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Planet Earth ◎ Scientists believe the Earth is 4,600,000,000 (4.6 billion) years old. ◎ Animals have been living here for about 600,000,000 years. (6.

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Presentation on theme: "Planet Earth ◎ Scientists believe the Earth is 4,600,000,000 (4.6 billion) years old. ◎ Animals have been living here for about 600,000,000 years. (6."— Presentation transcript:


2 Planet Earth ◎ Scientists believe the Earth is 4,600,000,000 (4.6 billion) years old. ◎ Animals have been living here for about 600,000,000 years. (6 hundred million) ◎ Humans have been on the Earth for about 200,000 years. (Two hundred thousand)

3 Planet Earth ◎ Millions of years ago, planet earth looked a lot different than today. ◎ The continents were in different positions. ◎ Humans didn’t exist.




7 How do we know about the dinosaurs? If the dinosaurs are extinct, how do we know they once existed? ◎ Everything we know about the dinosaurs comes from fossils. ◎ A fossil provides evidence of plants and animals that lived on earth long ago. ◎ Scientists use fossils to help them learn about the past. This looks like a leaf but it is not. It is the fossil of a leaf. This is called petrified wood. It used to be a piece of wood but over time has turned into a rock.


9 Body Fossils Here are some examples of body fossils Eggs Shells Beetle in amber Frozen baby mammoth

10 Trace Fossils Here are some examples of trace fossils Dinosaur footprint Dinosaur trackways Fossilized dinosaur droppings called coprolite (poop) Fossilized dinosaur droppings called coprolite (poop)

11 Dinosaurs Were Land Animals ◎ Even though some might have spent time in the water, all dinosaurs lived on land. This oviraptor is licking its claws as it lays down next to a nest of eggs. The name oviraptor means “egg thief”. Were these eggs its own offspring or its next meal?


13 Four Limbs All dinosaurs had four limbs but some walked on four and some on two. Why? This triceratops walked on four limbs all of the time. Scientists believe that the dinosaurs who were very heavy and big needed all four limbs to support their enormous bodies. Most large herbivores needed all four limbs to walk on.

14 Four Limbs All dinosaurs had four limbs but some walked on four and some on two. Why? Most carnivores walked on two legs and used the other two limbs to grab, attack, and hold their prey. This velociraptor walked on its hind legs enabling it to use its front limbs to help catch its prey.

15 Four Limbs All dinosaurs had four limbs but some walked on four and some on two. Why? Some dinosaurs were able to choose between two and four limbs. They would walk on four when grazing on vegetation. They would use two for defensive reasons. Some would run away on two legs and others would rear up to defend themselves.

16 Walked Upright The dinosaurs walked with their legs directly underneath them. This is different than other reptiles whose legs are on the sides of their bodies. This giraffe’s legs have the same design as a dinosaur’s. They are directly below the giraffe’s body. This alligator’s legs are a perfect example of how some reptile’s walk with their legs on the side of their body. This saltasaurus must have been a dinosaur because its legs are directly underneath it.

17 Specific Bone and Muscle Features Dinosaurs had muscles in their cheeks that went from their jaw all the way to the top of the skull.

18 Specific Bone and Muscle Features The first bone in a dinosaurs arm (humerus) had a strong ridge where a large muscle could be attached. This is the humerus of a wulagasaurus seen from different angles. It was found in China. Can you see the ridge where the muscle was attached?



21 Carnivores, Herbivores, and Omnivores ◎ Another way scientists categorize dinosaurs is by their eating habits. ◎ Dividing them this way creates three different categories: carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores.

22 Carnivores A carnivore is an animal (or plant) that gets nutrients by eating other animals. They have special traits that help them catch and/or find their meals. -There are two types of carnivores: predators and scavengers. - A predator hunts and kills animals. They have special characteristics to help them hunt their prey. -A scavenger eats animals that are already dead and have special characteristics to help them find carrion (dead and decaying flesh of animals). Hector’s dolphin is a predator. It hunts for and eats a wide variety of ocean animals like crabs, fish, and squid. The Venus Flytrap is a plant that gets some of its nutrients by eating insects. The California condor is a scavenger that circles the skies looking for carrion.

23 Dinosaur Carnivores Spinosaurus The spinosaurus was one of the biggest carnivores. It was even bigger than the t-rex. It had a long and and narrow skull. Scientists think its shape helped it catch fish. Scientists are not sure why it had the large sail on its back.

