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Project PESSIS 2 Title: Social Dialogue in the Social Services Sector: the case of Italy Liaison Agency Flanders-Europe, Avenue de Cortenbergh, 71, 1000.

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Presentation on theme: "Project PESSIS 2 Title: Social Dialogue in the Social Services Sector: the case of Italy Liaison Agency Flanders-Europe, Avenue de Cortenbergh, 71, 1000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project PESSIS 2 Title: Social Dialogue in the Social Services Sector: the case of Italy Liaison Agency Flanders-Europe, Avenue de Cortenbergh, 71, 1000 Brussels Date 23 September 2014 Caterina Cortese, Social Policy Officer, fio.PSD

2 Social services sector (CISIS 2008): Interventions and Services: activities and interventions provided by the social services sector’s workers. Money Transfers: allowances allocated directly to the users and allowances allocated to those parties providing services through discounted vouchers, tariffs or fees for all users’ categories. This also includes integration (or full payment) of residential and semi-residential facilities. Centres, residential and semi-residential facilities: activities and services provided in day centres, both residential and semi-residential facilities, and services for early childhood, elderly, persons with disabilities, families, minors, adults with discomforts or homeless people.  Main social services providers are: Public Service Enterprises and Private Organizations Not for profit Organizations (NGOs)

3 How many social services organisations in the public, private, not- for-profit sectors? A few clarifications:  Industry and Service Census by the Italian national statistical Institute (ISTAT) is the main official source of information related to the social services sector  (but) available and disaggregated data not consider Public, Private, and Non-Profit sectors as a whole  Methodological criteria of collecting data of the last two Census (2001 and 2011) are different and hardly comparable

4 Table 1 – Local Active Units per social services* in the Public, Private and Third Sector (a.v.) Total Number of local active units Human health and social work activities Social services and emergency prevention Only Social Services Public109,35812,289-5,089 Enterprise-for profit 4,425,950246,770-6,942 Not For Profit347,602-35,99232,166 Tot4,882,910259,05935,99244,197 * According to the definition of PESSIS II, the mentioned social services include social services for long-term care for elderly; Care and rehabilitation for people with disabilities; social assistance services; Child-care; personal assistants and social housing; Services for homeless people, people without employment and other support services for disadvantaged groups source: ISTAT Census 2011

5 Social workers per gender and sections (N=480,430unità) MalesFemaleNo responsetot PUBBLIC29,912181,024 210,936 ENTERPRICE-for PROFIT8,58437,44750446,535 NOT FOR PROFIT39,796183,163 222,959 tot78,292401,634504480,430 Social workers per typology of services and section PUBLIC ENTERPRICE-for PROFITNOT FOR PROFIT The number of employees includes all the paid workers in the three sections source: ISTAT Census 2011 (source: ISTAT Census 2011)

6 Representativity of employees: A) Trade Unions in the Italian social services sector (Public service, State Workers, Public and Private Health, Local authorities, Firemen, Socio-health charitable educational private sector) and Extension (number of members till 2013) : 1.FP CGIL: 411,499 2.CISL FP: 325,000 3.UIL FPL: 202,239 B) Employer Organizations in the Italian social services sector (not-for-profit social organizations in Social Field) and Extension (number of members till 2013): 1.Federsolidarietà Confcooperativa: 5,879 partner enterprises and 218,121 partners 2.A.G.C.I. Solidarietà: 864 partner enterprises, 31,280 partners 3.Legacoopsociali: 2,300 partner enterprises; 110,000 partners

7 Social dialogue arrangements: There are 10 main representative CCNL (National Collective Labor Agreements) in the Italian social service sector (based on prevalent activity of provider or the name of Employers‘ organization): 1. SOCIAL COOPERATIVE : Social Cooperative of the socio-health, charitable-educational and job admission sector ; 2. UNEBA: National union of institutes and social charitable enterprises 3. ANASTE: Elderly Structure National Association 4. AGIDAE: Ecclesiastical Authority Employee Institute Association 5. AIAS: Italian Association Spastic Assistance 6. ANFFAS: National Association of Families with intellective and/or relationship Disabilities 7. ANPAS: National Association of Public Aid 8. AVIS: Italian Blood Voluntary Association 9.Misericordie: National confederation of Italy’s Mercies 10. Valdesi: Valdesi agencies and institutes Main labor issue covered Integration in social and working life; minimum income salary, Union representatives’ elections (RSU or RSA); Assembly, union information right, Area/Category, Permit, health protection, qualification, requalification and professional update, maternity and paternity, full salary and seniority in steps, Voluntary registration to the Integrating Pension fund; Integrating sanitary assistance, “apprenticeship”. Etc  Last renewal of most of them: 2012- 2013

8 Oustanding issues The social operators’ salaries, the status of social worker and working member (tris is a peculiarità of italian social cooperative), leaves, trial period, maternity leave, annual holidays, work missions The “predominant working activity” as criteria of definition of collective bargaining brings about sectorization of agreement Extreme differentiation of bargaining levels (collettive/national, decentralized and small) Late payments of the public administration to not for profit sector Recommendations  To strengthen the role of the national coordination and round tale for bargaining between Economic and Social Partners -ESP  To reach a National Collective Bargaining Agreement of sector  To improve the regulation as to the rights and duties of the working member (law no. 142/2012)  To aggregate and extend the tools and supporting the social dialogue  To promote the implementation of the EU regulation as to the favorable treatment for “public administration creditors”  To improve qualification and training of social workers

9 Partnership:

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