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Global II Chapter 17, Section 3 Impact of the Enlightenment READ: pg. 409 - 411.

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1 Global II Chapter 17, Section 3 Impact of the Enlightenment READ: pg. 409 - 411

2 Objectives 6.7Explain how Enlightened ideas spread 6.8Describe how women helped shape the Enlightenment 6.9Explain the actions taken by Enlightened Monarchs

3 Lesson Launch-Review! Please discuss the following with a partner: What are some of the democratic principles taken from enlightened thinkers? What previous invention by Guttenberg is going to allow Enlightened Ideas to Spread? Please discuss and answer the following with a partner: Which set of historical periods in European history is in the correct chronological order? A. Medieval Europe B. Italian Renaissance C. Golden Age of Greece D. Enlightenment 1) C → A → B → D 2) A → B → D → C 3) C → B → D → A 4) B → A → C → D

4 1. Spread of New Ideas Encyclopedia, or Classified Dictionary of the Sciences, Arts, and Occupations Put together by Denis Diderot Included works by Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau Most articles devoted to science and technology Newspapers & journals increasingly popular

5 2. Women’s Contributions Salons – 1600’s & 1700’s Gatherings of writers, musicians, painters, and philosophes Voltaire, Rousseau, and others attended Place for witty, well read, and intelligent individual to gather Music of Bach & Mozart during this age

6 Review: What were the democratic principles of Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau? What is an enlightened monarch?

7 3. Enlightened Monarchs Use the ideas (often liberal = open to change) of enlightenment philosophers to increase and get a greater hold of their power over their people.

8 Enlightened Monarchs/Despots (often Absolute) Austria Russia Prussia Social Contracts of the Enlightenment Locke: Hobbes: Rousseau: Maria TheresaJoseph IICatherineFrederick Laws to limit serfdom Limited unpaid work “Feudal Dues” Hosted Salons Abolished serfdom Freedom of Press Ended religious persecution Banned use of Tourture Limit torture Introduce Religious toleration Corresponded w/ Voltaire & Diderot “The Great” Invited Voltaire to his court Religious Freedom Encouraged Elem. Education “The Great” Authority of the ruler is given from the people = “consent of the governed”. Ruler’s authority can be taken away. Ruler must protect Natural Rights Give ruler absolute authority/power. In return ruler provides peace & order. No individual rights. (Supports Absolutism) Communal society w/ no ruler. People submit to the “general will”. Popular Sovereignty. Good for society over good of individual.

9 Closure How did Enlightened ideas spread? How did women help shape the Enlightenment? What were some of the actions taken by Enlightened Monarchs?

10 Enlightened Monarch/Despot Summary King or Queen who used the ideas of the Enlightenment to increase their power. They hoped to improve their economic and social conditions within their countries and reduce the privileges of nobles. These monarchs might allow freedom of speech, press, religion as well as outlawing torture. Voltaire argued that the Enlightened Monarch was the best form of government. Maria Theresa and Joseph II of Austria were such monarchs.

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