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Awareness Raising Tools 1 Dörte Peters, seecon international gmbh.

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1 Awareness Raising Tools 1 Dörte Peters, seecon international gmbh

2 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: Copy it, adapt it, use it – but acknowledge the source! Copyright Included in the SSWM Toolbox are materials from various organisations and sources. Those materials are open source. Following the open- source concept for capacity building and non-profit use, copying and adapting is allowed provided proper acknowledgement of the source is made (see below). The publication of these materials in the SSWM Toolbox does not alter any existing copyrights. Material published in the SSWM Toolbox for the first time follows the same open-source concept, with all rights remaining with the original authors or producing organisations. To view an official copy of the the Creative Commons Attribution Works 3.0 Unported License we build upon, visit This agreement officially states that: You are free to: Share - to copy, distribute and transmit this document Remix - to adapt this document. We would appreciate receiving a copy of any changes that you have made to improve this document. Under the following conditions: Attribution: You must always give the original authors or publishing agencies credit for the document or picture you are using. Disclaimer The contents of the SSWM Toolbox reflect the opinions of the respective authors and not necessarily the official opinion of the funding or supporting partner organisations. Depending on the initial situations and respective local circumstances, there is no guarantee that single measures described in the toolbox will make the local water and sanitation system more sustainable. The main aim of the SSWM Toolbox is to be a reference tool to provide ideas for improving the local water and sanitation situation in a sustainable manner. Results depend largely on the respective situation and the implementation and combination of the measures described. An in-depth analysis of respective advantages and disadvantages and the suitability of the measure is necessary in every single case. We do not assume any responsibility for and make no warranty with respect to the results that may be obtained from the use of the information provided. Copyright & Disclaimer

3 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 3 Contents 1.Awareness Raising 2.Examples of Awareness Raising Tools 3.Applicability 4.References

4 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 4 What is Awareness Raising? Awareness raising = alerting general public that - issue exists - approach to the issue is essential (in way awareness raising group proposes) 1. Awareness Raising Central aims: (WATERAID and WSSCC 2003)  inform public about issue & solutions  change public opinion & behavior  create demand  raise money  get issue onto political public agenda  make issue credible in policy debate Source: material/wash-images-messages/wash-2007/index.htm

5 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 5 Where do Media Campaigns belong to?  Media Campaigns are awareness raising or communication tools that belong to the software implementation tools in Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management. 1. Awareness Raising

6 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: try to influence social norms, attitudes and values of people so they will change their behaviour because they are convinced that they are doing the right thing and their actions are in line with their personal values. 1. Awareness Raising Tools: Media campaigns Advocacy to influence leaders Empower young people as promoters School campaigns Etc. Source: us/Lists/Kyoto%20Prize%20Application%20Form/Attachme nts/68/Tankaposter-%20poster%20guj.jpg [Accessed: 23.03.2010] 6 With Awareness Raising Tools…

7 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 7 Why Awareness Raising? 1. Awareness Raising changing opinion & behaviour of public & creating demand for SSWM is crucial for sustainability of all SSWM tools.  no sense to built toilet if no one knows how and why to use it! Because… Awareness raising to change opinion & behavior Source:

8 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 8 1. Awareness Raising Awareness Raising Media Campaigns: Internet and Email Media Campaigns: Radio Media Campaigns: Posters and Flyers Media Cam- paigns: Video Corporate Social Responsibility Social Marketing Advocacy – Influencing Leaders SSWM in School Curriculums School Campaigns Young People as Promoters

9 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 9 2. Examples of Awareness Raising Tools Social Marketing Similar to conventional marketing but end goal is social benefit (e.g. improvement of health, conservation of resources, etc.) Uses marketing techniques to raise awareness & to create demand for social objectives. When/ where to apply: when you want to create demand for SSWM essential to all processes of SSWM! combination with other awareness raising tools & capacity building important + consumer based approach − needs financial + creates demand for SSWM resources

10 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 10 Media Campaigns − Radio (BURKE 1999, WATERAID and WSSCC 2003) 2. Examples of Awareness Raising Tools  efficient tool to influence public opinion, reaches wide audience  involvement of public increases decision-makers attention Source: + radio can have direct effect on − one-way medium public attitude & behaviour (WATERAID 2007) When/ where to apply: many illiterates rural areas community participation

