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Introduction Team’s Value and Vision Statement: As part of the New York State budget project our goal is to attain a strong, professional, and efficient.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Team’s Value and Vision Statement: As part of the New York State budget project our goal is to attain a strong, professional, and efficient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Team’s Value and Vision Statement: As part of the New York State budget project our goal is to attain a strong, professional, and efficient state government that represents significant values. These values include equity, efficiency, accountability, and a focus on revenue, which will enhance employment throughout the New York State. Team InFocus has delegated specific responsibilities in order to address the issues of Higher Education, Education in grades K-12, Health Care, Social Services, Economic Development and State Operations.

2 Social Services/Child Welfare and Environment/Energy 1. Authorize State to Administer Supplemental Security Income (SSI). ▫ Eliminating the fee charged to the state and implementing the program at the state level saves money efficiently. ▫ Although there will be an investment of $574,000 in 2010-2011, and $11 million in 2011-2012, the state will save $60 million annually after the state SSI program is implemented. Presented By Meghan Smith

3 2. Authorize court to Permit Electronic Testimony in Court. ▫ Authorizing the court to permit electronic testimony is fair. It allows individuals to take part in family court cases that might not otherwise be able to. ▫ Total savings to the state: $41 million. 3. Collect Past Due Local Costs for the State Juvenile Justice System. ▫ This is a fair approach, because the funds that are collected for past debt are placed into a special revenue fund for a youth facility. ▫ Total savings to the state: $36 million. 4. Eliminate Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KGAP). ▫ This program is deeply flawed and lacks clear policies. The government is being accountable by removing a program that has existing flaws. ▫ Total savings to the state: $2.1 million. Meghan Smith

4 5. Eliminate Grape Genomics Funding. ▫ A significant way in which the state can save money is by researching areas where provided funding is not being used. Grape Genomics is one of these areas. ▫ The state is being efficient and accountable by finding unused money that can be used for declining businesses. ▫ Total savings to the state: $7.5 million 6. Reimburse the State for Snowmobile Expenses. ▫ The state cannot afford extra snowmobile expenses because it requires a lot of money, time, and effort to keep trails maintained for snowmobilers. ▫ The state is acting responsibly by transferring money out of the Snowmobile Account and into the General Fund. ▫ Total savings to the state: $2 million. Links: Meghan Smith

5 State Operation ▫If the state adopts such a severe Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP) that depends deeply on cuts it will have an adverse effect on the state’s economy, because the Deficit Reduction Plan (DRP) would take $2.26 billion out of the state’s economy. ▫Adopting sustainable building, transportation, paper use and energy use practices that will help in accomplishing the sustainability goals. With the use of green building practices it can improve employees’ productivity, improve building operational performance and reduce building operating costs in the short term and moving forward in the future. ▫Elimination of the Empire Zone Program which is set to sunset June 30, 2010. This program has been linked to widespread abuse and failure to meet program goals and would save the state roughly $600 million a year. ▫ New York State has not implemented the law to collect taxes on tobacco products sold at Native American retail stores, and the state is losing hundreds of million per year. Presented By Jackie Griffin

6 General Fund ▫The use of the Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund and State Rainy Day Fund these reserves are for unexpected matters such as the budget deficit. ▫Federal aid during financial recession. The stimulus money which has a state fiscal relief section can be used to help reduce the state’s deficit. Jackie Griffin

7 State Work Force ▫Pension Plans for public employees are guaranteed by the State’s Constitution, and once given cannot be decreased. ▫Economic outlook, unemployment in New York State is at it highest there are approximately 850,000 New Yorkers unemployed and the official unemployment rate is 8.6% as of July of 2009 most recent data. Jackie Griffin

8 Local Government and Safety Net Programs ▫In time of recessions, local governments cannot rely heavily on cuts, and increasing taxes to play a role in offsetting the recession. ▫Invest in higher education, usually in economic downturns people look for re-training to get back into the workforce ▫Target communities with high unemployment. If there is another round of stimulus money it should be for those communities creating green jobs/green homes. ▫Reform Unemployment Insurance, usually in downturns, unemployment insurance is another safety net that put money in the hands of individuals who will spend it. Jackie Griffin

9 Public Safety ▫Cost can be lowered by combining administrative functions ▫Additional savings with the consolidation of under populated prison dormitories Jackie Griffin

10 Education Option 1-2: Decrease School Aid Funding in all Districts across the State. Elementary and Secondary education (K-12) compromises a great portion of the budget. With that said, School Aid would have to be reduced in districts in order to close the deficit. This action will save the state approximately $9,024, 622 Eliminate Teachers Center. Although the need for professional development for our most important educators is essential, it should not cost the state nearly $35 million dollars. With elimination of this program will save the state money. However, professional development programs for teachers such The Teacher Mentor program will remain in the Governor’s proposed budget proposals. Presented by Shanita Conley

11 Options 3-4 Continue Funding to Support Special Education Programs. Special Education Programs are very vital to the development to our educational System. The diverse needs of our students should continue to be met and supported. These special education programs include: Aid for Incarcerated Youth, Adult Literacy, Primary Mental Health Project, Extended School Day/violence prevention. Authorize the State Comptroller to audit School Districts and BOCES- The Office of the State Comptroller conducted an audit on school districts in 2005, that was able to detect fraud and save the money that can be used in more efficient areas. This study also noted future savings initiatives that will benefit the state in the long-term. Shanita Conley