24 Dinosaur Carnivores Giganotosaurus The giganotosaurus was one of the deadliest dinosaurs. It used its sharp teeth and three fingered hand, equipped with a sharp claw, to help catch its prey. It lived in South America and some scientists believe it might have also worked in small packs to hunt the enormous argentinosaurus. Three fingered hand with claw Very sharp teeth

25 Dinosaur Carnivores Tyrannosaurus Rex The tyrannosaurus rex is probably the most popular of all the dinosaurs. The t-rex was definitely a carnivore, but scientists are not sure if it was a predator, scavenger, or both. Many things we used to believe about the t-rex are now in doubt. Its fame most likely comes from its name (tyrant lizard king) and from being in so many movies and TV shows.

26 Dinosaur Carnivores Allosaurus The allosaurus was a predator that lived on North America. It lived at the same time as the stegosaurus and fought with, if not hunted, them. Its most dangerous weapon was its sharp teeth. They were razor sharp, three to four inches long, and never stopped growing!

27 Dinosaur Carnivores Deinonychus Like other raptors, it had one large claw on its feet that it used as weapons to attack its prey. The deinonychus was very fast and hunted in packs. They were most likely covered with feathers!

28 Herbivores

29 Dinosaur Herbivores Triceratops The triceratops is famous for its three horns. Triceratops actually means “three-horned face”. Scientists believe they used the horns to attract a mate, defend itself from predators, or both.

30 Dinosaur Herbivores Stegosaurus The stegosaurus is famous for the two rows of plates that stick out of its back. No one is sure of the plates’ purpose. Some think they might have been for defense, others think they might have been to help cool them down. The stegosaurs had a mini brain. It was about the size of a walnut. It had a spiked tail that it would use as defense against bigger dinosaurs.

31 Dinosaur Herbivores Ankylosaurus The ankylosaurus was like a prehistoric tank. It was armored with bony plates and pointy spikes all over its body. It had a big and heavy club at the end of its tail, which was probably used in self-defense. Because of its armor, tail, and size (five to six tons), a full grown ankylosaurus was very well protected from attack by predators. It was one of the last dinosaurs to go extinct.

32 Dinosaur Herbivores Parasaurolophus The parasaurolophus was a hadrosaur. The hadrosaurs, the duck- billed dinosaurs, were, in many ways, like cattle today. They lived in large groups and spent most of their time grazing on plants. The parasaurolophus had a long and hollow crest on top of its head which it probably used for two reasons. One, was to make loud calls. The other, was to cool it off by letting its body heat out. It was probably the loudest of all the dinosaurs.

33 Dinosaur Herbivores Brachiosaurus The brachiosaurs belonged to a group of herbivores called the sauropods. They had extremely long necks and tails. They were once believed to be the biggest dinosaur. Their size was probably their best defense against predators. Adults were most likely immune from being attacked.

34 Omnivores ◎ An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and animals. ◎ Both vertebrates and invertebrates can be omnivorous. ◎ Mammals, amphibians, fish, birds, and reptiles have omnivorous members. The grizzly bear eats things like fish, moose, berries, nuts, and roots. Box turtles eat things like fish, frogs, flowers, berries and roots. Robins eat worms, as well as, berries Parrotfish eat algae, seaweed, and shrimp. Tadpoles eat plant materials and frogs eat things like insects, worms, and spiders.

35 Dinosaur Omnivores Chirostenotes  This omnivore had clawed fingers on its hands. It was toothless. ◎ It was about seven feet long and only weighed between 50 and 75 pounds. ◎ It lived in the North American woods. ◎ Scientists believed it had feathers and are one of the dinosaurs being studied to see if there is a link between dinosaurs and birds.

36 Dinosaur Omnivores Heterodontosaurus The heterodontosaurus lived in South Africa. It was one of the smallest dinosaurs weighing 5 – 10 pounds and was only 3 feet long. It had three different types of teeth used for eating plants and animals.

37 Dinosaur Omnivores Gallimimus This omnivore lived in Asia. It was about 20 feet long and weighed about 500 pounds. It had a long tail and legs and was able to run up to 30 miles an hour.

