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GIS Database. Why - Geography Gene x Environment Flights x Environment Environment: the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS Database. Why - Geography Gene x Environment Flights x Environment Environment: the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS Database

2 Why - Geography Gene x Environment Flights x Environment Environment: the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy, or other properties

3 When you hear… Forest Park San Francisco Bronx Beverley Hills Ferguson Ladue Dogtown

4 Geographic Coordinates

5 Geographic Data Smallest geographic units About 39 blocks Contiguous area with 1200 to 8000 residents (4000 average), with similar demographics ZIP codes developed for US Mail system; do not respect census or even county boundaries; heterogeneous

6 CID Building 4500 Clayton Ave, St. Louis MO 63110 Latitude: 38.632783 Longitude: -90.260478

7 Census Mapping

8 More on the address

9 Demographics

10 Income

11 Population

12 Housing

13 Geographic Datasets - National US Census: collected every decade; started in 1790; 1 in 6 households received a long version of the survey that in addition to basic demographics, also collected socioeconomic data; long version no longer used US American Community Survey: the long version of the census survey; rolled out in 2005; data are collected continuously with no household receiving the survey more often than once every 5 years; allows for annual sociodemographic data Aggregated at the census tract, block group and block. Mostly frequently used at census track level Neighborhood-level data

14 Geographic Datasets - Missouri Traffic Accidents Crime Reports New Real Estate Development New Starbucks Weather School Individual-level data

15 Size of Data

16 Linking Across Datasets Geocoding: converts address to an approximate latitude/longitude coordinate By linking national and state data, can ask questions about the joint influence of individual-level and neighborhood-level factors on substance use outcome

17 Tools for Geocoding ArcGIS: Software for working with maps and geographic data; many industries, including academic institutions license this software from its developer, Esri. ZP4: software and official US Postal Service data to automatically determine the correct mailing address

18 Pitfalls of Geocoding Variation in postal addresses: Ave vs Av; Apt vs #; Clayton, MO vs St. Louis, MO Spelling errors in addresses Missing pieces of addresses Many driver's licenses registered to the same address (why do you think this could happen?) Rural areas PO Boxes

19 Research Examples

20 DUI & Walkability Fatality crash data from National Highway Safety Traffic Administration – Fatality Analysis Reporting System Data from

21 DUI & Walkability


23 Data from Missouri vital records White Non Hispanic 3mo pre1st tri2nd tri3rd tri # Un- known noyes% Un- known not smoked smoke d %smoked Un- known not smoked smoke d pct smoked Un- known not smoked smoke d % smoked 201058944394421651638538.86%394467131183725.34%394482941025621.24%39448722982820.17% 201158636388423771587137.45%388468961135224.21%38848484976420.14%38848942930619.01% 201258342332424111559936.78%332467821122824.00%33248337967320.01%33248778923218.93% 201358351331426691535135.98%331469461107423.59%33148485953519.67%33148992902818.43% African American 3mo pre1st tri2nd tri3rd tri # Un- known noyes% Un- known not smoked smoke d %smoked Un- known not smoked smoke d % smoked Un- known not smoked smoke d % smoked 2010114602008931232926.08%2009583167717.50%2009867139314.12%2009955130513.11% 2011117011929139237025.93%1929778173117.70%19210083142614.14%19210179133013.07% 2012115361659015235626.13%1659702166917.20%1659973139814.02%16510069130212.93% 2013116851649270225124.28%1649901162016.36%16410230129112.62%16410319120211.65%

24 Predicting smoking during 3rd trimester of pregnancy using census and Missouri state data – White race/ethnicity

25 Predicting smoking during 3rd trimester of pregnancy using census and Missouri state data – Black race/ethnicity

26 Smoking During Pregnancy – 3 rd Tri White Black Light green, dark green, yellow, orange, and red colors indicate increasing probability of maternal smoking by quintiles

27 Why - Now Computation power and internet availability of data

28 Smoking During Pregnancy – 1 st Tri White Black

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