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This Is My Gospel Lesson 42. Recap Lesson 41 Earnestly desire to search the words of the prophets.

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Presentation on theme: "This Is My Gospel Lesson 42. Recap Lesson 41 Earnestly desire to search the words of the prophets."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Is My Gospel Lesson 42

2 Recap Lesson 41 Earnestly desire to search the words of the prophets.

3 Purpose Understand the fundamental doctrines of the gospel of Jesus Christ Living the gospel is the only way to true and eternal happiness.

4 Mormon Church

5 President Boyd K. Packer “Others refer to us as Mormons. I do not mind if they use that title. However, sometimes we are prone ourselves to say ‘Mormon Church.’ I do not think it best for us to do so”

6 President Boyd K. Packer “Every prayer we offer is in His name. Every ordinance performed is in His name. Every baptism, confirmation, blessing, ordination, every sermon, every testimony is concluded with the invocation of His sacred name. It is in His name that we heal the sick and perform other miracles of which we do not, cannot, speak.”


8 Christ with the Three Nephites

9 Gordon B. Hinckley “If the world is to be improved, the process of love must make a change in [our] hearts. … It can do so when we look beyond self to give our love to God and others, and do so with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind”

10 Conclusion When the people remained faithful to the gospel, “there could not [have been] a happier people” (4 Nephi 1:16).

11 Gordon B. Hinckley “Let us reach out with love and kindness to those who would revile against us. … In the spirit of the Christ who advised us to turn the other cheek, let us try to overcome evil with good”

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