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Asesoría y tutoría académica MCDISL MTRA. ESPERANZA CORONA JIMÉNEZ.

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Presentation on theme: "Asesoría y tutoría académica MCDISL MTRA. ESPERANZA CORONA JIMÉNEZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asesoría y tutoría académica MCDISL MTRA. ESPERANZA CORONA JIMÉNEZ

2 What are you going to do during this course?  This course is an introduction to research,  What’s expected from you is to read a lot, research and write, and write, and write and correct, and write, and so on until you develop the needed skills for the educational research approach.  Being able to diagram your educational problem or focus of your research is a must, as well as identify the kind of methodology you need to collect data and formulate hypotheses to give solutions.

3 Outcome: Students will have: 1. An overview of Education Research 2. Knowledge of how to do quality scholarly research, including: Identifying a research problem Reviewing the literature Specifying a purpose and research question or hypotheses Collecting either qualitative or quantitative data Analyzing and interpreting qualitative or quantitative data Reporting and evaluating research 3. Knowledge of the various research designs

4 UNIDAD I Orientaciones para la observación de la sesiones de clase  Lineamientos protocolarios para la observación docente  Propósitos y rationale  Instrumentos de observación  Estructura y etapas de la observación docente  Características observables en el docente

5 Why do we need to reasearch? 1.careful patient study of a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, principles, etc. 2.[][countable]a particular piece of research. 3. v. to investigate or look into something carefully;


7 Flipped classroom What’s and why to observe during a class?, (the purpose of observation) What can you observe? What’s action research methodology? Which types of research can you use?

8 Types of research Qualitative research The term has been adopted within qualitative market research to describe occasions where researchers spend time - hours, days or weeks - observing and/or interacting with participants in areas of their everyday lives. Quantitative research interview-based research or surveys (data collection) in which interaction with respondents is limited to a conventional interview on the basis of a questionnaire and where interaction is limited in time.


10 How to observe Non-participant /from a distance  Refers to the researcher’s long- distance observation of activities related to the topic of interés. It is a form of observation that is spectator- like; not participatory.  Is only posible when it can be conducted unobtrusively, in such way that participants do not notice the researcher Participant  Is the data collection technique that requires the researcher to be present at, involved in, and recording the routine daily activities with people in the field setting.  Although participative observation offers some advantages, this technique is time consuming

11 How to record observations  Observation notes The researchers will record their daily observations in the research localities using the notes, - Main topics to be observed - Other observations made by the researcher - Information acquired through conversations - Researcher’s personal comments - Pictures

12 Protocol



15 Observation report  A Little background about the fieldwork  An introduction on the locality where the research was conducted  A summary of the observations on each variable or topic  A summary of the other observations made that are relevant for the research but not covered by the variables or topics  A summary of the information ( actual sources and future ones)  A description of the strategies used to locate the informants  ANNEX of daily observations and pictures

16 Background and Rationale Provide background information to put your study into wider social and scientific context : what is the situation on the ground in your study area and in what ways will your research contribute to furthering understanding of this situation. The background section should provide a justification for doing your study – set out what is already known/understood/interpreted related to your study topic and what/why new aspects need to be understood.

17 References  Quantity and Quality in social research - Alan Bryman - ch&ots=HO35HQHq6G&sig=HZLVRgEVLtq- yZprEuI8RVUbRic#v=onepage&q=quality%20vs%20quantity%20research&f=false

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