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The Australian Astronomy MNRF Ray Norris June 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "The Australian Astronomy MNRF Ray Norris June 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Australian Astronomy MNRF Ray Norris June 2004

2 22 August 2001: Sen. Minchin awards $23.5m to the MNRF astronomy proposal (Total budget $52m)

3 GEMINI: The world’s most powerful optical telescope The MNRF: Buys us an additional share of the two Gemini telescopes Enables us to play a key role in developing instrumentation for Gemini

4 The Square Kilometre Array The next generation radio telescope An internationally-funded A$2B project Technology development now – strong industry involvement Site selection in 2006 –We are bidding to host it in Australia Construction starts in 2010

5 Australia’s Astronomy Future The goals of the MNRF: Provide facilities to do excellent science –Develop SKA –Upgrade existing facilities in the process –Greater access to Gemini Draw the Australian astronomical community together Position Australia as the #1 astronomical instrumentation builder in the world Build a healthy future for Australian astronomy

6 MNRF management structure MNRF Director Gemini2SKA1SKA2 AABoM Executive Officer Etc...Gemini1 SKA consortium CSIRO Australian Gemini Steering Committee ARCDEST

7 The Projects 1. MNRF Project Office 2. Increased Share of Gemini 3. RSAA Instrumentation 4. AAO Instrumentation 5. CABB: AT Compact Array Broadband Backend 6. NTD: SKA New Technology Demonstrator 7. MMIC: Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits 8. SKAMP: SKA Molonglo Prototype 9. SKA WA Siting 10. SKA Supercomputer Simulations & Baseband Processing

8 Overall Progress All projects making substantial progress –Some are falling somewhat behind their targets –None are causing undue concern –Several highlights (to be reported today) Funding is on track AABoM is running well DEST are supportive

9 Issues Luneburg lenses & NTD refocussing –See J Kot/R Norris talks today Uncommitted Gemini funds –See G Da Costa talk today MNRF Office understaffed –Executive Officer being appointed R Norris proposes to step down as MNRF director –MNRF director must be CSIRO staff member –Selection process is in train

10 See

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