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JAMS. Overview 365 student athletes this year (a total of 515 tried out; 71% participated on a team). Practices are two days a week for two.

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2 Overview 365 student athletes this year (a total of 515 tried out; 71% participated on a team). Practices are two days a week for two hours. Games are on Saturdays (North locations and South locations) Students must meet the Seattle Public Schools criteria for eligibility. -Ultimate Frisbee (Co-ed & no cut) -Soccer (both girls and boys) -Basketball (both girls and boys) -Volleyball (girls) -Track & Field (Co-ed & no cut) -Cross Country (Co-ed club sport) -Spring Ultimate (Co-ed club sport)

3 Fall Sports Regular Middle School Sports Ultimate Frisbee; Up to four teams including A, B and sixth grade… With the numbers of students participating we need lots of adults in many roles. Place 2 nd in second this year A2 division. Girls Soccer; two teams Varsity and JV… Always looking for support Club Sports Cross Country; 28 students participated in its first year and looking to grow. Practices two days a week and joined local cross country events in Seattle area on a few Saturdays.

4 Winter Sports Boys Basketball … - Two Teams in ‘15-’16 looking to add a sixth grade team (a lot of cuts) - Competitive; Made the top four team playoff - Looking for sixth grade coach and support Girls Basketball … - Two Teams in ‘15-’16 w/ some cuts - Much improved & great growth - Looking for strong coach to build the program and lots of support needed

5 Spring Sports Volleyball… - Two teams in ‘15-’16 w/ possibilities for C team Track & Field… - No cut sport w/ 110 student participating in ‘15- ’16 - Lots of opportunities to be involved! - Placed 2 nd in All City track meet Spring Ultimate (Club)… two practices a week and games on Saturday. The “A” team won the Spirt of the Game award this spring.

6 “C” or Sixth grade teams NUMBERS… Our goal is to increase the numbers of students participating in school sponsored activates and athletics is just one of those activates but the numbers are clear; WE NEED MORE TEAMS! Sport Tried Out Made Team Ultimate Frisbee No Cuts91 Girls' Soccer6041 Girls' Basketball4927 Boys' Basketball7232 Track No Cuts110 Boys' Soccer7739 Volleyball5628

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