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A brief presentation O rigins Activities (TA and research) since 80s Institutional cooperation (Studies on national assembly, courts, CSR issues, corruption,

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2 A brief presentation

3 O rigins Activities (TA and research) since 80s Institutional cooperation (Studies on national assembly, courts, CSR issues, corruption, public procurement) 2006 to date (Budget and Civil Society, Poverty, role of Churches, training) 2008-2010 CEIC CMI Cooperation programme

4 Development Objectives To contribute to policy analysis in order to avoid a ’resource curse’ situation in Angola. To strengthen the foundation of knowledge, relevant to Norwegian-Angolan cooperation now and in the future.

5 Project Objectives (2) To improve the extent and quality of research; To improve the extent of dissemination of policy oriented material ; To contribute to policy analysis and policy debate in Angola; To strengthen CEIC by building up administrative and research capacity;

6 Projects Programme management, Coordination and Financing 1. Project Management and Financing Capacity building for research and teaching 2. Social Science Studies 3. Augmenting teaching resources at UCAN CEIC administrative capacity 4. Acquisition, Project Control and Financial Management 5. ICT Capacity

7 Projects (2) Research programme: Peace and democratisation 6. Economic and Judicial Incentives for Peace: Dissemination and New Research 7. Effects of Angola’s 1992 election experience on the 2008-9 elections 8. Political Parties in Angola Research programme: Public finance management 9. Macro modelling 10. Analysis of the budget system and public expenditure

8 Projects (3) Research programme: Public expenditure and the poor 11. Participation, representation and taxation in local governance 12. Health, poverty and public expenditure Research programme: Investment, pro-poor growth and the private sector 13. Comparative Corporate Strategies 14. Angolan infrastructure in a regional perspective 15. Land and Legal Plurality in Angola 16. Micro Credit for Sustainable Development in Angola

9 Programme structure and timing

10 Ongoing projects Social Science Studies Effects of Angola’s 1992 election experience on the 2008-9 elections Political Parties in Angola ICT Acquisition, Project Control and Financial Management

11 - Thank you-

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