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Unit 7 Living With Disease. What is AIDS? AIDS stands for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" and it is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

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1 Unit 7 Living With Disease


3 What is AIDS? AIDS stands for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" and it is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). When HIV enters the human body, it will attack the CD4 cells, a kind of white blood cells, and destroy the human immune system making the infected vulnerable to attack by virus and bacteria. With the immune system destroyed, the infected will often die as a result of attack by a certain disease or diseases of different kinds.

4 December 1st Live And Let Live

5 Transmission through blood could be a result of transfusion of blood or blood products with HIV and the sharing of contaminated ( 脏的) needles. Sharing of Needles Avoid sharing needles with others. If you have not yet got rid of substance abuse, you need to practise harm reduction by refraining from injection. If you go for injection, you have to avoid sharing needles and use each time a new syringe. If you must share needles, you have to use bleach and distilled water to clean the syringe so as to reduce the chance of getting HIV infection.

6 Substance Abuse Stay away from drugs as the use of drugs will decrease the sense of self-protection and increase the chance of engaging in unsafe sex making oneself vulnerable to HIV infection. Handling Cuts Never handle others' cuts or blood with bare hands. It is necessary to use protector like latex gloves to avoid direct contact with the wounds or blood of other people to prevent contracting blood borne diseases such as tetanus, hepatitis B and HIV.

7 Can causal contacts transmit HIV? Causal contacts like shaking hands, kissing, sharing toilets and drinking fountains, eating together, going to school together or working together cannot transmit HIV. Mosquito bites Mosquito bites cannot pass on HIV as the virus cannot live inside the body of a mosquito. Mosquitoes will digest the blood they sucked and will not spit it out. Even if the mouth part of a mosquito has some infected blood, the quantity is too small to cause infection.

8 Blood donation Donating blood to the Hong Kong Red Cross cannot get infected with HIV since all the needles are new and will only be used once.




12 表: 2003 年底全球HIV/AIDS流行状况 地区 HIV/AIDS 人数 ( 万 ) 成人 HIV/AIDS 患病率 (%) 2003 年新增 HIV 感染人数 ( 万 ) 2003 年 AIDS 死亡人数 ( 万 ) 总计 37801.1480290 撒哈拉以南非洲 2500 7.5300220 南亚和东南亚 6500.68546 拉丁美洲 1600.6 208.4 东欧和中亚 1300.6364.9 北美 1000.64.41.6 东亚 900.1204.4 西欧 580.320.6 北非和中东 480.27.52.4 加勒比海 432.35.23.5 大洋洲 * 数据来源: UNAIDS 2004 年 7 月公布的全球 AIDS 流行报告


14 Image Embassador

15 The Seven Deadly Diseases Number 1 heart disease Number 2 cancer Number3 stroke( 中风) Number 4 diabetes( 糖尿病) Number 5 osteoporosis( 骨质疏松症) Number 6 arthritis (关节炎) Number 7 Alzheimer’s disease (老年痴呆症)

16 Para 1. Xiaohua is a person living with AIDS. Para 2. What is AIDS? Para 3. How do people get AIDS ? Para 5. Xiaohua decides to use the limited time to do something to help others. Para 6&7 Xiaohua helps and tries to change people’s attitude towards them. Para 4. Many children become infected with AIDS.

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