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CHAPTER 11 AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT. PEOPLE TO MEET Francis Bacon - English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author; believed in using.

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2 PEOPLE TO MEET Francis Bacon - English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author; believed in using inductive reasoning, observation & empirical evidence; “father” of the scientific method.

3 Ptolemy – Egyptian astronomer who said the sun & planets moved around the earth in circular paths

4 Nicholas Copernicus – scientist who proposed “heliocentric” (sun-centered) theory of the universe in 1543

5 Johannes Kepler – theorized that planets move in oval / elliptical paths

6 Galileo Galilei – scientist who found clear evidence supporting Copernicus = Sun-centered universe (1610)

7 Sir Isaac Newton - developed the universal law of gravity & of motion

8 René Descartes – French scientific thinker; viewed as founder of rationalism; said, “I think therefore I am.”

9 Thomas Hobbes – lived in England during civil war; shocked by violence; believed people are naturally selfish & mean; wrote Leviathan arguing natural law made absolute monarchy best form of gov’t John Locke – English philosopher said natural law made democracy best form of gov’t which is a social contract b/w rulers & the people. *People have natural rights & can revolt if gov’t not fair

10 Baron Montesquieu – French philosopher wrote The Spirit of Laws ; promoted separation of powers so no one has too much power (3 branches of gov’t – legislative, executive & judicial) Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire – French philosopher & GREATEST ENLIGHTENMENT THINKER; believed in religious & speech freedom

11 Denis Diderot – published 28 volume Encyclopedia -- spread Enlightenment ideas Mary Wollstonecraft – English writer who supported women's rights & wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women -

12 Louis XIV – King of France who ruled for 72 years; know as the “sun king” – lived in riches at Palace of Versailles Frederick II - Prussian absolute ruler Catherine II – Queen of Russia known as “Catherine the Great”

13 George Washington – American Revolutionary War hero as head of the Continental Army; 1 st president of the U.S. Thomas Jefferson – Brilliant American Revolutionary; primary author of The Declaration of Independence; 3 rd president of the U.S.

14 PLACES TO LOCATE Prussia & Austria– Powerful states that were part of Germany led by Frederick II - - became great European powers St. Petersburg – Russian city founded by Peter I – capital city during Age of Absolutism

15 TABLE OF CONTENTS ____ Title Page (2 pts) *Skip lines ____ Table of Contents (3 pts) ____ Workbook & Read to Write Challenge (55 pts) ____ Cause & Effect & Copernicus Q’s (10 pts) ____ Section 1 Worksheet (20 pts) ____ Enlightenment & Gov’t / Economy W.S. (10 pts) ____ / 100 TOTAL

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