38 What happened to the dinosaurs? ◎ The dinosaurs lived on earth for about 150 million years. ◎ They lived on every continent. ◎ They came in all sizes. ◎ There were carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. ◎ There were fast ones and slow ones. ◎ About 65 million years ago something happened, where, over a few thousand years, they all died. ◎ This is called the K/T extinction event. – The “K/T” stands for the Cretaceous (K) period and the Tertiary (T) period of earth’s history. – The K/T event happened when the Cretaceous period ended and the Tertiary period was beginning. ◎ What happened to all those dinosaurs?

39 ◎ Once dinosaur fossils were discovered, scientists began to wonder what happened to them. ◎ There were many theories for their extinction. Here are just a few. What happened to the dinosaurs? They were too big. Some even claimed that aliens destroyed them.

40 What happened to the dinosaurs? In 1980, a scientist named Luis Alvarez came up with a new theory. He and a few others had been investigating the layers of the earth from the time of the K/T event. They noticed that the layer of earth at the K/T event was covered with an extremely rare element called iridium. They had a hypothesis that this rare element came from a very big meteorite or comet that hit the earth. This was a great hypothesis, but there wasn’t any proof that the earth was hit by a meteorite 65 million years Then, a few years later, an enormous crater was found in Mexico. It is assumed to prove the impact of a meteor with the earth at that time. * This is not the real crater. The real one has a about a 100 mile diameter! *

41 What happened to the dinosaurs?




45 Did only the dinosaurs die from the K/T extinction event? ◎ Over half of all plants and animals on earth died. ◎ Reptiles that lived in water, like the plesiosaur and mosasaur, died. ◎ Flying reptiles, the pterosaurs, became extinct. ◎ Almost all of the world’s algae disappeared. ◎ Many of the ocean’s invertebrates vanished.

46 Which dinosaur am I? I was a carnivore. I was about 12 feet (4 meters) long. I had giant claws on my back feet. I was very fast. I probably hunted in packs. I probably had feathers.






52 Pretend you are the Paleontologist ◎ Using what you have learned about dinosaurs, look at this picture of a reptile from the age of dinosaurs and be the scientist. – Is it a dinosaur? Why or why not?

53 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Pretend you are the Paleontologist

54 On the next page, fill in the Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the ankylosaurus and the giant turtle. Use the pictures to help you. Ankylosaurus vs. Giant Tortoise AnkylosaurusGiant Tortoise

55 Ankylosaurus vs. Giant Tortoise

56 On the next page, fill in the Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the deinonychus and lions. Use the pictures to help you. Deinonychus vs. Lion Deinonychus attacking an iguanodon Lions attacking a hippopotamus.

57 Deinonychus vs. Lion

58 Invent an Herbivorous Dinosaur ◎ Some of the biggest and most ferocious predators who ever lived on planet earth were dinosaurs. ◎ The allosaurus, t-rex, velociraptor, deinonychus, and the giganotosaurus are just a few. ◎ Some were very big and strong. ◎ Some attacked with enormous pointed teeth. ◎ Some pounced using long sharp claws. ◎ Some would hunt in packs. ◎ Some could run very fast and catch their prey. ◎ Can you invent an herbivorous dinosaur, that would have been safe from all of these predators? ◎ Design its size, height, and any characteristics it would have to keep it safe.

59 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Invent an Herbivorous Dinosaur

60 Fossils - Teeth ◎ Look at these teeth. ◎ What inferences can you make about the animal that had these teeth. ◎ Explain your answer.

61 Fossils - Teeth _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

62 Fossils - Teeth ◎ Look at these teeth. ◎ What inferences can you make about the animal that had these teeth. ◎ Explain your answer.

63 Fossils - Teeth _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

64 How Big Were the Dinosaurs? ◎ Below is a list of a few different dinosaurs and how long or tall they were. Use a ruler, meter stick, or yard stick to see how big they were. ◎ Length ◎ Supersaurus – 134 feet long(41 meters) ◎ Diplodocus – 90 feet long (28 meters) ◎ Spinosaurus – 50 feet long (15 meters) ◎ Tyrannosaurs Rex – 45 feet long (13.5 meters) ◎ Compsognathus – 2 feet long (.6 meter) ◎ Stegosaurus – 20 feet long (6 meters) ◎ Triceratops – 30 feet long (9 meters) ◎ Height ◎ Sauroposeidon – 60 feet tall (18 meters) ◎ Ultrasaurus – 40 feet tall ( 12 meters) ◎ Tyrannosaurs Rex – 45 feet (13.5 meters)

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