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Secondary Principal ’ s Report October 13 th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Principal ’ s Report October 13 th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Principal ’ s Report October 13 th, 2014

2 Mission Statement The mission of the Pender Public School District is to provide quality educational opportunities in a safe, positive learning environment that motivates and challenges all students to become productive and responsible citizens.

3 Workshops/Meetings Attended Past Meetings/Trainings 10/17 – ELA Standards Workshop 10/27 - Advanced Ed Training Omaha Future Meetings/Trainings 12/4&5 State Principals Conference (?) 12/3 Region 3 Principals meeting in Norfolk

4 Pendragon PRIDE Preparation, Respect, Integrity, Determination, & Excellence Since the last Board of Education meeting we have had 16 students in the HS/JH that have been recognized We are asking the teachers to keep watching our students

5 Upcoming Events Nov. 17 – Winter Sports Practice Begins Nov. 26 – Early dismissal Nov. 27 & 28 – No School HS Basketball and Wrestling Kick off on December, 4. – All events are home v. Wakefield JH Boys Basketball Games start this week! - @ Scribner-Snyder on the 13 th

6 PT Conference Numbers 7th Grade- 9 out of 15 students represented 8th Grade- 18 out of 25 9th Grade-15 out of 24 10th Grade- 13 out of 21 11th Grade-18 out of 27 12th Grade-12 out of 23 Total: 83 out of 135 students represented— 61%

7 EHC Choir (Today) Ali Lorensen Rebecca McKay Carlie Bartlett Shelby Roth Glorious Roeber Christina Svoboda Vanessa VonSeggern Riley Prokop

8 One Act Play 17 Cast and Crew Performances are: - Nov. 24 – for Students - Nov. 25 – EHC @ Lyons - Nov. 30 – Community 7:00 p.m. - Dec. 1 – Districts TBA

9 Winter Sports Meeting Numbers Boys Basketball – 13 – coach predictions Girls Basketball – 13 – coach predictions Wrestling – 13 Total – 39 This means 40% of our students are involved in Winter Athletics Winter sports are usually lower BUT we would like to see the percentages flipped

10 Athletics Survey Surveyed 5-8 & 9-12 grade Looking for interest in different activities ex. softball Feelings on cooping activities Future participation numbers

11 What I found…Boys Most boys are satisfied with the Activities offered - grade 5-8 99.94% are satisfied with what we have - grade 9-12 71% Do we continue to look to coop more or “major” sports if numbers fall? - grade 5-8 78% agree - grade 9-12 75% agree What are your feelings toward cooping? (9-12 only) - 40% don’t care; just want to play - 42% would like to remain the Pendragons, but coop if you need - 14% Pendragons “Forever” - 4% don’t play

12 Future ProjectionsBoys Football - 12th 8 - 11th 4 - 10 th 4 - 9 th 6 - 8 th (4) we hope - 7 th (4) we hope (5 th and 6 th 19 boys total) Basketball - 12 th 3 - 11 th 6 - 10 th 3 - 9 th 3 - 8 th (5) we hope - 7 th (4) we hope (5 th and 6 th 19 boys total)

13 Future Projections Boys Cont… Wrestling - 12 th 2 - 11 th 1 - 10 th 5 - 9 th 5 - 8 th (2) - 7 th (1) (5 th and 6 th 19 boys total)

14 What I found… Girls Girls are more split with the Activities offered - grade 5-8 67% are satisfied with what we have - grade 9-12 62% Softball interest? 11 total girls in HS – 5 grades 5-8 Do we continue to look to coop more or “major” sports if numbers fall? - grade 5-8 88% agree - grade 9-12 74% agree What are your feelings toward cooping? (9-12 only) - 28% don’t care; just want to play - 47% would like to remain the Pendragons, but coop if you need - 14% Pendragons “Forever” - 11% don’t play

15 Future ProjectionsGirls Volleyball - 12 th 4 - 11 th 2 - 10 th 7 - 9 th 6 - 8 th (8) - 7 th (1) Basketball - 12 th 1 - 11 th 1 - 10 th 5 - 9 th 6 - 8 th (6) - 7 th (2)

16 Concerns from the coaches and things to consider….. Low numbers are coming and we don’t know when it will end Numbers don’t increase from the initial 9 th grade numbers We are now in a time when kids “specialize” in a sport and we don’t have the population to support that Are we going to lose out on JV games & quality practice situations? We don’t want to have to cancel scheduled games because of low numbers Have we considered having conversations now so that we are prepared in 1-2 years? Do we go to 6-man football next 2-year cycle or play 8-man with 12-16 kids?

17 Cont… Other districts are talking about multiple activities with neighboring schools maybe we should start too Do we want no JV games for VB, FB, & Basketball, or cut a wrestling program?) Keep the lines of communication open and talk often with Emerson Maybe we use a coops to get us through “thin” years coming up? Do we need to model other smaller schools and reduce the activities we have?

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