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Published byShanna Small Modified over 8 years ago
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 1 Topics 3 blocks to make up funding- schools, high needs and early years Understanding the new formula Understanding the datasets behind the formula Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) Why you are a ‘winner’ or ‘loser’
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 2 Schools Block
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 3 BASIC PER PUPIL ENTITLEMENT DEPRIVATION LUMP SUM LOW COST HIGH INCIDENCE SEN Personalised Learning Attainment Element IMD Eleme nt P u p i l L e d Social Deprivation IMD LAC + at risk One to One Tuition School Development Grant (SDG) Attainment Deprivation Pupil Element ICT (Pupil Led) Enterprise Learning ICT (Block) SDG (Block) Extended Schools (me too) Schools Standard Grant (SSG) Pupil Led Block Sum Schools Standard Grant Personalisation Attainment Free meals Pupil Led Targeted Primary/Secondary Strategy Learning Support Unit Practical Learning Specialist Schools (Pupil Led) Statements Formula IMD ATTAI NMENT SEN Support Services IMD ATTAINMENT SEN without Statements IMD ATTAINM ENT LAC EAL The 37 funding factors currently used to allocate funding to East Riding Schools will reduce. Out of the 12 allowable factors, 3 are not applicable to the East Riding. In addition to the 6 factors above, there will continue to be factors for rates, split site and PFI funding. Early Years and Statements are excluded from the numbers quoted as these are funded separately under the new arrangements from April 2013. Infant class size funding, energy performance Small school support, incremental drift, teacher mobility, High pupil turnover, grounds maintenance, swimming, EAL- funding during the year Travellers School and early admissions block School Meals Block FSM take up Chart- old and new factors
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 4 Schools Block- factors (i) Factors Out of the 12 factors only 4 are significant in terms of monetary value (Approx 97.5% of funding). No choice in the data sets that we use, only the values we attach to them. 1.Basic per pupil entitlement (mandatory)- AWPU 2.Deprivation (mandatory) 3.Low cost high incidence SEN 4.Lump Sum (same for both primary and secondary phases, allowable up to £200k)
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 5 Schools Block-factors (ii) Factors continued 5.Rates £3.2m 6.Split sites £0.43m 7.PFI £0.38m increasing by £0.647m agreed by Schools Forum 8.LAC £0.22m 9.EAL 10.Post-16 honour existing commitments 11.Pupil mobility 12. London Factor – not applicable
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 6 Schools Block- data set (i) Data Set 1) Basic per pupil entitlement- Pupil numbers as at October- one value for KS1 and KS2. Different values for KS3 and KS4. 2) Deprivation- IDACI and FSM/ FSM6 eligibility to be used instead of IMD. 3a) Attainment- Primary EYFSP, children achieving under 73 or 78 points (use KS1 and KS2 at present)
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 7 Schools Block- data set (ii) Data Set continued 3b) Attainment- Secondary KS2 results achieving level 3 or below in English and Maths (use KS3 and KS4 at present). 4) Looked After Children (LAC)- data from March SSDA903 5) English as an additional Language (EAL)- using National Pupil Database, pupil on the system for up to 1,2 and 3 years 6) Pupil Mobility- started in last 3 academic years excluding September.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 8 Deprivation funding IDACI and free school meals (FSM) Allocating £4.620m through IDACI Allocating £5.191m through FSM Remember:- no separate school meals factor
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 9 IDACI Bandings IDACI lower higher pupils % proposed band limit limit Value 0 0.00 0.2033,73379.66£0 1 0.20 0.25 1,3593.21£300 2 0.25 0.30 2,5726.08£400 3 0.30 0.40 2,4495.78£500 4 0.40 0.50 1,5123.57£750 5 0.50 0.60 4791.13£1150 6 0.60 1.00 2390.57£1150 Total 42,332 100.00 0.20 means child has a 20% chance of coming from a deprived family
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 10 IDACI v IMD Big change to deprivation funding- Currently every child receives some funding through ‘wider’ IMD used for several factors in the formula- on a sliding scale. Now 33,733 pupils will receive no funding through the new deprivation factor based on IDACI.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 11 Values- per pupil Basic per pupil entitlement CurrentProposed KS1 and 2 £2,116.33 (ave) £2,594.00 KS3 £2,624.72 £3,413.00 KS4 £3,714.76 £4,735.00
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 12 Values – lump sums Currently through the school block and early years block we give out £16.12m plus school meals block £0.75m and SSG block £1.716m = £18.586m New 143 schools * £130,000 = £18.590m (125 prim and 18 sec)
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 13 DfE modelling tool The DfE provided a modelling tool for LA’s to populate with the data set they provide. Received revised data set (due to results of the consultation) on 13 July. Modelling tool modified several times- only received final version on 20 July. LA’s can only decide on the values to attach to the various data set.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 14 Principles used in modelling The amount allocated to the primary and secondary phases to remain the same. To minimise turbulence.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 15 Modelling (i) Please note:- The modelling is based on reworking 2012-13 budgets. We will not be able to provide 2013- 14 budgets until the new year when the 2013- 14 data set is released by the DfE.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 16 Modelling (ii) 2012-13 budgets based on January 2012 pupil numbers Remodelled 2012-13 budgets based on October 2011 pupil numbers
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 17 Minimum Funding Guarantee and capping MFG at minus 1.5% per pupil for 2013-14 and 2014-15. (same as 2011-12 and 2012-13) Allow gains at a per pupil level to be capped. To balance the books we have used 1.3%. This may change. Remember 32 schools currently on MFG costing £320k.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 18 MFG and Capping New Formula 56 Primary schools on MFG £1.42m 5 Secondary schools on MFG £0.308m 49 primary schools capped £1.360m 5 secondary schools capped £0.368m Funded per the formula 20 primary schools 8 secondary schools
