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START Workshop 2 Toxic or Not Introduction to Medicines Calls.

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Presentation on theme: "START Workshop 2 Toxic or Not Introduction to Medicines Calls."— Presentation transcript:

1 START Workshop 2 Toxic or Not Introduction to Medicines Calls

2 Use the low toxicity poster, and identify whether after ingestion products are considered low toxicity or toxic Choose the correct answer by clicking on the appropriate To move onto the next product or page, click on Good Luck

3 Snails Toxic Low Toxicity

4 Snails Toxic Low Toxicity Correct – snails, slugs, tadpoles & worms are generally considered of low toxicity after ingestion Slug Pellets however can be harmful

5 Snails Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect – snails, slugs, tadpoles & worms are generally considered of low toxicity after ingestion Slug Pellets however can be harmful

6 Compost Toxic Low Toxicity

7 Compost Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect – compost, earth, peat & soil are generally considered of low toxicity after ingestion

8 Compost Toxic Low Toxicity Correct – compost, earth, peat & soil are generally considered of low toxicity after ingestion

9 Iron Tablets Toxic Low Toxicity

10 Iron Tablets Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect – large quantities of iron can cause coma and even death after ingestion. Multivitamins may contain iron

11 Iron Tablets Toxic Low Toxicity Correct – large quantities of iron can cause coma and even death after ingestion. Multivitamins may contain iron

12 Nail Glue Toxic Low Toxicity

13 Nail Glue Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - Ingestion is usually harmless

14 Nail Glue Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - Ingestion is usually harmless

15 Wax Crayons Toxic Low Toxicity

16 Wax Crayons Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - dyes, can be very toxic but the amount contained in crayons is so small that serious poisoning is extremely unlikely after ingestion.

17 Wax Crayons Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - dyes, can be very toxic but the amount contained in crayons is so small that serious poisoning is extremely unlikely after ingestion.

18 Nicotine Lozenges Toxic Low Toxicity

19 Nicotine Lozenges Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - nicotine is highly toxic after ingestion

20 Nicotine Lozenges Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - nicotine is highly toxic after ingestion

21 Oral Contraceptive Pill Toxic Low Toxicity

22 Oral Contraceptive Pill Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - rarely produces toxic effects after ingestion. May result in stomach upset, and possible vaginal bleeding in young girls

23 Oral Contraceptive Pill Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - rarely produces toxic effects after ingestion May result in stomach upset, and possible vaginal bleeding in young girls

24 Suntan Lotion Toxic Low Toxicity

25 Suntan Lotion Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - low toxicity after ingestion.

26 Suntan Lotion Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - low toxicity after ingestion.

27 Sudocrem Toxic Low Toxicity

28 Sudocrem Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - symptoms are unlikely to arise after ingestion of this product.

29 Sudocrem Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - symptoms are unlikely to arise after ingestion of this product.

30 Baby Bio Plant Food Toxic Low Toxicity

31 Baby Bio Plant Food Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - very low toxicity after ingestion. A small glass of milk or water may be helpful.

32 Baby Bio Plant Food Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - very low toxicity after ingestion. A small glass of milk or water may be helpful.

33 Hormone Replacement Therapy Toxic Low Toxicity

34 Hormone Replacement Therapy Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - very low toxicity after ingestion. No treatment required in adults or children

35 Hormone Replacement Therapy Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - very low toxicity after ingestion. No treatment required in adults or children

36 Dishwasher Tablets Toxic Low Toxicity

37 Dishwasher Tablets Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - these products are potentially corrosive and can be toxic after ingestion

38 Dishwasher Tablets Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - these products are potentially corrosive and can be toxic after ingestion

39 Pencil Lead (Graphite) Toxic Low Toxicity

40 Pencil Lead (Graphite) Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - low toxicity after ingestion.

41 Pencil Lead (Graphite) Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - low toxicity after ingestion.

42 Holly Toxic Low Toxicity

43 Holly Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - low toxicity after ingestion.

44 Holly Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - low toxicity after ingestion.

45 Screen Wash Toxic Low Toxicity

46 Screen Wash Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - depends on ingredients and concentrations (de-icer), but can be toxic after ingestion

47 Screen Wash Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - depends on ingredients and concentrations (de-icer), but can be toxic after ingestion

48 Children’s Paints Toxic Low Toxicity

49 Children’s Paints Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - low toxicity after ingestion, since these products are water based

50 Children’s Paints Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - low toxicity after ingestion, since these products are water based

51 Antacids (e.g. Rennie ® ) Toxic Low Toxicity

52 Antacids (e.g. Rennie ® ) Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - low toxicity after ingestion

53 Antacids (e.g. Rennie ® ) Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - low toxicity after ingestion

54 Hand Washing Up Liquid Toxic Low Toxicity

55 Hand Washing Up Liquid Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - low toxicity after ingestion

56 Hand Washing Up Liquid Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - low toxicity after ingestion

57 Quinine Tablets Toxic Low Toxicity

58 Quinine Tablets Toxic Low Toxicity Correct – highly toxic after ingestion. Deaths have been reported

59 Quinine Tablets Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect – highly toxic after ingestion. Deaths have been reported

60 Button Battery Toxic Low Toxicity

61 Button Battery Toxic Low Toxicity Correct – Toxicity following ingestion is rare but may be related to intestinal obstruction or effects from battery content. X-ray recommended

62 Button Battery Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect – Toxicity following ingestion is rare but may be related to intestinal obstruction or effects from battery content. X-ray recommended

63 Lyclear Crème Rinse Toxic Low Toxicity

64 Lyclear Crème Rinse Toxic Low Toxicity Correct – Ingestion of more than 15 mL of the lotion by a child or 90 mL by an adult might cause symptoms of isopropanol poisoning.

65 Lyclear Crème Rinse Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect – Ingestion of more than 15 mL of the lotion by a child or 90 mL by an adult might cause symptoms of isopropanol poisoning.

66 Fish Food Toxic Low Toxicity

67 Fish Food Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect - low toxicity after ingestion

68 Fish Food Toxic Low Toxicity Correct - low toxicity after ingestion

69 Daisy Toxic Low Toxicity

70 Daisy Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect – Bellis perennis (Daisy) are of low toxicity after ingestion

71 Daisy Toxic Low Toxicity Correct – Bellis perennis (Daisy) are of low toxicity after ingestion

72 Lily of the Valley Toxic Low Toxicity

73 Lily of the Valley Toxic Low Toxicity Correct – Ingestion of large amounts may cause adverse effects on the heart.

74 Lily of the Valley Toxic Low Toxicity Incorrect – Ingestion of large amounts may cause adverse effects on the heart.

75 Well done you have completed this workshop Points to Remember: Be careful in clarifying that the route of toxicity is by ingestion only If in doubt - REFER

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