reflexdescriptionSurvival link breathingAbility to take first breathOxygen supply rootingTouching baby face causes baby to turn head and open mouth nourishment suckingTouching mouth stimulates suckingnourishment Moro reflexStartle reflex fling arms and legs upwards Babinski reflexStroking foot causes toes to turn and fan out Linked to walking Swimming reflexMoves arms and legs when submerged in water and holds breath Limited survival in water- remains until 6 months Stepping reflexMake walking movements when held and feet touch surface Linked to walking Grasping reflexGrasp any object placed in handgripping care giver

3 Changes to circulation Babies practice breathing motions while in utero to strengthen lungs Most newborns cry at birth as they take their first gasp of air and the lungs inflate. In the beginning the breathing is very irregular as the lungs are cleared of fluid and a regular pattern of breathing is established


5 Before birth blood passed from the umbilical cord to the heart and then around the body. After the umbilical cord is cut blood is redirected so that it passes from the heart to the lungs where oxygen can be collected and then back to the heart again so that oxygenated blood can be transported around the body with maximum force.

6 Temperature control Before birth the mother’s body regulated the temperature. After birth the must regulate its own temperature at a constant 37 ºC. babies body have a very large surface area to lose heat from and very little fat deposition Babies are only able to keep warm by increasing metabolism which requires a lot of energy, limited fat stores to utilise. Babies have very few sweat glands therefore difficult to cool body when hot. Vunrable to heat stress

7 Digestion and waste removal Babies are able to urinate prior to birth Kidneys and liver are fully functioning at birth First breastfeed colonises bowel with helpful bacteria to aid digestion First bowel motion is called meconium and is black tar like substance. Changes in first week of life Lung begin to function first minute of life and remove carbon dioxide

8 Apgar scores Performed one minute and five minutes after birth A score of 7-10 is a baby who is does not require resuscitation A score of 5 means baby requires medical attention i.e. assistance with breathing A score of 3 or less means baby requires resuscitation, this is an emergency situation

9 Apgar Score 012 Heart rateabsentLess 100bpmAbove 100bpm Respiratory effortNo breathingIrregular slowRegular Muscle toneLimp flaccidSome flexion of limbs active colourblueCentrally Pink body blue extremities pink reflexNo responseMinimal grimaceReflexes present

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