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Pollution and How it Applies to Aquatic Life By: Brooke Swan and Julia Macchi.

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Presentation on theme: "Pollution and How it Applies to Aquatic Life By: Brooke Swan and Julia Macchi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollution and How it Applies to Aquatic Life By: Brooke Swan and Julia Macchi

2 Context 3rd grade students learning science The unit will be taught over the course of five consecutive school days. The curriculum meets the framework and standards for the Connecticut State Department of Education for Science. Overarching Goal of Unit: Raise an awareness of the issue of pollution in the world today.

3 Objectives 1.Students will be able to identify and label the 4 oceans, and will know how much of the earth’s surface consists of water. 2.Students will learn basic internet research skills through gathering information on how their assigned aquatic animal is affected by pollution. *CSCF.Science.3.B INQ. 8 3.Students will teach their classmates in a small group about the affects of pollution on their specific aquatic animal through the jigsaw method of cooperative learning. CSCP.Science.CMT.3.B11 4.Students will demonstrate concern for the environment by recommending ways to conserve the ocean. *CSCF.Science.B.3. INQ. 5

4 Broad Overview of Unit MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Lesson Students will watch a brief video introducing the unit. They will learn about the geography of oceans--location and name of the 4 main bodies of water. Students will get a visual lesson about pollution from the exhibits. They will learn how to protect the ocean from pollution and begin to have an understanding of the importance of this topic. KWL sheet. Students will learn the basic skill of research on a computer. Extending their knowledge of pollution, students will take their research from the internet and apply it to their project. Students knowledge will be tested about previous ocean geography taught on Day 1. Students will have to learn how to present their animal and the issue of pollution in an interesting and creative way via their poster. Students will teach and learn from their peers about pollution and the various animals affected by it. Students will collaborate with each other about how to raise awareness of pollution to their school. Activity After the showing of the video, students will be introduced to an interactive group activity. This activity consists of labeling a map with visual aids to demonstrate the extent of how much of the earth is made up of water. FIELD TRIP to Mystic Aquarium. Students will get a tour of the aquarium and be able to see various exhibits of that demonstrate pollution while seeing sea animals up-close. Students will be assigned a specific animal. They will then be asked to use the given websites to research their animal and how it’s affected by pollution. Students will be quizzed on their knowledge of the 4 oceans. Students will design and make their posters. Presentation day: Students do the Jigsaw grouping method and present their project to the small group of classmates. The students then work together to come up with ways in which they would like to teach their fellow peers around the school about how they can prevent pollution by making one large poster per group.

5 Tuesday Field Trip to Mystic Aquarium! “Here at Mystic Aquarium we strive to inspire our visitors to care for and protect our ocean planet.” Students will get a tour of the entire aquarium and will get to spend extra time at the interactive pollution and marine debris exhibits Students will be asked to their KWL chart before and after the field trip

6 Friday Presentation Day: Make groups Present individual poster--Jigsaw Method Group solutions to issue of pollution Create school awareness posters

7 Evaluation Rubric for Individual Poster Project will be evaluated on a 1-5 scale: (4-5)- demonstrates clear understanding of subject, able to apply information successfully and creatively, exemplary effort (2-3)- exhibits a substantial understanding of information, some effort and creativity shown (1)- shows minimal understanding of information, gives insignificant amount of creativity and effort

8 Example Poster:

9 Resources Day 1: Introduction video of oceans, map of the world for each student, and colored candy pieces. Day 2: Field trip to Mystic Aquarium, KWL sheet. Day 3: Access to computers along with 2 provided websites--national geo for kids and kidrex Day 4: Quiz sheet, small poster board for each student, markers (or any other arts and crafts materials available) Day 5: Large poster board for each group, markers

10 Citations

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