12 Option 5-6 Eliminate STAR exemption benefit for the homes with value of $1.50 million and above ▫Under current law, every primary residence, regardless of how much it is worth, is eligible to receive a STAR exemption benefit. This proposal would eliminate the exemption benefit for homes valued at $1.5 million and above. Reject Governor Paterson’s Proposal to end Student Metro Cards ▫Although, the state is facing harsh economic realities, these cuts should not be at the expense of New York Students and Families. MTA student metro cards do serve a great purpose especially to low-income families who cannot simply afford to bear the costs of transportation. Shanita Conley

13 School Aid Cuts by District and NYC Shanita Conley

14 Higher Education Reduce Support for SUNY Statutory Colleges at Cornell and Alfred Universities. ▫Eliminating state provided funding to private colleges. (Cornell and Alfred University) ▫This reduction will generate savings at $5.9 million in 2010-11 and $8.4 million in 2011-12. Presented by Emely Paez Higher Education Option-IF-HE-1

15 Create New TAP Schedules for certain Financially Independent Students. ▫Increase maximum award for Orphans/Wards from $3,025 to $5,000 ▫Decrease maximum award for married and independent students from $5,000 to $3,025 ▫Total savings: $2.2 million. Higher Education Option-IF-HE-2

16 Increase Academic standards for continued TAP Award Eligibility. ▫Increase minimum academic standards for students to maintain their perspective TAP Award. ▫Requirement of at least 15 credits and 1.8 Grade Point Average. ▫By raising this standard NYS will be expected to save $5.9 Million in 2010-2011, and $8.4 Million by 2011-2012. Higher Education Option-IF-HE-3

17 Higher Education Option-IF-HE-4 Establish Default Parity for TAP. ▫Students who fall in Default will be ineligible to receive TAP funding. ▫Total Savings: $7 million.

18 Eliminate TAP for Graduate Students ▫Strongly oppose this initiative that has been proposed by Governor David Paterson. ▫Students who attend Graduate schools are better able to give back to NYS by contributing through taxes. Higher Education Option-IF-HE-5

19 Provide TAP to Students Attending Certain Institutions Not Under the State Education Department’s Direct Supervision. ▫Lift the statutory prohibition against providing TAP to income-eligible students at certain specialized faith-related institutions that primarily offer religious instruction or train members of the clergy. ▫Total savings to the state: $2 million. Higher Education Option-IF-HE-6

20 Health/Medicaid Increase the tax by $1 per pack Revenue will be invested through the Health Care Reform act Help lower-term health care costs This increase will decrease cigarette use by 14% Presented by Casey Wright IF-H-12010- 2011 2011- 2012 Cigarette tax $218 million $211 million

21 Health/Medicaid Option IF-H-1 Graph shows the negative relationship between cost of cigarettes and consumption Casey Wright

22 Health/Medicaid Option-IF-H-2 Establish a Syrup Excise Tax ▫The tax will come to a one cent per ounce increase for soft drinks ▫New England Journal- one cent per ounce increase will reduce consumption by 10% ▫Help reduce health care costs in New York State ▫Money will be invested through Health Care Reform Act IF-H-22010- 2011 2011- 2012 Syrup Tax $456 million $970 million Casey Wright

23 Health/Medicaid Option IF-H-3 Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Prevention ▫40% of all Medicaid claims are “questionable” ( $18 billion a year wasted) ▫Programmatic changes to ensure that the $300 million goal can be reached ▫Promote efficiency, equity and accountability IF-H-32010- 2011 2011- 2012 Medicaid Fraud and Abuse $300 million $300 million Casey Wright

24 Health/Medicaid Option-IF-H-4 Reform Eligibility for Medicaid ▫Closing loopholes for certain services ▫Tighten eligibility screenings ▫Reinstate eliminated eligibility requirements ▫Will promote accountability and equity to the Medicaid program in New York State IF-H-42010- 2011 2011- 2012 Reform Eligibility For Medicaid $488 million $488 million Casey Wright

25 Health/Medicaid Option-IF-H-5 Managed Care Consumer Choice ▫Pilot Tested program in Florida ▫Choice Counseling and Enhanced Benefits Rewards ▫Lowered costs in tested counties IF-H-52010- 2011 2011- 2012 Managed Care Consumer Choice $163 million $327 million Casey Wright

26 Health/Medicaid Option-IF-H-6 Promote Early Intervention Programs IF-H-6 2010- 2011 2011- 2012 Prioritize and Eliminate Optional Services $300 million $300 million Casey Wright Early Childhood Intervention programs Save Money of future Health Care Cost

27 Economic Development 1.Increase Excise Tax on Cigarettes 2.Impose Excise Tax on syrups, bottled soft drinks, and powders or base products. 3.Eliminate restrictions on Quick Draw lottery. 4.Extend hours of VLT operation. 5.Enact the Wine Industry and Liquor Store Revitalization Act. 6.Impose tax increase on certain natural gas production. Presented by Neil Law

28 Conclusion Team InFocus has concentrated on dedicating extensive time and effort in fulfilling our value and vision. By clearly representing equity, efficiency, accountability, and a focus on revenue, the issues of Higher Education, Education K-12, Health, Social Services, Economic Development and State Operations are addressed in a way that fully represent New York State’s government in a strong, professional, and efficient way.

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