11 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 11 2. Examples of Awareness Raising Tools Media Campaigns − Posters and Flyers (SCHAAP & VAN STEENBERGEN 2001) + can reach wide & specific audiences + emphasise main messages & give educational information − one-way medium − little slogan/ picture needs to have huge impact Source: material/wash-images-messages/wash-2007/index.htm When/ where to apply: many illiterates (posters without text) regions with many poor flyers at universities

12 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 12 2. Examples of Awareness Raising Tools Media Campaigns − Video (BURKE 1999) + useful to teach specific skills + engages partizipation Source: − equipement expensive − electricity needed When/ where to apply: show at public places accessible in internet use at schools, publi places, courses  Visual medium: conveys complex ideasin comprehensible formats

13 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 13 2. Examples of Awareness Raising Tools Media Campaigns − Internet and Email (BURKE 1999) Internet: websites, fora for online discussions and files to get information, do research and download. Email: mostly advertising (e.g. for an activity) and networking in groups. + most interactive medium + gives people access to sources from other countries Used in an integrated way − target group must have computer − sometimes censored When/ where to apply: where people know SOMEthing about SSWM, for additional information regions where computers are spread widely

14 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: Advocacy − Influencing Leaders (DE JONG 2003) Action of delivering an argument to -gain commitment from political & social leaders -prepare a society for a particular issue 2. Examples of Awareness Raising Tools When/ where to apply: local community level,national & international level well functioning media network & communication channels, personal network + can boost campaign − time-consuming Media important Political support: The mayor of Mymensingh Pourashava has supported the Malgudam community to create a demonstration plot for using toilet bags as fertilizer. Source:

15 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)  commitment by businesses to behave ethically & contribute to economic development & improve quality of life of society at large 2. Examples of Awareness Raising Tools + Go beyond minimum legal requirements + Address social & ecological needs − Sometimes just for PR reasons Source: social-responsibility/ When/ where to apply: for financial & non-financial CSR partnerships with development actors when you want business to behave fair & responsible (e.g. human rights, environment)

16 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: Young People as Promoters  assuring that project/ program has greater effect & more long lasting impact on the communities 2. Examples of Awareness Raising Tools Source: + create appealing campaigns + raises self-esteem − lack of work experience − lack of seriosity When/ where to apply: youth needs to have time schools, universities

17 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: SSWM in School Curriculums Goals: increasing knowledge, change attitutes, encourage action 2. Examples of Awareness Raising Tools School orientation on correct use of urine separation toilet at elementary school in Baluarte (Cagayan de Oro, Philippines) Source: GENSCH, R. (2009) + raise next generation with knowledge promoting SSWM + children mightinfluence family members − teachers need to be trained When/ where to apply: schools without SSWM in curriculums big classes (practical lessons)

18 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: School Campaigns (IRC 2007) … provision of safe water and sanitation facilities AND school education of SSWM issues. 2. Examples of Awareness Raising Tools A successful school campaign in Nepal, where the family and wider community were involved into the programme. On this day, the school became an award for its leadership in making the viallage open defecation free. Source: KROPAC, M. (2009). + spreads from school to household to community − costs for facilities, soap, O&M, teaching teachers,… When/ where to apply: local school/ community level schools without safe W&S facilities

19 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 19 3. Applicability  which tool is best applicable depends on target group  important to consider cultural & religious backgrounds  Combination of tools deepens their impact Source: The right mix is important!

20 Awareness Raising Tools Find this presentation and more on: 20 7. References BURKE, A. (1999): Communications & Development. A practical guide. London: Social Development Division. Department for International Development. URL: guide.pdf [Accessed 2010]. JONG, D. de (2003): Advocacy for Water, Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene. Thematic Overview Paper. Delft: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre. URL: [Accessed 2010]. IRC (2007): Towards Effective Programming for WASH in Schools: A manual on scaling up programmes for water, sanitation and hygiene in schools (Technical Paper Series No. 48). Delft: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre. SCHAAP, W. & VAN STEENBERGEN, F. (2001): Ideas for Water Awareness Campaigns. Stockholm: Global Water Partnership. WATERAID (2007): The Advocacy Sourcebook. London: WaterAid. URL: [Accessed 2010]. WATERAID & WSSCC (2003): Advocacy Sourcebook. A Guide to advocacy for WSSCC co-ordinators working on the WASH campaign. London & Geneva: WaterAid and Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council. URL: [Accessed 2010].

21 Awareness Raising Tools 21 “Linking up Sustainable Sanitation, Water Management & Agriculture” SSWM is an initiative supported by: Compiled by:

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