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Page 1 / 1908.06.2016 DI Martin Moesl, M.A. Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Arnold Tautschnig Determining and controlling of the Life-Cycle-Yield in an early planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 / 1908.06.2016 DI Martin Moesl, M.A. Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Arnold Tautschnig Determining and controlling of the Life-Cycle-Yield in an early planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 / 1908.06.2016 DI Martin Moesl, M.A. Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Arnold Tautschnig Determining and controlling of the Life-Cycle-Yield in an early planning stage on the basis of BIM

2 Page 2 / 1908.06.2016 Table of contents 1. Principles of BIM 2. Project Development 3. Construction costs 4. User costs 5. Life-cycle-yield 6. Example of calculation 7. Summary planning at an early stage costs of building construction expenses during the operational phase principles of calculation office building

3 Page 3 / 1908.06.2016 1. Principles of BIM  BIM involves two main principles: - 3D digital representation of a building - database with data attributes for model – components  BIM manages the relationships of all components embedded in a model with their individual characteristics  BIM offers a wide range of capabilities including quantity take-offs, cost estimating, space & asset management etc.

4 Page 4 / 1908.06.2016  Keep all your data in the model  Your model is your source for documentation  BIM as a process is a way of managing information within a project team  BIM is a perfect tool for an integrated planning process 1. Principles of BIM Construction Phase Operating phase Planning phase Information Project Flow Traditional BIM Source for pictures: Przybylo, Jakob (2015): BIM Einstieg kompakt, Berlin Beuth Verlag

5 Page 5 / 1908.06.2016 2. Project Development a challenge for sustainable buildings  Project goals: achieving sustainable success (profit) and economic operation of the building  Requirements for project development: - clear statements of the client (investor) about his needs - considering the requirements and associated costs  60 - 80% of the life-cycle costs can be influenced in an early planning stage -> life-cycle calculations should be part of project development  Obtaining the best combination of economic, environmental and social sustainability refering to the project

6 Page 6 / 1908.06.2016 Source: own diagram based on MacLeamy Curve Relocation of the planning process to an early phase of the project -> positive impact on cost development Phase of project development

7 Page 7 / 1908.06.2016 3. Calculation of construction costs Construction costs are based on DIN 276-1 (DE) / ON B 1801-1 (AT)  Classification based on DIN 276-1 including: - property and site development - construction works - MEP - architectural interiors - exterior works - additional costs  A wide range of costs have to be observed for MEP

8 Page 8 / 1908.06.2016 4. Calculation of user costs User costs are based on DIN 18960 (DE) / ON B 1801-2 (AT)  according to DIN 18205: fundamental economic feasibility and financing considerations are determining user costs  Classification based on DIN 18960 including capital costs, administration costs, costs of operation and maintenance costs  Maintenance costs are increasing after 10-15 years  Uncertainties of cost estimation can be checked by using risk control -> „know your risks“

9 Page 9 / 1908.06.2016 5. Calculation of the “life-cycle yield“  Start-yield = “Anfangsrendite” (DE) Y = E / I (Y…yield, E…earnings, I…investment)  Calculation of yields is used in speculative project development  Consider: speculative project development expects at least one of the three following items: site, project idea or capital  Life-cycle yield: extension of yield by considering the whole life cycle including: - construction costs - user costs and - expected earnings

10 Page 10 / 1908.06.2016 6. Example: determining the profitability of an office building PROJECT IDEA ABSTRACT PLANNING

11 Page 11 / 1908.06.2016 Office Building data in your 3D model  Design of the building by arranging the rooms e.g. in Autodesk Revit  Abstract model containing all rooms as a basic for cost calculation  Export your data to IFC to use a software independent standard

12 Page 12 / 1908.06.2016 Office building floor plans

13 Page 13 / 1908.06.2016 Office Building import data of the 3D model  Import cost relevant data directly out of the IFC file  Optional: check for additional data in the model  Generate automatically the characteristic values of the calculation

14 Page 14 / 1908.06.2016 Office Building steps of calculation /1 A. Input of general and specific project and property data B.Choose cost data according to your practise or use data sources like BKI, sirAdos (DE), CRB (SW), imported from spreadsheet or database C.Adapt cost data to your region and other factors like VAT D.Generate a budget – control system and adapt the content

15 Page 15 / 1908.06.2016 Office Building steps of calculation /2 E.Make a detailed list of your costs according to your budget as a basis for the user costs and life-cycle yield F.Repeat steps B-E for the user costs G.Define your data for the calculation of earnings (rent, lease, etc.) H.Calculate the expected annual earnings by using the DCF – discounted cashflow method

16 Page 16 / 1908.06.2016 Office Building results  Characteristic values like gross floor / net floor / rental area  Construction and user costs within a detailed view to their components  Result of all calculations -> life-cycle yield (LCY)  Common definition of LCY is missing by now - in this example: LCY = average of all earnings / construction and user costs

17 Page 17 / 1908.06.2016 Summary  Scientific approach to create a model for a comprehensive cost estimation and calculation of the expected annual earnings  Developing specific methods to evaluate cost relevant data like maintenance costs and costs for technical equipment  Creating an „easy to use“ expert tool that enables generating variations of costs and diagrams to visualize  Influencing your costs in an early project stage by adapting the building in the model in an easy way

18 Page 18 / 1908.06.2016 Book recommendations Title: Component-related optimization in office building Consideration of cost scenarios in the lifecycle Author: Martin Moesl Pub.: May 2016, diplomica Verlag ISBN: 978-3-95934-952-9 Title: Simulation of planning and construction processes – That`s BIM Conference transcript for the IPDC 2015 Publisher: Tautschnig, A.; Froech, G.; Gaechter, W.; Moesl, M. ISBN: 978-3-90303-017-6

19 Page 19 / 1908.06.2016 Thank you for your attention!

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