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 19 Infant Class Size Funding (ICSF) No change in the regulations, but no separate funding factor If a school received ICSF in 2012-13 it will form part of the baseline for calculating MFG. Many primary schools that received significant funding through ICSF will see they now get MFG. This is because phantom funding no longer exists and the £2m previous distributed through this factor will now be on pupil numbers and a contribution to MFG costs. Can retain funding centrally for additional classes as a consequence of ICS regulations. – contingency claims.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 20 Infant class size funding- example 1 If a school had 240 KS1 pupils in 2012-13, they would have received zero ICSF. If numbers rise over 240 in 2013-14 then the school would be eligible to apply for ICS contingency for the additional class.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 21 Infant Class Size Funding- example 2 If a school had 63 pupils in KS1 and received £39,042 in ICSF (27 * £1446), it will be in the baseline for 2012-13 and so the school will be protected through MFG on that funding level. If the school has only 59 pupils in 2013-14 it can reduce by a class, therefore saving costs but funding will still be protected on the 2012- 13 funding level.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 22 High Needs Block
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 23 High Needs Block To Fund:- Statement funding – top-up Special Schools, including boarding facilities Pupil Referral Unit’s (PRU’s) SEN central services ie Independent special schools, SEN support staff.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 24 High Needs Block In addition to the basic per pupil entitlement (AWPU) – school to find first £6k of a statement. Above £6k will be allocated in funding known as ‘top-up’ funding Consistency across all LA’s
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 25 High Needs Block- ‘top-up’ (i) Current statement values and top-up under the new system LevelValueTop-up Funding under the current system F£6,422 £422£0 G£7,030£1,030£0 H£7,296£1,296£0 I£8,094£2,094£0 J£8,816£2,816£0 K£9,652£3,652£0 L£10,830£4,830£10,830 M£12,198£6,198£12,198 N£13,794£7,794£13,794
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 26 High Needs Block – ‘top-up’ (ii) The change will create winners and losers- not covered by MFG Proposed 1 year transitional protection of 50%
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 27 High Needs Block Change in ‘top up’ funding means: Currently £3.885m given out through statements. Through new factor £2.221m which means £1.664m not given out on individual statements. £0.843m allocated in protection so remaining £0.821m to be distributed for special needs.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 28 High Needs Pupils For pupils that are the responsibility of another authority- ie resident outside the East Riding, the ‘top-up’ statement funding will be paid by that authority directly to the school. Therefore these pupils will NOT appear on your SEN Appendix. (A reason why your statement funding maybe less than expected).
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 29 Early Years Block
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 30 Early Years Block To Fund: Maintained nursery classes Nursery schools Private, Voluntary and Independent Settings (PVI’s) Through the Early Years Single Funding Formula
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 31 Early Years Block Funding to do with nursery aged pupils can only be based on: Hours of participation (up to 15hrs per week) Deprivation (IMD scores) Under the early years single funding formula, PVI’s and schools have to have a common funding formula.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 32 Early Years Block Maintained nursery classes. Funding cannot be distributed through the Schools Block for nursery pupils. Currently £553k in schools budgets relating to nursery pupils. ie historic standard fund allocations. Proposed, an additional 69p per hour increasing the rate from £2.44 to £3.13. (may change when calculate 2013-14 budgets) This funding is a movement between the Schools Block to the Early Years Block. Means winners and losers not protected by MFG. Proposed 1 year transitional arrangements. (50% protection and cap) school may be required to provide nursery estimates earlier so budgets can be produced earlier.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 33 Early Years Block Nursery Schools Will no longer receive the mainstreamed standard fund grants, therefore budgets will reduce. Increasing the block sum from £90k to the same as the primary and secondary sector of £130k will readdress the shortfall.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 34 Pupil Premium The pupil premium is a completely separate grant. Need to take it into account when looking at the overall funding level of the school. Pupil premium 2012-13 £600. Advising schools to build in £800 and £1000 for 2013-14 and 2014- 15 respectively on 3 year plans. (conservative)
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 35 3 year plans Sept/Oct round – plans updated to take new factors into account from 2013-14. Will differ to the funding on handout as plans will use more up-to-date pupil numbers where handouts are based on October 2011 pupil numbers. Also variances in nursery hours and statemented pupils should explain a difference.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 36 Pressures for 2013-14 Financial Planning for 2013-14 to 2014-15 underway No increase in overall Schools Budget Any pressures for 2013-14 would have to be found from Schools Budget 2013-14 basic per pupil values likely to be lower than the remodelled 2012-13 budgets
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 37 Why ‘winner or loser’ Historic grant funding Formula factors that can no longer be used ie ICSF, energy, incremental drift, small school support etc Different pupil numbers used Different data set Only one lump sum
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 38 Range of ‘Winners’ and ‘Losers’ - Primary Pre MFG/CapPost MFG/Cap Pupil NumbersLargest Loss £ Largest Gain £ Largest Loss £ Largest Gain £ Under 80 (29) -67k+15k-4k+3k 80-149 (29) -70k+30k-9k+5k 150-199 (17) -62k+60k-11k+7k 200-299 (24) -61k+76k-16k+10k 300-399 (13) -54k+89k-22k+14k 400+ (13) -118k+101k-26k+18k
East Riding of Yorkshire Council County Hall Beverley East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA Telephone 01482 887700 39 Range of ‘Winners’ and ‘Losers’ - Secondary Pre MFG/CapPost MFG/Cap Pupil Numbers Largest Loss £ Largest Gain £ Largest Loss £ Largest Gain £ 500-749 (4) -93kN/A-46kN/A 750-999 (6) -248kN/A-66kN/A 1000-1500 (5) -70k+85k-70k+73k 1500+ (3) N/A+327kN/A+88k
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