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Population Learning Objective To map where people in China live To describe what has been done in China to try and control population.

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Presentation on theme: "Population Learning Objective To map where people in China live To describe what has been done in China to try and control population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Learning Objective To map where people in China live To describe what has been done in China to try and control population

2 Activity On your post-it note, write down what you think the population of China is. Now you have your figure, as a class, form one big line from smallest to largest based on your guess. ANSWER: 1.35 billion! That’s 1,350,000,000!

3 Where do all These People Live? Where do you think these 1.35bn people live? All around China? Some of the main cities?

4 Activity Using the blank map of China you have been given and the population sheet, create a map showing where people live. You will need: A key A title A range of colours Perhaps some of the main cities labelled

5 Activity Using the map you have now produced, write a paragraph describing where people in China live. Use geographical language, such as compass directions.

6 What Are We Learning About Now? Use the following clues to work out what we will be learning about next. Remember, it will still linked to population.




10 + Y

11 Activity Everybody stand up! 1. Sit down if you have an older brother 2. Girls that are still stood up, sit down if you have an older sister (not twins!) Those of you that are stood up, congratulations, you would be alive if we lived in China! Those of you that are sat down, sorry, but you wouldn’t be.

12 China’s One Child Policy We saw before that China has a really big population. China decided that they needed to do something in order to stop the population getting too big! In 1979, China introduced a One-Child policy, meaning couples could only have one child.

13 This is Chen Jie. She is a girl living in China. Use the cards to piece together information about what happened to her and why

14 Card Sort Activity Split your page into two columns. Information on One Child Policy Chen Jie’s Story 1) Find all the factual information about the one child policy and put it into the first column. 2) Find all the information about Chen Jie and piece it together in order the order it happened.

15 Activities Use what you have found to answer the following questions. Use full sentences. 1. How many children have not been born because of the one child policy? 2. How old do couple have to be in China in order to apply for permit to have a baby? 3. For every 100 boys, how many girls are there in China? 4. How many children are kidnapped every year in China? 5. Why do police take down pictures or posters of missing children?

16 What Happened to Chen Jie? Use the information on the cards to write a paragraph in your books to explain what happened to happened to Chen Jie and why? Start from the beginning with her parents through to her being sold. You may want to use the following template, but you don’t have to.

17 Chen Jie lives in............................ Her parents work in a....................... and only earn.............. every year. Her parents are also too young to get a.................... and because of this did not get a permit to have a child. Unlike many children, Chen Jie was not at............... because according the government she does not exist. Chen Jie was out playing by a riverbank close to her home when she was.................. Her granny chased after the kidnappers but they................ Chen Jie’s parents were unable to go to................ because they would be.............. for a having a child without a permit. Chen Jie’s parents did put missing posters up about her, but these were................... because they make the country look.... It was later found out that Chen Jie was........ for $500 to a couple who didn’t have any children.

18 True or False The One Child policy has stopped the birth of 300,000 million children in China

19 True or False Many babies are stolen each year and sold to childless couples

20 True or False In China, married couples have to be over 20 to apply for a permit to have children

21 True or False Police take down posters of missing children as they think it makes the country look bad.

22 True or False There are more girls than boys in China

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