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Tetherless World Constellation Jim Hendler Deb McGuinness

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1 Tetherless World Constellation Jim Hendler Deb McGuinness

2 What is a Constellation?  "Rensselaer Plan" identifies constellations  Multiple chaired professors (3 is typical)  May be from multiple depts  Outside Dept Structure  Integrative centers for interdisciplinary work  Separate funding lines  Faculty lines not charged to dept (I.e. don't compete w/dept hires)  Report to President's Office  Key areas: Biotechnology and Information Technology

3 Figure 1: The Web presents new challenges to software engineering and application development. Tetherless World Constellation  Tetherless World started in 2007  Originally aimed at robots and mobility  Now focused on "beyond the Web" computing  Now focused on Semantic eScience  Affiliate Program Started  Fujitsu Labs of America, Lockheed Martin ATL  Significant joint work with MIT CSAIL DIG Group  Joint grants  Joint (no cost) appts  Creating new courses  Semantic Web (F/07)  Web Science (S/08)  Semantic eScience (F/08)

4 Leaders in Semantic Web  Berners-Lee, Hendler, Lassila, 2001  > 5000 citations in 5 years  Hendler DARPA PM for "DAML" program, McGuinness seedling developer and major fundee  Hendler Chaired "Web Ontology Working Group", McGuinness key player and author of several key documents  Several highly cited coauthorships  Work w/industry in and out of W3C  "Web 3.0" startups  Leaders in research community  Both have chaired major conferences in AI, Sem Web, KR, etc.; Hendler is VP, McGuinness Board member of Semantic Web Science Association  > 200 papers in area from Md and Stanford  Significant Govt consulting/contracting/reporting in Sem Web Area  Natl Academy, Air Force Science Board, DTO/iARPA  Both hold clearances, do classified consulting  Hendler helped form US Govt Knowledge Sharing Sig

5 Lots going on  Semantic (Web) technology companies starting & growing  Siderean, SandPiper, SiberLogic, Ontology Works, Intellidimension, Intellisophic, TopQuadrant, Data Grid, Mondeca, ontoPrise…  Web 3.0 new buzzword: Metaweb, RadarNetworks, Garlik, Joost, Talis, …  Bigger players buying in  Adobe, Cisco, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Nokia, Oracle, Sun, Vodaphone… announcements/use in 2007  Gartner identifies Corporate Semantic Web as one of three "High impact" Web technologies  Tool market forming: AllegroGraph, Altova, TopBraid, …  Government projects in and across agencies  US, UK, EU, Japan, Korea, China, India…  Several "verticals" looking into Sem Web adoption  Health Care and Life Sciences  Interest Group at W3C  Financial services  Sciences other than Life Science  Virtual observatory, Geo ontology, …  Many open source tools available  Kowari, RDFLib, Jena, Sesame, Protégé, SWOOP, Pellet, Onto(xxx), Wilbur, …

6 Digital asset management Semantic Web portals Ontology editors (and other tools) Semantic Web and social networking

7 Ontology Mapping Explanation/Provenance Knowledge Discovery Web Service Composition

8 Constellation "plans"   Ontologies/Tools Web Infrastructure Scaling Rule extensions Policy Lang Web Science Interdisciplinary eScience Knowledge Provenance

9 Web Science  The features that make the web work  The threats of fragmentation  The macro from the micro  How to incorporate semantics  How to exploit statistics  How to build services  How to instill trust, resilience and dependability Figure 1: The Web presents new challenges to software engineering and application development. Berners-Lee Lovelace Lecture 07 The original version

10 Tetherless World/Web  The pervasive, mobile. Information rich and ubiquitous Web, requires Web Science  Info beyond the desktop (tetherless)  Understanding the Web as a network at all scales  Below the Web graph  Powerlaws to people  Social Machines  Engineer the Future of the Web  Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 necessary, but not sufficient…  Policy Aware Computing  End to end semantic accountability  Privacy protection  Security needs  Intellectual property rights (and wrongs)

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