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Step by Step to make an app Gordon Eccleston

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Presentation on theme: "Step by Step to make an app Gordon Eccleston"— Presentation transcript:

1 Step by Step to make an app Gordon Eccleston

2 Why go mobile?

3 The mobile lifestyle – digital natives

4 Decisions Decisions Decisions Where do you start?

5  Phone or tablet  Recent surveys make Tablets the new pc Larger screen Easier to input and process data  Though everyone has a (smart) phone simple apps with simple user input The platform

6  Operating system  iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows  Market share  Recent figures give Android has lead in phone sales (45%) iOS has lead in tablets (80%) iOS has lead in no. of apps iOS has lead in revenue from apps Windows (and Nokia) may emerge Which system?

7 Existing apps could meet your needs

8  An app that connects to  Spreadsheet or database  Your users will be able to  make better decisions, faster  with interactive and dynamic views Business Intelligence

9  An app can give your employees access to  Order entry  Payment processing  Help desk services  Whilst out of office Sales and Service

10  Make your employees productive when out of the office  Project management  expenses Business process

11  Enable online meetings  Instant messaging  Voice services  Content sharing Collaboration

12  Access services to keep your users informed and up to date Reference

13  Do you have the resources?  Staff, time, training, equipment  Do you only wish to deploy internally?  Do you want to make a profit or provide a service?  The answer probably goes back to your business plan In-House development or not?

14  iOS Developer Program  ($99/year approx. £62 )  App Store distribution on ly  iOS Developer Enterprise Program  ($299/year approx. £187)  In-house distribution only  Remember you need to renew your license every year Different types of licenses

15  Is your IDE for iOS development  Can only run under the Apple Mac OS Snow Leopard or Lion Xcode

16  A developer will require  Images/logos  Colour/fonts  Approx layout  Access to databases/files Resources

17  Is done under storyboard/Interface Builder Design

18 Contains Instruments  Instruments collects data  such as disk, memory, or CPU usage in real time  data is graphically displayed as tracks over time  Instruments ensures your app responds as expected

19 Sample code available on developers website

20 The future is your world!

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