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Names. ● Long-term objectives rather than short-term trading gains. ● Future growth potential inherent in the Company. ● Diversified investment portfolio.

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Presentation on theme: "Names. ● Long-term objectives rather than short-term trading gains. ● Future growth potential inherent in the Company. ● Diversified investment portfolio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Names


3 ● Long-term objectives rather than short-term trading gains. ● Future growth potential inherent in the Company. ● Diversified investment portfolio. ● High risk and low risk can be included. The purpose and direction of investment

4 Introducing Team Member

5 Samsung electronics Samsung electronics is a multi-national organization that represents Korea, therefore the company ’ s position is stable. Their stocks are very low-risk. Korea Zinc Korea Zinc is linked to the price of gold and therefore their stock price accurately reflects the given market price. Hanssem Hanssem is one of the largest furniture brands in Korea. They deal in kitchens, interior design, remodeling etc. We expect their stock to rise. Hana Tour Hana Tour is a tour company in Korea. This investment is high risk due to the volatile nature of industry. However the tourism industry is growing due to the increase in travelers. 4 Investment Companies









14 Samsung Electronics is a company that epitamises Korea through its sale of electrical goods worldwide. Samsung Electronics is particularly prominent in markets such as Smart phones, Smart TV and semi-conductors. It is one of the few companies that make a consistent, stable profit due to its strong internal and financial structure. Samsung Electronics Galaxy series and Apple's iPhone are constantly jockeying with each other for the number one spot in the smart phone market. Moreover, Samsung Electronics goal is to pioneer Smart TV worldwide. Their ambition and the high level of competition are key reasons we chose to purchase their stock. The above table shows Samsung Electronics has been growing in sales since 2010. The growth potential is also one of the reasons we chose to purchase this stock.

15 Korea Zinc is a nonferrous metals smelting company. Their main product, zinc, has a supreme status in the nonferrous metals market domestically and other products already gain a competitive edge. Additionally, the company enjoys a comparative advantage in terms of zinc smelting equipment. Moreover, nonferrous metals (such as zinc, gold, silver etc.) are an essential resource as they are fundamental to the production of steel, cars, home appliances and electrical wiring. The table shows that, in comparison to other companies, Korea Zinc consistently generate the highest grossing sales.





20 Β=0.306 < 1.000, Volatility is lower than 1 Therefore, it is insensitive to fluctuation.

21 Β=0.2205 < 1.000, Volatility is lower than 1 Therefore, it is insensitive to fluctuation.

22 ※ R F 는 3년 만기국고채 수익률을 이용하였으며 2006년 5월 30일 국고채 수익률은 4.70%임. E(R P )= R F + [E(R M )- R F ] δMδM * δ p = 0.047+ [0.0208- 0.047 ] 0.002834 * δ p = 0.047-9.245 * δ p E(R P ) δpδp 0.047 0.00508 E(R P )= 0.047-9.245 * δ p E(R J )= R F + [E(R M )- R F ] * β J = 0.047+ [0.0208- 0.047 ] * β J = 0.047-0.0262* β J E(R J ) βJβJ 0.047 1.1768 E(R J )= 0.047-0.0262 * β J

23 Risk-free rate of return ( R f) is higher than Market rate of return ( R m). So to buy stocks with a relatively low level of risk such as KINDEX, is more efficient than buying stocks that carry a high level of risk.

24 >> Team Member A >> Team Member B

25 >> Team Member C >> Team Member D

26 >> Team Member E >> Team Member F

27 >> Team Member G

28 Throughout the investment process, we continuously discussed the various opportunities that were available to and which stocks would be more prudent to invest in. Firstly, we chose several industries of which we already had some existing knowledge. We believed that, due to the current size and scope of certain industries and their existing and potential growth rate, we could accurately predict certain changes in the prices of certain stocks. Industries such as electronics, travel, gold and furniture have shown a consistent growth within the market and therefore companies that operate in these industries are likely to experience an increase in share prices. However, we did recognize that within these industries, there was a significant difference in performance between firms. For example, the share price of Samsung electronics and Hanssem has been increasing steadily over the course of the investment period. Hana Tour, however has been getting lower. The difference of rate of return between companies is caused by a difference of portfolio ratio. Despite the fact that, as a group we were unable to create a high return on our investment, The simulation taught us how to identify potential investment opportunities and stimulate an interest in the stock market It was both impressive and exciting!

29 최종 수익률 : -4.08% 투자 실적 저조의 원인 분석 Ⅰ 안정적인 종목인 신한지주와 성장세를 보이는 에코프로에 상대적으로 적은 물량을 매수하였고, 위험성 있는 자산인 나머지 두 종목을 너무 많이 매수하였다. Ⅱ 위험자산의 경우 적절한 매수시점을 잡지 못하였다. 중외신약과 마크로젠 의 경우 시장 가격이 지속적으로 하락함에도 불구하고 중간에 매수하여 손실을 보게 되었다. 모의 투자에서 느낀 점  이번 모의 투자를 통하여 주식 투자에는 매수 및 매도 타이밍이 굉장히 중요하다는 것을 깨달았다. 아무리 좋은 주식이라도 시점에 따라 수익률 이 달라질 수 있으며 이 시점을 잘 잡기 위해서는 충분한 공부가 필요함을 느꼈다. 그리고 포트폴리오 내의 적절한 배분이 얼마나 중요한지 깨달았다. 포트폴리오 종목의 적절한 자산배분을 통하여 각 종목이 지닌 손실 위험을 줄일 수 있음을 이번 기회를 통하여 충분히 느낄 수 있었다.

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