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Suffolk County PDR Program Permits and Bi-Annual Review Andrew Amakawa Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Suffolk County PDR Program Permits and Bi-Annual Review Andrew Amakawa Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suffolk County PDR Program Permits and Bi-Annual Review Andrew Amakawa Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning

2 Suffolk County PDR Program: Permit Process

3 Suffolk County PDR Permit Process Two types of Permit Applications: 1. Agricultural Development/Special Use 2. Special Event Special Use

4 Permits: Agricultural Development and Special Use 1A. Agricultural Development Permit is necessary to: Construct/Modify/Relocate/Rebuild/Demolish an Ag Structure or Improvement and Operate a Farmstand/Processing Facility/Alternative Energy System Examples include: Barn, Shed, Farmstand, Processing Facility, Parking Areas, Fences, Utilities, etc. 1B. Special Use Permit is necessary for: Agricultural Site Disturbances including: Grading, Filling, Excavation, etc. Only Ag Development and Site Disturbances necessary for agricultural production are allowed

5 Permits: Special Event Special Use 2. Special Event Special Use Permit is necessary to hold: Special Event for agricultural education, marketing, sale and production purposes only Examples of Special Events may include: Fall Harvest Event / Food and Wine Event / Educational Farm Event Restricted to one (1) event per year not lasting more than two (2) days

6 Checklist for a Complete Permit Application: A complete application must include: Detailed description of the proposed improvements including: Type and number of improvements / location / dimension / uses / utilities Detailed description of the proposed special event including: Type of event / location / time and duration / number of attendees / plan for ingress and egress / parking plan / plan for minimizing site disturbance Site Plan (drawn-to-scale) Identifying the approximate location and dimensions of all proposed structures and identifying distances in feet from designated points and boundaries

7 A complete application must include (continued): Certification Statement from the landowner/attorney/lessee/agent Written permission or Certification Statement from landowner authorizing attorney or agent to represent the application $100 Application Fee Application available on our website: aceandFarmland/FarmlandPreservation.aspx aceandFarmland/FarmlandPreservation.aspx Google search: “Suffolk County Farmland Preservation” and scroll down to “SC PDR Program” Checklist for a Complete Permit Application (continued):

8 Suffolk County PDR Permit Process Applications must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the next SC Farmland Committee meeting Applications are sent to Director Sarah Lansdale at the SC Division of Planning and Environment Applications deemed complete are scheduled for the next SC Farmland Committee meeting The SC Farmland Committee meets bi-monthly (Jan, March, May, July, Sept and Nov) Example: Permits applications are due on November 11 for the Nov 25, 2014 meeting Meeting schedule is posted on our website kCountyFarmlandCommittee.aspx kCountyFarmlandCommittee.aspx

9 Suffolk County PDR Program Bi-Annual Review Process

10 Suffolk County Bi-Annual Review Process In accordance with the Chapter 8 of the Suffolk County Code, landowners of active farms may apply for inclusion in the PDR Program during two designated Review Periods each year Landowners may file an application at anytime throughout the year for consideration Review Period 1: Applications filed by January 31 st and deemed complete will be considered by the SC Farmland Committee at its March meeting Review Period 2: Applications filed by July 31 st and deemed complete will be considered by the SC Farmland Committee at its September meeting

11 Suffolk County Bi-Annual Review Process Application Requirements for the Bi-Annual Review Period Completed SC Farmland Committee Farm Evaluation Form: Property details Tax map numbers; location; property characteristics (woodlands, wetlands, structures); total acreage and acreage being offered Operation details current crops; current lessee; years in production Cut out plan for non-agricultural structures and uses For example: residence and driveway Survey Current lease agreement (if applicable) Written permission from landowner authorizing an attorney or agent to represent the application (if applicable) Follow-up Questionnaire Average Annual Gross Sales Question

12 Suffolk County Bi-Annual Review Process Consideration outside the Bi-Annual Review There are two (2) exceptions for consideration outside the Bi-Annual Review if certain additional criteria are met in addition to the Bi-Annual Review application requirements Exception 1: Estate concerns (resulting from the sudden death of a landowner) or financial hardship (resulting from crop failure or similar imperative); and Must provide documentation demonstrating that the preservation proposal is consistent with an adopted Town/Village Comprehensive Plan and/or Agricultural & Farmland Protection Plan Exception 2: Letter of support from a Suffolk County Legislator; and Must provide documentation demonstrating that the preservation proposal is consistent with an adopted Town/Village Comprehensive Plan and/ or Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan

13 Suffolk County Bi-Annual Review Process Suffolk County Farmland Committee Review Rating Considerations include: Contiguity to preserved farmland Connection to farm block Vistas Prime Agricultural Soils Suffolk County Farmland Committee Approves or Disapproves a recommendation to the Suffolk County Legislature for inclusion in the PDR Program.

14 Suffolk County Bi-Annual Review Process Legislature Review Process for the approval of appraisal steps Introductory Resolution Authorizing Appraisal Steps laid on table at the Suffolk County Legislature Environment, Planning & Agriculture Committee review and recommendation Full Legislature review and recommendation Next steps..

15 Suffolk County’s “Triple A” Open Space and Farmland Acquisition Process Overview AAA 1. Appraisal Resolution:* a. Evaluation by Planning including partnership opportunities b. Legislative approval c. Interest Letter d. If interest, order appraisal e. ETRB value approval at least twice a year 2. Procedural Motion:** a. EPA Committee ranking b. Approval by Legislature to undertake Acquisition Steps on identified/prioritized parcels: c. Offer extended d. Survey, title ordered e. Environmental Site Assessment 3. Approval Resolution: a. SEQRA b. Legislative approval to close * Appraisal steps can be introduced throughout the year, ETRB will set the offer price at least twice a year. **In executive session, the Legislature will be provided with the following information: appraised values for each parcel in the acquisition pipeline, the corresponding environmental rating, and the fund balance to determine acquisition priorities for the County. The Legislature’s decision will be memorialized by a Procedural Motion.

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